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    Intel Xeon
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Community Answers

  1. Hallo friends, I would like to randomize the length of the tracer path. My cloner objects should trace a path, but every one with different length. Anybody have an idea for that? Thanks for your help. tracerPath.c4d
  2. Tdr

    Focus Distributed Object

    But how I can just export a (position) value from the scene node to the classic cinema? Is that possible?
  3. Hello Friends, in my follow setup I would like to focus to a distributed object with index x. My idea is to import an object in the node system > change the pos > connect the obj to the focus of the camera. So far so good, but the new pos seems not to come out. Maybe do you will find a working solution. Thanks Focus Distributed Object.c4d
  4. Tdr

    Displace + Distribution

    Wow, lot of thanks. I don't know really understand what this inner /outer scope does, not very clear described in the documentation....but it works for the moment.
  5. Hello friends, in my follow setup I displaced a plane and distribute it with a random field. Nice, so far so good 🙂 In next step I would like to have different displacement for each clone. Maybe you have an idea for that. Thanks. Displace + Distribution.c4d
  6. Tdr

    Hide Clones Effector

    Lot of thanks, actually very very easy. I get from field strength values between 0-1...ok I'm very confused about that I don't see the field as object in the viewport.
  7. Tdr

    Hide Clones Effector

    Hello, in my setup here I'm distributing some clones and shift the pos with a field. In the next step they should also appear or hide relative to the field. Do I need a build a effector for that? Maybe you have a good idea to realize that? Thanks Hide Clones.c4d
  8. Ok, i followed deeper my last idea. I generated the clones with the distribution scene node and applied every mod Object a display color value. In the RS material i read out this color value with the color data node and map the values 0-1 to the amount of the textures. Should acually work but the mapping don't work expected. I fiegured out that The RS color data node don't work linear and i need to corrected the values first. Now it seems to work, maybee you have a much simpler way... ....dont know if i have more then 10 values i get again a shift in order 😬 Multishader Selection 4.c4d
  9. Lot of thanks for your ideas, but i think this one it very very tricky 😤 I tried now to don't use mograph and to distribute the objects with the scene nodes. I also changed the in this process the display color of each object to get the color value with color userdata node. But somehow the remapping dont work how expected. Multishader Selection 3.zip
  10. Hello friends, in my setup I use the RS-Multishader to distribute the numbers. In the 2nd image I use also a Mograph selection but the numbers should also display correctly. Sure the Mograph selection only hide the clones what don't are part of the selection. I tried in the RS material to iterate the objects with the userdata-node but don't find a solution. Maybe you have an idea. Archiv.zip
  11. Ah, ok lot of thanks. Always this tiny and hidden uncovered settings 😬😤
  12. Hello, I'm still struggling here with my settings. Here are just some visible area lights but I don't get clean edges. I tried different override samples and also mix/max. Denoiser is off and the light intensity is 10. Other setting are default. I use RS 3.0.66 Thanks for your help! Area light.c4d
  13. Lot of thanks, I tried that but it don't work really. But after a lot try and error.... I set up the new port in resource editor > Scene port Mode: object In the node graph I used the geometry op node to get the data but with bypass checked on. Other way is to create a geometry nested port on the main port (right click > add nested port).
  14. I think if you drag it into you create an instance. But I wand just to link it. Here the setup from Align_To_Spline_capsule example.
  15. Hello friends, I'm tryin to learn some behaviors from the CAPSULES/NODES EXAMPLES PIT. In almost all examples the some child obj are imported/linked to the object group. I don't find a way to recreate that. What datatype I need to use, how I can setup this behavior? Thanks ✌️
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