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Everything posted by daddycoull

  1. Thanks Jed, I see there was a xpresso tweak, which looks more streamlined. That's perfect thanks!
  2. Hi there, I've followed a tut online for making a wheel turn based on the position using xpresso, I've successfully set it up, but when the wheel turns it twitches, then slowly turns and then twitches again, any idea why it is doing this? have I set it up wrong? File attached. Thanks Truck_c4dcafe.c4d
  3. OMG that's it, many thanks!
  4. Ah good idea, I'll upload it for you now. Cheers! TestingC4Dcafe.c4d
  5. Hey Jbatista, I've adapted your test to my scene I've attached a screenshot to show you what I'm getting. You'll notice as the hand is turning the "phone" stays in the same position with using Clamp. Although on your sphere PSR does what I'm after when I apply it to the vert point it shoots off in a completely different direction >.<
  6. Oh wait I think I may have solved it using PSR instead of Clamp, using your method.
  7. Thanks for the reply Jbatista and help, that is definitely an interesting way of doing it. Unfortunately it's not quite what I'm looking for. I've updated my OP with another screenshot of the scene to try and help convey what I'm trying to do. I placed a rectangular box inside your null to represent the "phone". Although the phone clearly follows the top of the spheres when it moves and rotates, the null doesn't rotate with it so that the "phone" is always pointing forward. I hope that makes sense :D
  8. daddycoull

    Xpresso Help

    Hello c4d community, I have a question regarding Xpresso I'm using for a project I'm working on. Quick bit of background... this project involves poser models imported into cinema 4d via the plugin. In this instance it is a character holding a phone. I've created all the actions in poser with the intent of adding the phone in c4d. (adding the phone in poser is the back-up). I just want to see if there is a way to make this work. Using another plugin I've baked the poser character, this then creates keyframes for every movement. I've duplicated the layer, then selecting 1 vertex on the hand, I've inverted the selection and deleted all the selected verts, which leaves 1 vertex with all the keyframe data on it. There is then a Null created with expresso data controlling the position of the Null (screenshot added). This works fine, you can then put an object inside the null, psr it and it'll move in time to the hand animation. Here is my question, my experience with xpresso is very limited, is there a way to add additional xpresso so the selected object rotates appropriately with the movement of the hand? I hope this makes sense, but unfortunately I cannot upload a scene file due to the nature of the content on it. Thanks in advance. Edit: I've uploaded a screenshot of the scene. You can clearly see the Null attached to the hand and I have the phone inside the null so the phone follows the hands position. As you can see from the screenshot the hand has started to turn, but the phone doesn't follow its rotation, I would like it to follow :)
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