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Mike A

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Everything posted by Mike A

  1. Mike A

    R25 Expectations

    Er... OK. Great. I think that's saved me another upgrade fee.
  2. Mike A

    R25 Expectations

    Redshift 3.0.56 is now available with R25 support - and Redshift RealTime BETA. You might want to get it now before the rush : )
  3. Out of curiosity I tried to log in - no joy. Email not recognised etc. Any one else been able to log in successfully?
  4. When people ask me what my hobby is, I reply: "Learning new stuff" : ) There's so much good stuff to explore. I was aware of Clarrise but not much more. It does look amazing especially for larger scale and environmental type work.
  5. Igor - the first thing to say is thank you for your efforts in thinking how best to set this up and your proposals : ) However - for me the whole thing is too complex and too rigid. Personally I'd just have one forum. However I would make it essential that the original poster tags the post to make it searchable. Maybe you could set up tags for 'Home DCC' - eg: I'm doing this in 'C4D' and 'Target DCC(s) eg; I'm interested in how to do this in 'Blender' or 'Houdini' or 'Any'. And tags of course for the 'Topic area' I think having all the subforums just makes it too complex, too hard work for moderators and too hard to discover for occasional users. It also makes it difficult when a topic area falls outside of easily identifiable categories. For example, one area I would like to discuss is C4D 'Takes' - ie, does Blender or Houdini have something eqivalent to that functionality? Where would that go? It wouldn't fit anywhere and would therefore be easily lost. As Dast suggests - I'd also drop any idea of a specific number of DCC's - there's lots of related tools and techniques that might come into play. For example a modelling request might best be solved with something like Zbrush, or MOI3d or something else that is not necessarily a full blown DCC. So, in summary: I'd keep it simple. Very simple.
  6. Welcome! 'Cerbera' will be along shortly. You'll find out why : )
  7. Some other mildly amusing movie titles you could borrow : ) "Fight Club" "A 3D Space Odyssey" "Apocalypse Now" "The Matrix" "The Good The Bad And the Ugly" 😀
  8. Maybe you could go for something a bit fun, off the wall and intriguing: "Mission impossible" or "Close Enconters of the 3D Kind"
  9. I think its worth trying! It could prove very useful. I agree with Dast too - drop the " VS" and make the intention totally clear. Whether human nature will allow it to flourish is anyone's guess LOL!
  10. Ah, the joy of subscriptions... : )
  11. Some good looking images in the gallery. I hope they do well.
  12. Mike A

    R25 Expectations

    The marginal cost of continuing to provide perpetual users with access to Cineversity wouldn't pay for Dave McGavran's lunch. He won't even allow perpetual users to buy access. Why does that rankle? Because it's a gratuitous middle finger to his customers.
  13. Mike A

    R25 Expectations

    That just made me choke on my coffee... No, there is not.
  14. Mike A

    R25 Expectations

    To be fair, there is a difference between Redshift recommends and Redshift needs. I'm currently running 10 series cards with 6.1 compute - although they are coming to the end of their workng life : ). I think the 10 series launched in 2016? Nevertheless - I certainly appreciate that if you get stuck on the subscription bandwagon - I won't - you may well have that pressure to upgrade. I guess it depends on Maxon's approach to enabling / allowing subscribers to use 'old' versions. And I wouldn't want to bet on that. ------------- PS: and there certainly was a lack of clarity on the renewal of maintenance agreements. Not good communication on their part - and understandable confusion!
  15. Mike A

    R25 Expectations

    I believe that is incorrect - you can renew maintenance at any time until August 2023 - as long as you keep continuous maintenance during that period. I'm looking for a post I saw from a Rs staffer confirmng that - and will copy it here when I find it (i hope) : ) EDIT: See: https://www.redshift3d.com/forums/viewthread/39380/ Adrian C is the main Redshift support engineer. rpdacosta is another.
  16. Mike A

    R25 Expectations

    I believe so. As long as you keep your maintenance current my understanding is that you can keep renewing it - with the last maintenance renewal purchase date being some time in August 2023.
  17. Mike A

    R25 Expectations

    @Flima, Just a note on the Redshift situation: I understand that if you have current maintenance for your Redshift licence, you will be able to continue to purchase extensions for that maintenance up to a last renewal date in August 2023 - so that would potentially take you to August 2024 with a perpetual licence. I'm not defending the situation of course - I feel the same sort of way.
  18. https://www.blackmagicdesign.com/uk/resellers/ Choose your country of course : )
  19. Yes - as Hippodastamus says. The speed editor deal just looks a particularly good one IMO.
  20. One of the most important things to understand IMO with this higher dynamic range rendering - whether filmic, ACES or whatever - is that correct PBR based materials and lighting are key components as well. Not enough emphasis is given to that. 'White' needs to have a diffuse value of around 80% for typical surfaces. With that you'll be able to pump up your lighting to more realistic 'sunlight' levels - and therefore get better GI and overall more realistic light interaction. Eg: One dome light, one box with a realistic window sized hole... straight out of the renderer: I can certainly remember the days when we couldn't even imagine getting a result straight out of the renderer like this. So, whether you choose to use Blender + filmic, or ACES, or whatever - rejoice and be happy : )
  21. I understand the issues, albeit at a modest level - hue skewing etc. Is it perfect? No of course not. When you are trying to squeeze the range of natural light and colour into a representation on a limited display it's going to get squashed one way or the other. I've looked at Filmic as well and felt that ACES was the better match for me and my work. I'll see how it goes over the next year or so. Everyone to their own : )
  22. As always - enjoyable and enlightening! : )
  23. Finally - just this week - I got some space and time and did it... I've spent a week learning, testing and developing - and have now completely revised my workflow to an ACES based one - from rendering through compositing. It's not been easy, but I think it will be worth it. I've just completed the first job on the new workflow and it's gone well. Unfortunately it's under strict NDA, so I can't share the images. Hopefully I might have some I can share in the future. If you want to get better output and much more post-render compositing flexibility I'd certainly give it some serious thought.
  24. Very interesting. AI is definitely here, and there's a lot more coming down the tracks. It will certainly change what we do and how we do it. But you note how short and obscured the real work samples were - there's a long way to go. I don't think Nvidia's AI modelled 'Jelly bean' cars are going to put Cerbera out of work quite yet : )
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