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Everything posted by maliohammad

  1. this vide might help you , and the character object is not very different than the normal rig , once you make it editable you will end up with a normal rig
  2. seems like a great plugin ! BTW , how was the jump from python to C++ ?
  3. you mean visual selector ? it works just fine with the character builder , no problem at all
  4. no , the native rigging tools are not any faster , but to get them faster just hide all the controls from the viewport , and I think it can be applied to all other rigging tools . you select them in the viewport , then chose what you want from the controls tab . it was very bad news , but I hope MAXON will buy the source code so this toolset won't disappear ....
  5. nice animation :D -------------------- --------------- it is about how you optimise it , I tried to add 10 characters with character builder rig and some animation and get 10 FPS (on mac book pro 2014 , 13" ) if you hide the controls and other things from the viewport display it would be much faster , also making the character object editable might help (but you should keep a backup , just in case ..) and might this video helps .
  6. usually I do the UVs first , but thanks for the advice :D
  7. no problem , in case if you want , there is this tut . it is very funny and useful (because the tutor is noseman :D) https://www.lynda.com/CINEMA-4D-tutorials/Welcome/360736/381590-4.html
  8. in most cases you can do the uv to half of the model , then use the symmetry object then stitch both parts later, it will take less time than full uv work and there is some free selection tools ( I prefer vonc tools , it have tons of functions and it is free !)
  9. if only they transfer the sculpting symmetry to all the other tools it would be super grate ! (and more awesome if radial symmetry is available ! BTW , why not send them a suggestion about it ?
  10. why not just use the sculpting tools on the mesh directly , it have a symmetrical features which can help while tweaking the mesh (and you can restrict it to just some points with selection )
  11. I would add some expresso to change the random seed of the random effector , maybe using the time node
  12. I would put the objects under the fracture object and use the random effector and affect the colour
  13. maybe , and it is not hardware related because aronld IPR work like a charm with very heavy scenes on my hardware . BTW , are you using Mac or PC ?maybe this have something to do with it ... I am using mac (os x yosemete )
  14. why not to try to contact him ? I am not sure he will answer , but it is better than nothing
  15. maliohammad

    Turbulence FD

    turbulence fd is fast and can create eye catching results very fast , if it fits your needs then get it . but if you want some advanced stuff then take a look at naive effex , it is harder to learn but the result is much different and the development is still going on and it will support OpenVDB and more features those are some old samples (old versions of the plugin ) :
  16. maliohammad

    Swap objects

    you are welcome :)
  17. it is nice to have you here :D BTW , it would be nice to share your videos on the cafe , so people will know when there is a new video .
  18. maliohammad

    Swap objects

    is this similar to what you want ?
  19. maliohammad

    Swap objects

    you want group a children to have the same PSR as group b ?
  20. I just downloaded the demo , and the IPR (on cpu ) is so so slow , it is the same speed as magic preview (and maybe magic preview is faster ) I just added a sphere and one light , no materials no complex geometry ..etc and it is slow as hell .... I will try the other things that aren't related to the IPR Now ......
  21. this kind of things is complex for me , but I think you should have it as an external file and read the data with python , check the project files it will help you to check the code
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