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Status Replies posted by 3DKiwi

  1. A mild 31 deg C here in NZ where I am :)

  2. A mild 31 deg C here in NZ where I am :)

  3. 4 seats of Modo 501, playing with it now :)

  4. Just seen Tron 3D. Visually stunning. Story was ok.

  5. Someone with the IP is up to no good. You're wasting your time dude!!

  6. Check out the the downloads section. Sexy!!

  7. Just finished puting up all of my outside Christmas lights :)

  8. Taking measures to stop the cafe's tuts being downloaded by non members i.e. stopping files being linked to

  9. Updated BP DVD is finished. I will be getting in touch with people who I owe a free upgrade to over the next few days. Once those people have been looked after the videos will be on sale :)

  10. Looks like we will be back over 10,000 in the next few hours again :)

  11. Thinking about the next challenge

  12. Painting Fred's head in BP.

  13. Duh!! Taken me 2 weeks to figure out my desktop mounted microphone is picking up vibrations from the computer fans creating background noise. Lift it up, no more background noise. So simple!!

  14. Editing a new BP tutorial from the updated BP DVD (actually going to be a download)

  15. Believe it or not I have finished recording all of updated BP DVD tutorials. Give me a couple of weeks to do the editing. About 500 minutes worth. Shorter than the last one but I'm not spending 9 hours UV mapping and painting a spitfire. So there's actually more in depth explanation on how things work.

  16. On the home straight with the updated BP DVD. The end is in site and I expect to have it on sale before well before the end of the year. Don't ask for a date but it could be sooner rather than later

  17. Off to the dentist soon. The worst part is not the drill but the bill :)

  18. Thanks Keith Aldridge & MV Duffy for the donation. I just need your member name. Please get in touch.

  19. Donations are being taken again. Phew I was starting to get worried how I was going to pay the bills :)

  20. Working on the new BP DVD (Which will be a download this time around). Gotta say what I've done so far is much better than than the first DVD :)

  21. Working on the new BP DVD (Which will be a download this time around). Gotta say what I've done so far is much better than than the first DVD :)

  22. The big storm has hit. Thunder & Lightning. Raining sideways because the wind is so strong.

  23. The big storm has hit. Thunder & Lightning. Raining sideways because the wind is so strong.

  24. The big storm has hit. Thunder & Lightning. Raining sideways because the wind is so strong.

  25. The big storm has hit. Thunder & Lightning. Raining sideways because the wind is so strong.

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