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Everything posted by Jops

  1. 1. The feature nobody expected, and nobody wants: a daily two factor autentification system to start c4d. 2. The feature they've sneakily removed without telling anyone: perpetual licenses.
  2. I would be surprised If I saw this in my daily rate 🙂
  3. Hi, i can't help you with the scaling (don't have the time figure out al the matrix multiplication stuff now.) but if you use a point selection instead of a edge selection I here figured out a way to evaluate which points are saved in the selection. I overwrite their position with 0,0,0. maybe this is a first step. good luck Jops evaluate point selection tag.c4d
  4. this was a very professional presentation. I think the community centric setup, the huge free offerings and the urge to use all the complex tech to give the user a easy to use interface to super easily archive the most common tasks... I really think that is the way to go. I think also the old school 3d Programms need tools that just take care of the most needed tasks. I mean how many skys, cities or streets need to be setup all the time, and how complicated is is to get for example a sky with animated clouds. It is like a mussician that always has to build his instrument before he can make music.
  5. Jops

    Raptorize by Maxon

    Wow I really like it. there went quite some work into and it is looking so good 😉 can't wait. Kudos!
  6. it was not my intention to defend anything. but the situation is extremely difficult. Just as this forum is not a political forum, you can see that the topic moves people to take a stand. and I think it's the same with Maxon. they have nothing to do with it, but want to take a stand. I think this whole discussion definitely shows another weakness of subscription models, but to be honest, if my country would be the clear aggressor, I would not complain, but with the freed up time rather try to change something at the cause. Even though that's much easier said than done, of course. Because the suffering of the people in the war is just not to compare with having to use another tool or search for ways around.
  7. As I understand it they just stopped to sell and support, but I can not find information, that they keep customers from using the software. Is there any more information about that?
  8. As far as vehicle animation goes, well I don't have insights to feature film, but for tv commercials and trade show animations I can say for shure that C4D is heavily used for many years now. I personally have animated cars for several of the top german car companies for over ten years in c4d and never came across any other software here in germany that was used that heavily. There is a slight movement to blender now with even car companies using it or even switching completely, but till now c4d is by far the most used software for car animation in germany.
  9. The GLTF workflow really is a pain. But to be honest I think it is hugly overrated such as .avd for 2d animation. Fantastic idea but the implementation stopped somewhere after 20%. many things are just undefined.
  10. This is a really cool, simple, good locking solution!
  11. So as I had the opportunity to work with R25 for some weeks (not really much and no complex stuff) I might be able to come back to the topic with my findings. I basically didn't touch any of the areas that r R25 had advances over R20. But that also is a finding. I was expecting this, as character animation and UV editing is a extremely small part of work. And I would guess also for the majority of c4d Users. But never the less I realized some changes. The coordinates manager fells different than in R20. changes will be applied automatically without hitting apply. Even though I appreciate less klicks a lot (especially because the development seems to go into a different direction nowadays. I this case I would prefer the old workflow, because you often have to change more values in the same way. for example If you want to scale the object by 10 with the old behaviour you would type in 10 in all dimensions, control if everything is right and then aply. with the new behavior you change x to 10 and in the moment you switch to the y field x gets applied and shows 1 again. you really have to concentrate to not put in values double, or forget one axis. This problem is not present in the attributes manager, as the axes don't get applied at all so there you see the 10 standing in the relevant axis. This seams to be something small, but I really don't like it. Now to the user interface. I am not a UX designer, But as a motion designer the last years I mainly worked on UIs for Automotive and also gave courses at university for the use of 3D in UI design. I will not make a detailed analysis, as it is just to much work to just do it for fun, but here are my general findings. Obviously, the redesign had three primary goals: - "simplification" and maximization of 3d view. - improvement of the workflow by reduction of the mouse paths. - "renewal" of the design to be more modern and closer to the zeitgeist. To achieve goal one, icons were reduced in size by default and active corners were introduced to reduce the number of open managers. Whether all this work was necessary at all is debatable. In principle, of course, it is a good goal, but with the adaptation to high DPI monitors and the market penetration of large and largest monitors, there is now usually more than enough 3D view available. The optimization, on the other hand, results in more clicks for the active corners, a change in viewer aspect ratio when opening the material manager and a significantly worsened perception of the active, passive states of the icons, especially since these are not only small, are found in an unfamiliar place and with a new icon, but also have a significantly reduced contrast between the states. Goal two is tried to achieve by new placement of the icons and optimization of the icon groups and content. In principle, this works quite well, the positioning is logical and it is certainly saved a few mouse paths. however, in my opinion, it is not wise to change icon positions and icon design at the same time. one should have made at least 2 versions pause to give users a chance to get used to. in this respect, it would have been preferable to leave the old positioning activated as default for now. goal three. For some years now, monocromatic icons have made their way into the world of design apps. Especially Adobe programs have been using very few or no colors in their icons for many years. This style seems to be catching on. obviously the new design of c4d was heavily influenced by blender. Whether this is because they want to strengthen interoperability or because it was given as a positive target image is not clear. What is clear is that, compared to the old layout, monocrome was used much more often. For some users, this could lead to poorer recognizability, even if the color coding itself is clearly visible. there would be many things to say about reduced distances, reduced contrasts and thus worse orientation, e.g. in the attribute manager, but that should be it for now. Compared to the old layout, I personally find the new layout better in a few places and worse in a few others. I think that many of the positive features can be achieved by simple adaptation of the R20 layout (smaller icons and their positioning). So I don't see any advantage that would justify an update (especially since it's obviously an incomplete layout, since many icons are missing).
  12. Excuse me, but I do not understand such posts. Is your only statement that people who don't like Maxon's decisions or who don't want to buy or rent the latest version of C4D shouldn't post here? If you don't like it: Maybe use some different forum instead? As you can see, posts like this don't make sense. Is it just about getting rid of alternative options? But different options is precisely what such forums are made for.
  13. Many of the decissions and releases in the last years reduced my enthusiasm to zero unfortunately. I have perpetual xparticles and octane with my R20. I dont know with what they could come up with to make me pay 2400€ for the next perpetual update.
  14. I keep the blender left select preferences but only change the navigation for the 3d view and the other editors to alt and left middle right click as i am used to. like this I dont have to destroy things out of frustration but still can follow all the tutorials without problems. lazy viewport looks good to.
  15. Well you wanted it that way. if you are curious about a space ship named "ringmuscular 2" Watch before you judge.
  16. It is not that I eagerly want to change to Blender, but customers that once where c4d are starting to demand it and I have the Impression that there is a general trend towards Blender. The second reason is, that with all this third party renderers as subscription, and the fast but beta update policy I get the impression, that blender is a place of consistency and safety (hard to beliefe I say this). Over all I prefer the c4d workflow still much over the Blender one, even thoug they came closer from both sides. Blender got better, and Cinema unfortunately at best stalled with some good developements and some quite bad imho.
  17. Thanks, that definately is a mistake and if all my problems in r25 are based on this, then it will be easy to avoid. funny, that when you switch the coordinate manager to world mode it shows the coordinates (that is consistant with R21 btw.). I think that this is one of theese unforced errors that comes with the new layout. I just dont look up for the mode and the conrast between active and incative buttons is quite a bit less then in older versions and they are smaler, too. thanks a lot for looking into it and helping, Jops
  18. I still have problems with the cloners. I will rebuild the sceene from scratch
  19. that also is a result I also have problems with cloners that dont let me choose verteces polys or surface in object mode. but I reset my preferences now and do everything described above and hope it will repair the problems
  20. so in this scene the text object in the atributes is at X:133.201 in the coordinate manager its at X:0 when I copy the object to a new scene everything is fine. the coordinate manager is simply not working in this scene R25.117 does it work for you? coordinate manager problem.c4d
  21. well. this hole thing is a test. the world is testing if the globalisation and the resulting economic connections between the countries is capable to stop, or shorten a war. If this works and everyone can see how harmfull it is to start a war, then maybe we can live in a better future. not just in europe but on the hole planet. For maxon this is a delecate situation. stopping people from using a paid software is a absolute no go. But I am not shure if they are doing this anyway. looks like they just want to stop selling and supporting?! When they want to help they should use their activation server to bring independent information into russia. for example every startscreen coud have a small information video.
  22. Thanks a lot for the replies. @keppni will check the steps you suggested. maybe it helps (even though it is a brand new installation on a brand new computer).
  23. Sometimes the values (realitve) in the Object manager are way of compared to the in the objects atributes. putting in changes move the objects strangely around. feels a bit like hidden scaled axis (they are all on 1 in my scenes. Fells a bit like the hidden parenting matrix that makes the blender coordinates unusable. the reproducebility seems to be the problem. Sometimes things flatten out when I group Objects under a Null and ungeroup them again. But I will look for reproducible things and post them here. version is 25.117
  24. Hi there, I am working in R25 for some days now. Normaly up to R21. I really have problems with the coordinates manager. It is behaving completely different to what I am used to. the values are strange, they do not represent the values in the atributes manager of the object, undo sometimes just doesn't work and a lot of other glitches. I found a new checkbox somewhere to switch of the movement by object axis. (but I already forgot where it is, as I am fighting with the "improved" UI. Didi you experience the same? What is going on? thanks a lot Jops
  25. But the same is true for online activated perpetual software
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