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Everything posted by Havealot

  1. Not sure what happened there. But deleting the cloth tag and replacing it with a fresh one worked for me.
  2. @HappyPolygon Here, "Edge to Spline" Capsule. It's in the scene database if you want to add it to your own database. It's a Spline Primitive that accepts a single mesh object as an input. If you want several object to be considered, just put them under a connect. I've also added selections if you want to control where which polygon outlines are turned into lines. Edge_to_Spline.c4d
  3. Pyro has is based on a grid, not particles.
  4. What scene nodes can do depends a lot on what the user can do. You can do a lot of fun stuff with just a hand full of math nodes if you know how to break things down. But that's the same in all node systems. Most of the awesome demos you get to see in Geometry Nodes rely on the ability of the individual who built the setup, not on some high level functionality that the node system offers. Same for Houdini. Most Entagma tutorials are not about using Houdini features, but about using Houdini as a versatile platform to implement interesting algorithms (often partially in VEX).
  5. @HappyPolygon I don't remember the exact source. I took it from some video in either Geometry Nodes or Houdini. The whole setup was done in Scene Nodes. It doesn't have a high level particle workflow but in the end particles are just a bunch of arrays of data and a solver that takes care of updating them for every time step. You can build your own custom particle system in Scene Nodes if you want. The memory node can serve as a container for your solver because it will give you the result of the previous execution/frame. I've attached a basic example. It randomly emits from a surface and has a built-in noise force. Particles are visualised through instanced spheres. It could be faster with a bit more work (e.g reusing entries in an array instead of resizing it when killing particles). Keep in mind that Scene Nodes does pre-rolling. So if you want to tweak parameters, better do it on frame zero. basic_particle_system.c4d
  6. I also tried to replicate this some time ago but went with a scene node setup. It uses the gradient of Chladni patterns as a force to move particles around. Unfortunately I don't have the scene file anymore and all that is left of it is a crappy render. 1000k_480.mp4
  7. @Karina P Reduce the collision margin to something lower. You can find it here: Project settings -> Bullet -> Expert -> Collision Margin. 0.1 or even 0.05 looked good in my test.
  8. @HappyPolygon Until it is fixed you can use this custom version of the random selection. To install it go to the Asset Browser -> Create menu -> "Import Assets..." and point it at the zip file (don't unzip). After you've done that there will be a new version of the asset, that is more random. random_random_selection.zip
  9. It output of the tracer is a spline, which itself doesn't have a thickness. Where to set the thickness depends on what technique you use for rendering. If you sweep them the thickness is controlled by the profile spline, if you use hair / spline rendering it is controlled via the material.
  10. Your setup is not very friendly for analysis 😉 But as far as I know you cannot time offset a procedural setup or a simulation unless you bake it.
  11. What does Voronoi fracturing have to do with fluid/liquid simulations?
  12. If you can live with a fixed camera you could consider having the particles fly towards the camera. The won't actually scale or speed them up but they will appear bigger and faster the closer they get.
  13. If anyone is interested in a Scene Nodes version of this: emit_and_displace_circles.c4d
  14. Maybe something like this: emit_and_deform_circles.c4d
  15. @SharpEars If I manually recreate this polygon with the coordinates you provides it is being classified is planar by mesh checking (with a threshold of 0°). Could you share the with the polygon in question?
  16. @kikilem If you load vdb files they will come in as volume loader objects. Put them in a volume builder and set it to the respective mode (I assume you are using fog volumes). Now you can export that as a vdb. Also works for volume sequences in case your clouds are animating. You can also use this workflow for filtering or resampling vdbs.
  17. @zeden Just copy the link and replace "c4dcafe" with "core4d", that will fix the link.
  18. There is no solution to the generation gap. Just keep in mind that you used to be annoyed when your parents or grand parents told you to stop wasting time on a computer and learn some proper job skills instead. Now it is our turn to believe the young generation is wrong, has no values and our civilisation is doomed 😄
  19. Did you try caching your output? Both Pyro and Redshift are pretty VRAM hungry. You can avoid running them at the same time by caching before you render.
  20. You can use to object index node to get the index of the currently processed object in the iteration. That can be used as a seed for randomness. But your problem description sounds like there are more elegant solutions for it. Like sweeping traced particles (or matrices) traveling along the circuit splines.
  21. If you just want the flowers to randomly open and close you can use Blend Mode in the cloner (open and closed state as children) and Fields to control the animation. I've attached an example. Looping FLowers_0001.c4d
  22. Havealot


    And here is a little Xpresso example illustrating it: de_casteljau_illustration.c4d By "Control Point and Tangent Nulls" I mean A,B,C and D.
  23. Havealot


    I came across this a few years ago. Apparently France is really into spline stuff. There is also this:
  24. How about attaching an example scene?
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