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Everything posted by 3DKiwi

  1. Surely that's possible now using the modelling axis settings? Just a matter of changing the axis to "selected" and enable the "Normal" option. You can now work on multiple component islands, usually polygons. Not sure why you're getting bad geometry with the bevel tool. C4D's bevel tool works pretty well for me and geometry is clean. That said, you should regularly run the Mesh Checking utility and clean up any bad geometry.
  2. MAXON was uploading the R19 videos to Vimeo a week ago. Recall, by mistake the Sound Effector video was public briefly. This means the announcement is imminent. This ties in what what they've done in the past and I can't think why they would change. It could be MAXON's Tuesday around midday rather than Monday 31 July. This gives them a day an bit back at work after the weekend to finish preparing their site. Whenever it is, it's very close. Yup, the main feature of R19 will be a free render engine. Recall that Cycles for Blender is also free but you have to pay for the bridge to C4D. You're paying for MAXON's time to integrate it. Some will love it but for others they will still need to use the existing render engines as ProRender won't support C4D's material system 100%. Some of the shaders and special f/x won't be supported. Plus a list of other stuff as well.
  3. R19 should be announced by MAXON sometime in the next 24 hours after Siggraph has started and around midday German time on Monday 31 July when the marketing dept is at work and can make the R19 pages visible on their web site. As usual there will be a launch by MAXON USA at Siggraph. Re Bodypaint. We're still in the R18 cycle until September when R19 ships so there's still time yet for it to be included. Bit of a yawn if you ask me. The main new feature in R19 is AmdProrender. People expecting UV tool enhancements / faster object handling are going to have to wait until R20.
  4. It works. Well done. I used to do a bit VBA a long time ago. I see in the latest 3D World Magazine. AMD is promoting AMD ProRender and R19. Excellent results.
  5. Thanks. We're up and running again. Clicking on "Unread content" does nothing. You just get the page that you were on, no new posts etc.
  6. Have you changed the font? This Times font is hard to read.
  7. A bit of an over simplification. Modo's 11 does include new stuff and I'm sure the entire 11 cycle will include at least as much as MAXON includes in R19. It's rather light so far but there is new stuff. And there's 11.2 to come yet. The procedural modeling that came in Modo 10 is a game changer for me. I'll be handing over my $399 to upgrade today now that the demo has expired.
  8. Yeah I like the dark theme as well. Well done
  9. Yeah you are. It's $399 to upgrade from Modo 10.2 via their new annual maintenance plan but if you skip version 11 then you'll have to pay $599 to upgrade to 12 and then pay $599 annually. It's debatable that the most cost effective way to upgrade is to upgrade every second year. I'll be handing over my $399 tomorrow when my demo expires. Version 11 is working well for me with zero crashes in a month. Re .5 days. R19 is essentially 18.5 just as R17 was 16.5. There's a perception that .5 upgrades should cost less than a full number upgrade and when MAXON moved to the annual maintenance scheme (MSA) the price had to be constant hence the reason for ditching the .5 versions.
  10. I'm on Chrome. I've ditched Firefox. Chrome works better plus all my Android phone and tablet are synched with Google apps.
  11. Re attachments. I can recall myself and others bringing this up years ago. Think I ended up installing a Firefox extension that mass selected check boxes on a page.
  12. Yeah interesting blog post. My take on it was that MAXON are softening you / us up for R19 that doesn't include the big enhancements that many are waiting for i.e. faster object handling, updated UV tools, material nodes etc. I think for some Prorender will make R19 a great upgrade and for others that don't need GPU rendering it will be a really weak upgrade and on par with the lack lustre R17 upgrade.
  13. Have fun with the upgrade. Glad I don't have to stress over these things anymore :)
  14. I agree with Hsrdelic. People are getting excited about nothing.
  15. Nah, just ditch C4D and come on over to Modo I haven't got Polystein but I'm using 2 other modelling kits by the same developer. One is a whole heap of modelling scripts that do some cool stuff and the other one is a live hard boolean workflow where you can move your objects around and things update. C4D can do this but it's very CPU taxing.
  16. Re MoGraph Sound Effector. Looks like someone from MAXON was uploading the R19 videos and got the permissions to view wrong (Now changed). What they have likely done is made the sound effector more intuitive to use as it was a bit hard to use before. Plus given it a new interface for the settings with an improved frequency graph. We'll know in a week.
  17. I think R19 won't feature much at all in the presentations or more accurately R19 features won't feature. It's more about here's what great stuff you can do with C4D and demonstrating how to do it and or giving an overview of how they did it. Unless the presenter is a Beta tester or VIP user then they won't have got their hands on R19 yet or would have only been given it recently. That said I would fully expect to see R19 enhancements like ProRender being demonstrated by MAXON staff and maybe some Beta testers that would have been using it for a while. I predict that there's nothing to do with VR at all in R19. We'll find out soon enough as there's only 11 days to go until Siggraph.
  18. Nodes will say undefined if there's something undefined. I'm looking at your scene. Something not right with it as the user data isn't being picked up. I'll report back when I've figured it out. Got it. Just open the XPresso editor and look for a Node with the name "Object". It's in the upper middle. It says "Undefined" on 3 of the ports. Delete this node and things seem to work. Hope this helps.
  19. Yes they have a pool out the back. They have a summer party that Beta tester's get invited to.
  20. It's really up to MAXON to give the paying customers something to be happy about and address long term issues. Until then there's going to be negativity. Sadly I predict, many won't be happy with R19. R20 could be a different story and I'll be the first to sing their praises if they deliver big time. Yeah no need for personal attacks and offensive posts and the new owners are more tolerant than I would be. I've been highly critical of MAXON but I've never resorted to personal attacks (I think). The people at MAXON are nice people trying to do good things for their customers and their heart is in the right place.
  21. No need for this. Very childish. Edited: Removed the quoted offensive content.
  22. Correct. Any potential review of the super duper R20 would be done with the demo version. I think if I ever do get back into C4D it would be the base version. Studio is way over priced and the base version has most of the stuff I use. Actually Blender is worth keeping an eye on as it's getting to be a strong 3D app. Somewhere I've seen a replacement and more conventional gui for it. Off topic. The developers of Modo are doing a good job. Stability isn't an issue. I've been running the latest 11.1 for a couple of weeks and it hasn't crashed once. Like C4D users there's plenty of people complaining. I'm reasonably happy with what they are doing. The upgrade pricing system has changed that some don't like as it's moved to a MAXON like MSA system although it's a bit more flexible allowing you to skip years but then have to pay a higher annual maintenence fee. I plan to pay the annual $399 US.
  23. I actually think when the new core and super fast object handling comes, then there will be some crazy stuff / massive changes. Xpresso as we know it will likely be replaced by a complete node system or Xpresso 2 for everything including materials. I'm looking forward to it. I may even do one of my epic reviews.
  24. All I'm saying is not all plugin developers are treated equally. A handful of VIP developers will likely get there hands on the next version at the same time as the Beta testers do. Since R19 is not out yet I doubt anyone other than MAXON is running a development version of R20. For sure a couple will be running R19 now and they will be making there product compatible if required.
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