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Everything posted by 3DKiwi

  1. Very unlikely. The MAXON Blog was introduced after the mediocre R17 to buy MAXON some time until R18 and just beyond. It has served its purpose. I expect R20 to be a significant upgrade i.e. the fast new core, new UV tools, XPresso 2, material node system etc.
  2. 3DKiwi

    Leaving C4D-Land.

    Thanks Isleofgough. See, I'm as equally critical of Modo as I am of Cinema 4D. What irked me was The Foundry saying "Best in class...". Some tools are but the ones you use most are not. However they have said in a video podcast that more improvements to the Bevel tool will come in time.
  3. 3DKiwi

    Leaving C4D-Land.

    Much improved. The procedural modelling in Modo is a game changer. In C4D you can for example apply a non destructive edge bevel with the bevel deformer. Imagine if half the modelling operations / tools could be applied non destructively. That's what you get with Modo's procedural modelling. On top of that is Mesh Fusion, live booleans with edge filleting.
  4. 3DKiwi

    Leaving C4D-Land.

    I haven't tried Modo's particles. They appear to be a an easier system to use the Thinking Particles but behind X-Particles. Some of the clicking in Modo can be done away with by customizing the tools so that they work in a similar fashion to C4D e.g. auto activate rather than having to click first in the viewport. Where it shines is polygon modelling. Wherever possible I use procedural modelling. This allows non desctructive polygon modelling with many polygon tools supported. You can then go back and for example make an extrude or inner extrude a different amount. Cloning is now possible like using C4D's clonder object although there is only limited effector support at present.
  5. 3DKiwi

    Leaving C4D-Land.

    Procedural text is now possible in Modo. Procedural modelling in Modo is a long way ahead of C4D now.
  6. 3DKiwi

    Leaving C4D-Land.

    Have tried out the new procedural modelling in Modo? There's now very little where C4D is ahead.
  7. 3DKiwi

    Leaving C4D-Land.

    It's UV tools look to be superior to Bodypaint / C4D so that's half of Bodypaint covered. As for 3D painting does anyone still use Bodypaint?
  8. 3DKiwi

    Leaving C4D-Land.

    I totally understand. I gather the guys at Houdini also talk to their user base a whole lot more than MAXON does.
  9. Probably the same magazine that I had that got me into C4D. Think I may still have it somewhere. I've also got C4D version 5 kicking around somewhere as well.
  10. I may have put you wrong. I'm doing things from memory as I haven't used C4D for a couple of years.
  11. Sounds like an Object List node plus a Memory node would do the trick. With the object list node you add objects to the list. You can reference each one by an index number. The Memory node stores previous states / properties.
  12. Yes. Check out the following tutorial:
  13. Happy to help. In fact I really enjoy these type of questions as sometimes I don't actually know the answer and have to figure it out. It then becomes a learning process for me as well.
  14. You mean something like this :) Have a look at my setup. First I got the parenting right. Then set up the orientation of the Null pivot so that it would target along its Z axis. Made the arm aim at a Null target using a Target expression tag. Used an Up Vector Null to control which way the arm faces. This also prevents flipping. Hope this helps. Octopod_0001.zip
  15. I don't block the ads abd still get the sticky note. Just close it as mentioned.
  16. A manual way of doing this would be to spell your word out in individual letters (easily done by using a text spline and using the separate object option then making editable, hierarchial option on Extrude object as well). Animate the letters in their position, scrub the timeline then rearrange the letters and record a position keyframe. Now scrub back half way and use the Randomize tool to move the letters to some random position. Record a keyframe. Here's what I mean. Really easy to do. anagram.zip
  17. Hi Kath Yeah as mentioned I still lurk around here. I gave up waiting on MAXON to upgrade C4D and moved on to Modo. My main interest is modelling and generally Modo is better at modelling than C4D is. This also coincided with me wanting to step aside from running the cafe so that I could devote more time to cycling. I now compete in Masters level cycling races at a national level. Regards Nigel
  18. I'm sure it will transform into something wonderful :)
  19. But if they put ProRender in Prime then Prime users get 90% of R19 for a MSA price of $250 compared to the Studio's $650. Somewhere they needed to give the illusion that the $650 MSA has some benefit over and above what people using and paying less are receiving.
  20. I agree with Cutman for a change. The new super fast C4D when it comes will look much the same as it does now and function much the same. C4D is a modular type application so modules like MoGraph plug into the core application. A lot of work and thought would have gone into how to rewrite the core without having to rewrite the modules. Some however like modelling and Bodypaint have likely been largely rewritten. Re R19. Think I pretty much nailed it with my predictions. I picked it wouldn't be the big one, Prorender would be big feature, some MoGraph enhancements, no UV / Bodypaint enhancements apart from some token gesture stuff (grow / shrink selection), no modelling enhancements apart from some under the hood stuff then the usual list of assorted enhancements. So for R20 here goes: Super fast object handling, nodes everything including materials (if you want), updated / rewritten UV tools, proper symmetry modelling. Possibly with R20 or coming later a replacement for Thinking Particles. I would expect with the enhanced node system to be able to do some cool procedural modelling type stuff / animations but you'll need to be willing to put some time into learning how all the nodes work. Re plugins for R20. Since the new core will be fully functional plugins / 3rd party renderers will need some major work to work with R20. Just speculating big time here. Anyway, fun times ahead.
  21. Good to hear. Are you having a few problems? I've had a few error messages etc over the last couple of days.
  22. And even I agree. It's great that both C4D and Modo are getting Prorender. The more mainstream 3D applications using it the better for everyone. I'll wait until it's out and look at upgrading my graphics card once I see how other people are getting on using it and what GPU they are using to get good results. I reckon an 8gb card at least.
  23. Re ProRender. Even me as a critic of MAXON doesn't have a problem with them only having it in the higher versions of Cinema 4D. It would have taken a lot of developer time with plenty more yet to come. That time has to be paid for. AMD and The Foundry have announced ProRender coming for Modo as well. People will need to upgrade to the latest version of Modo to get when it comes out.
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