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Everything posted by 3DKiwi

  1. C4DS - excellent. Suggest you upload this file to the Cafe's download section. The points to circle script is one of the most downloaded files from the Cafe. Having a radius adjust option would be super cool. Modo has a points (edges and polygons) function that works the same but with options to change the radius and spin the selection. I use it regularly.
  2. You're over thinking this Fastbee. Unless you're thinking of applying I wouldn't stress over it.
  3. Pretty good news from the sound of things. To go global I would hope that MAXON does away with the restrictions they place on 3rd party resellers. e.g. From New Zealand I can't buy C4D from a US reseller as I've done with other 3D apps like Modo and ZBrush.
  4. I like the dark skin. I like have the unread content button at the top rather than having to scroll to the bottom. I still reckon it's too hard to find the cafe's free tutorials. They should have a link of their own along side "Gallery".
  5. I'll try to be fair and balanced (tough I know :) ) Had a bit of time now to look through things. This is clearly the best and biggest update in years and there's a lot of things I like. However it's not the "Big one" as many of us were expecting. The antique UV toolset is part of the old core so with no updated UV toolset R20 is still heavily reliant on the old core. Hence no big improvements in handling lots of objects apart from multi instances. My guess is the core is done and has been done for a few years. Problem is they were late starting on the UV toolset rewrite. To take out the old UV toolset they have to put in the new core completely and they can't put that in until the UV toolset is more or less complete. I think if I was still using C4D I would be reasonably happy with the update although it largely depends on what you do and what version you are running. As a hobbyist who might only be using the Prime version I'm disappointed to see that I wouldn't be getting the new volume modelling, probably the thing that I would get most use out of. Looks like my Bodypaint tutorials are safe for another year with the toolset still the old one as mentioned. MAXON are really dragging the chain updating the UV tools. MoGraph users should be pretty happy and there's plenty for them to play with. So well done to MAXON and their team. Some excellent enhancements but I think you should say when the full new core with updated UV tools are coming. But I can't see anyone using another 3D app busting their gut to jump ship to R20. In fact Blender 2.8 looks like it could pick up a few disgruntled users from various 3D apps. So is Modo that I use any better with their upgrades. Nope. The Foundry aren't piling on the new stuff. It's more about incrementally refining and enhancing things over 3 releases per year rather than dropping everything in one hit. I'm into modelling so the last few versions have focussed a lot on modelling improvements so I'm generally happy. Stability with Modo isn't really an issue any more and it's generally very stable. Not as stable as C4D but a long way from the crash fest it used to be. This means I won't be buying myself a copy of R20 Prime. I can afford it but since there's no updated UV tools, no volume modelling and no Physical renderer I'll be hanging to my money. Plus I can't believe it, but to get Prorender I would need to buy the Studio edition (as per MAXON's product comparison page). Ludicrous!! Enjoy R20 everyone :) Nigel / 3DKiwi
  6. A lot. Modo has some pretty cool modelling systems that I can't see Cinema 4D having any time soon. By that I mean Meshfusion and procedural modelling. That said there are things I miss like spline modelling in C4D. Modo does splines (called curves) but it's rather basic. I think a more likely scenario is I run both. I've just shelled out US $399 for another year's maintenance for Modo so not about to ditch it any time soon. I would just buy the base version of C4D if I was to get back into C4D. I think at a minimum R20 should have a completely new UV editing system. This would include udim support, support for edges and be a lot easier to use than it is now. Anyone that's used Modo for UV mapping knows it's light years ahead of C4D. That plus the new super fast core which I assume will be multi-threaded. XPresso would then also be multi threaded. Highly likely is a nodal material system being part of an updated XPresso. Then there will be a number of enhancements across the app e.g. Mograph, rendering, modelling, remembering that there's a new modelling core that we saw in R19. We'll know in a couple of weeks :)
  7. I expect R20 to be the big one. i.e. new / fast core that can handle a ton of objects, rewritten UV tools, XPresso 2. Possibly as well: nodal material system, modelling tool enhancements, new particle system to replace TP. Fun times ahead.
  8. I wouldn't hold your breathe for a R20 review from me. But hey, anything's possible. Things are looking up for MAXON going by the Day 1 blog post from the new CEO. One of my criticism's of MAXON was communication with their customers so it's very good to see something from the person at the top.
  9. If it's the big one that we hope and expect it to be I may just buy the Prime version. I could then use both Modo and C4D. Ironically at the moment I'm doing a Blender hard surface and robot modelling course and learning Blender although I may use Modo instead for the Robot part of the course. I'm using Bforartists rather than the regular Blender.
  10. One of the reasons for rewriting the core was to allow much quicker object handling / viewport speed. Expect to see major improvements in C4D's ability to handle lot of of objects, particles etc.
  11. I also think that this announcement pretty much confirms R20 is the big one i.e. the new core that we've been waiting for, for a very long time. The 3 bosses will then be leaving on a high and at the end of an era and the start of another with the new Cinema 4D.
  12. I would say it's a good thing. Hopefully we'll see a more open MAXON rather than a company that keeps their cards close to their chest.
  13. Yeah excellent interview and I would like to think that the Cafe has played some small part in helping MAXON get to where it is today. When we started our free video tutorials online in 2004 there was virtually no one else doing free online video tutorials. (YouTube didn't start until 2005). Nigel / 3DKiwi
  14. Yup, R20 will be out in September so think about it before parting with your money. That said if you buy R19 now along with the MSA you'll get R20 when it ships. You'll just need to renew your MSA same time next year before R21 comes out.
  15. 3DKiwi

    Lego Technic Motorcycle

    mabad - I have 6 real Lego Technic motorcycles. Photo attached. 3 modelled so far. 3 to go. I can apply the decals to the real model now that I've scanned them and done my Modo version of it. bezo - There is a "B" model motorcycle version that you can build, then if you have additional parts you make your own custom models. Mine, I've just built once and they will stay assembled forever. I had a great time with Lego when I was child as did my kids after me. Generally Modo is quicker at modelling than Cinema 4D is. C4D's edge bevelling is superior although The Foundry have said they will be looking at the bevel tool. Modo's procedural polygon modelling is a game changer. A lot of my stuff starts off as a procedural model as it allows you to go back and change things.
  16. From the album: Lego

    My latest Lego Technic creation. A few of the parts were modelled with C4D, the majority with Modo.
  17. From the album: Lego

    My latest Lego Technic creation. A few of the parts were modelled with C4D, the majority with Modo.
  18. From the album: Lego

    My latest Lego Technic creation. A few of the parts were modelled with C4D, the majority with Modo.
  19. I would just pay someone to rig it up for you. Couple of hour job at most.
  20. So these were no use? As for your model not lining up, the trick is to get it set up then drop the assembly under a parent null. You then orientate the null however you want. Sorry I do not have the time to be able to help you out any further apart from referring you to my 2 tutorials.
  21. The new and much quicker core. On screen playback will be fast. Nodes everything including materials. Updated Xpresso / node system. UV toolset essentially rewritten. A new particle system to replace Thinking Particles. If it doesn't come in R20 it will come later. More modelling tool enhancements to take advantage of the rewritten modelling core.
  22. Sort of signals that R20 is going to be a big release. And because it's going to be big they assume they can get away with a price increase as you'll all be blown away with the improvements. Modo that I use costs US $399 per year for its equivalent maintenance system so neither are cheap. Fun times ahead.
  23. I've gone back to Photoplus 6. Sure Affinity Photo can do some clever things but a lot of the time I just want to do some basic editing of photos and the previous program is easier to work with.
  24. New Year's day here already in New Zealand. Happy New Year to all the cafe members :) Re 50,000 members. I actually used to delete inactive members and had a modification that deleted anyone that hadn't visited the cafe in the previous 12 months if they had no forum posts. Reason being is having a large membership slows the server down and the database is much larger and can make taking database backups problematic. Had I not done this the cafe would in fact be showing over 220,000 members (Just hover over the name of a new member to see their member number). But anyway well done. It's great to see the cafe still going strong. I think 2018 is going to be an interesting year for C4D users. Hopefully R20 is the big one with the new core and I'm predicting it will be. Cheers Nigel / 3DKiwi
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