Hi Dave. Thanks for your thoughts. My house rolled a lot. It was like it was floating on water and a boat went past and you got the wake and it was rolling around a lot. Went on for 2 minutes as it was 2 earthquakes one after the other. At the time I said to my wife, "if that wasn't close to us then somewhere just hit by the big one". We then went online and looked at the NZ Geonet site to see where the earthquake was and saw that it was in the south island. We're in the bottom part of the North Island so knew it would have been severe for those closer. There was an aftershock quake that we felt last evening watching TV. My wife said she felt one in the afternoon when I was outside mowing the lawn.
Yeah road damage is severe with multiple rock falls . Here's a photo from this morning's newspaper. See the train track has been pushed out into the sea.