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Everything posted by Jops

  1. Here it is. it was called rBool in a quick google search I found a old link that is still working: http://cinema4dnews.blogspot.com/2012/11/plugins4cinema4d-rboole-plugin.html well the link goes to insydium but it is the prove that there was something 9 years ago. really I can not understand, why they didnt implement it considering that we didn't come far with poly bools in the last 9 years 🙂
  2. It was for cinemas own renderer. it basically used the alpha channel (if I remember right) and calculated the maps considering the overlapping of the objects.
  3. there was a plugin for that in cinema some years ago. it worked quite well. I always didn't understand why it wouldn't make its way into the main app or other render engines. it was such a relief to be able to cut complicated geometry in half without calculating time or bad meshes. For me this would be a big feature. I mean everyone wants to boole once in a while 😉
  4. Jops

    Cinema R25 Release

    I started with R6 bought every second version or so till MSA then every version every year (all together a cabinet full of boxes 🙂. Till R21 when the MSA got canceled by maxon. They basically forced me to decide for every version again. But the higher price (compared with the MSA I had for years) in combination with little developement in areas that I needed did not stimulate me enough. I planed to update R25 (not because I saw the need, more because I wanted to stay somehow up to date. But I really don't see the need to learn a new UI If It doesn't come with any features I want. I can have everything (besides UVs) in a version I am UI fluent in. Its not that I have major problems with a UI change as such. I can imagine that it is better now. But if it is not combined with compelling features, for old users it is just a invented hurdle without benefit. I even might be able to accept that ( I am undecided) But If the new UI is not complete on top of that?! It really just makes no sense at all! And I din't say that it is the end of the world, or that no one ever could like it or be happy again. I just said, that I wait for the update to decide If I give Maxon 1600€ for a UV workflow I would pay 150€ somewhere else and a techpreview that might be of use to learn future workflows.
  5. Jops

    Cinema R25 Release

    I will wait for the update that normaly comes after three month or so. As I would purchase a perpetual update I can not hope for anything after that. If the icons are complete and maybe even a possibility to switch to the old icons I might update. This UI thing really turned me a bit off and as I besides UV dont feel any difference between R20/R21 (that I have) and the S24 that I work on for a client I struggle to carve out 1600€ for basically nothing (subjective of course).
  6. Jops

    Cinema R25 Release

    everyone should have a life besides the work that is true for artists and developers. And everyone has the right for this. I think that the discussion about harder work distracts from the real issue. I am convinced that a lot of work is done. But why do so many questions remain unanswered, many of which have nothing to do with development. The first question is why is so little of the work visible? That is easy to answer. It is because maxon is working on the new core and that is basically recreating the software from scratch. The rest of the questions are not that simple to answer - for example why is this transition so poorly communicated? Yes as a regular forum member you hear about it but people that are not part of such a community just see the "lack" of development. Capsules could have been presented super sexy (each capule is basically a new feature) with mind blowing examples and a view into the future also the rest of the marketing material is quite medioker. Marketing and customer communication do not need developers. Btw. I am not talking about better marketing blah blah or new logos. I am talking about communication with value. But as people do not directly pay for marketing I guess it is reduced to the bare minimum. An other question is: why is redshift not integrated into c4d. And if there are no plans to integrate it. why Is the material and reflectance mess not worked on. or - why are the development planes not communicated ( I understand the problems with that, but other companies seam to get it working quite well, they are even able to organize customer input in a way, that the customers feel valued and not ignored) And - Why is customer goodwill given away so easily by company decisions that make the impression that maxon could gain anything by punishing the old user base. Most of these points have little to do with development capacities and it is these questions that never get truly answered. The inability or unwillingness to answer these kind of questions fuel the displeasure that is visible not just on this forum and not just by a few. I basically have talked to NO college the last two years that is not aware this. And all of them look at it concerned. Customers do a s a group not magically decide to be unhappy about the product or its conditions. It is the company that it responsible for this through its decisions. And if the situation is, that the visible development can not keep up with the expectations or the competition, then a company needs to change something else. What I don't mean with this is trying to lock its customers in, wich seems to be the main measurement maxon has done.
  7. judging from the first generation of M chips they will be super efficient, and most probably also be very performant. My guess is, that they will compete with workstations as notebooks might be no match. If it outperforms the competition it can be priced accordingly and in contrast to the Mac Pro these Notebooks are (most propably) unreached in performance, therefore I think that the prices are acceptable. It is actually the first time since the old cheese grater that the price seems acceptable for me. I would love it to be a pc notebook, but never the less I am happy, as competition is good for development. remember the days that intel was lonely on the top of CPU developement. nearly 10 years of near stagnation. Now we have 3 competing CPUs und even 4 competing GPUs with intel and apple also in the game. I am really eager to see those benchmarks.
  8. those M chips really look very impressive. hopefully the PC world will be able to catch up 🙂 soon. I am not really into these closed ecosystems 🙂
  9. hey Igor, the sound is very good. Absolutely nothing to complain about here. Your written english is very good (prooven in this forum over and over again) but writing and speaking are two very different things. I really am in no position to criticize you but what I do when I do not feel completely confident in the language i present in, is: I capture the video and talk to it in my own language. then translate the text and record it while reading loud. (to get your spoken text out of the video youtube subtitel algorythm might help. for translations I love deelp.com) after that I put it back on the video. This workflow has some advantages. 1. you dont get pauses into the video that might turn your listeners down. 2. you really can say what you want to and find the correct translation after wards instead of fighting your way around a word you don't know. 3. even though you basically do it twice. It might be more rewarding and maybe even quicker, because the risk to have to start over and over again is minimized. You can not be picture in picture all the time, but for me this is the least important feature (seeing the presenter at the beginning is nice though) good luck with all that, Jops
  10. Jops

    Cinema R25 Release

    You are absolutely entitled to you option. But you really have to state them without personal assaults. It does't help anybody - not the forum, not the user, and also not yourself.
  11. Jops

    Cinema R25 Release

    Icecaveman If you read this again, you will shure recognize, that this goes to far. Don't you think? But Everyone gets carried away once in a while.
  12. Jops

    Cinema R25 Release

    I have to give you maxon guys credit for the communication on the last view pages. For me It is a big difference to Maxons normal way of communicating. You might not able to see it or to maintain it in the future, but the first 35 pages resulted in you explaining instead of just using the standard phrases like " we are listening to you" without any further explanation. You gave more insights then normally in a year. And you try to make yourself understood by sharing information and reasoning. Keeping this up would be a good step to a better understanding and less frustration. That doesn`t mean, that I think everything is clear now, as unlogic und unexplained decisions by maxon still persist (big example being: sub vs perpetual pricing and features). But this is supposed to be a compliment for a good start not the beginning of a new or continued rant. It might be a Déjà-vu, but I think I already wrote something like this some years ago 🙂
  13. Jops

    Cinema R25 Release

    Absolutely, as long as seldom use is not seen as a sign that working on such features is not worth the afford.
  14. Jops

    Cinema R25 Release

    Maybe c4d could just fetch the license if it is not used on another computer? If I understand correctly that would solve the problems? I can imagine, that these analytics are very interesting. But it also explains some things for me if you use them as a information what gets used and what not. If you try to determent which features are obsolete, or are not worth improving, because they don't get used. Don't forget, that people just might not use them because they are old and not state of the art anymore. for example pyrocluster. I bet people would love to render nice looking fast fog or clouds, but pyrocluster is appoximately 15 years old and because people don't use a outdated part of c4d doesn't mean that there wouldn't be a demand for a state of the art version. other examples might be thinking particles, teamrender, cloth or sketch and toon. As you know there are quite some parts of the software, that have aged (or are not that good implemented as we are used to from maxon as teamrender) I am quite shure, that Analytics is not the only reason why they don't get love, but just because they don't get used, doesn't mean there wouldn't be a demand.
  15. Jops

    Cinema R25 Release

    You are right, the lack of acknowledgement is fueling this discussion. But it hardly can be expected from srek to admit a mistake of the company. That would be the job of the CEO. But we will not see that.
  16. Jops

    Cinema R25 Release

    I think that even if R25 would have been packed with the best features and overhauls of old features people still would be bewildered why a UI change like this was necessary. But with it being the main feature the new UI can be as good as it wants to be the perception that maxon doesn't listen to its customers that didn't complain about the UI but about many other things for years persists. some might get the impression, that the UI change was inflated to at least get one major feature into the release. the (maybe necessary) change of the user interface mechanics might have been better received if the old icons where used. Then people would get the chance to at least visually find their way into the new interface.
  17. Jops

    Cinema R25 Release

    You are right, that the perseption changes over time, and that statements on Youtube tend to be over the top. I looked for equivalent videos for R21 and before and just could find this one from R19. The statements there tend to be quite a bit friendlier though.
  18. Jops

    Cinema R25 Release

    @BoganTW I have the impression, that the perception of the situation of perpetual and subscription, has a lot to do with the history different people have with C4D. Out of curiosity may I ask you how long you use C4D and what version you currently are at? best regards Jops
  19. I think that it is acceptable to charge a small fee. But fist i find the fee to high, second it is just a another treat for the perpetuals. an third: I unfortunately do not believe that this argument is valid. You could senior mangement make do this job, then you can charge even more. 🙂 And The person that sells the license might as well have supported the company for 20 years. But in return doesn't get supported by the company when he wants to maybe sell one of his licenses.
  20. A person in germany earning 6500€ before taxes costs a company in west germany round about 82€/h including all costs for desks, computers, coffee and so on. looks like a lot of work to me when one license swap takes more than 2 hours. Microsoft could dry the swamp of second hand licenses (that they hate) just by inventing such a fee like this. But they might see problems with the right to sell used software in the EU.
  21. Jops

    Cinema R25 Release

    I want to support everything you said today. You can express yourself much better than I can in a foreign language. But you nailed it. Thanks
  22. Jops

    Cinema R25 Release

    i'm sorry, but this hardly qualifies as a conversation. notification would probably be a more appropriate term. in principle, it confirms my post above. The discussion just knows one direction. Funny how important the vivid community is in the marketing and how unimportant some few guys in there forum bubble are.
  23. Jops

    Cinema R25 Release

    maybe I just don't have access to all those MSA customers that where begging for higher perpetual prices, all those users that where fed up with their access to cineversity or those that where screaming for a new UI. as I said before, you are responsible for the reactions of your customers. If you don't like the reactions, then you can change something. But if you don't change anything, don't be upset by the reactions.
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