see the xpresso tag (Text Ypos) to check how I limited the max . it is simple compare to check if the user data >= the count .
I used a node to convert vector to real , because the count is a vector (x,y,z ) then multiplied them (you can add inputs to the math node as much as you want .) then linked it to the compare node . and finally a condition node (if value is 0 then it will take the first input , and if value is 1 it will take the second input and if the value is 2 it will take the third input and so on . and the compare node outputs 2 values , if the condition of comparison is true then it will output 1 , and if it is false then it will output 0 )
and I didnt make any expresso node to limit the min , because it should be 0 and can be limited from the user data settings . also I changed the max value to 100000 so it will not annoy you while you are working , and set the limit slider to a lower value so it will be easier to read and change , but I think it is better to set the slider limit to 100 instead of 5
Clone Test.c4d