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johanal last won the day on April 16 2022

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  1. Can you try to disable the Quick Start Dialog? There's a button at the bottom of it that says Show on Startup. It's a shame Maxon didn't make the user prefs files in standard ascii like other DCCs. Or else you would have been able to toggle that off in the prefs file directly. If you can disable quickstart you can then use C4D directly. Quick Start was buggy for me in R25 (still is). Scenes would crash if I launched through Quick Start. File a ticket and was never fixed even though confirmed an issue. Related to the issues, I wonder if the Quick Start Dialog is using some webkit stuff behind the scenes to display the feed. Have you updated your browsers.. including Edge? Are you having issues with your browsers? like firewall, proxies or something else? It could also be you need to update windows components like .NET or something try this too. Launch these links in your browsers to see if they work. The reason why I'm asking you to do this is these are some of the articles linked in the Quick Start Dialog. Maybe they're not working outside of C4D, which then shows an issue to your browsers. Try them with the different browsers installed just in case: https://www.cineversity.com/vidplaylist/cinema_4d_quick_tips?utm_source=maxonc4d&utm_medium=quickstart&utm_campaign=cvscroll https://www.cineversity.com/vidplaylist/how_to_use_the_maxon_app?utm_source=maxonc4d&utm_medium=quickstart&utm_campaign=cvscroll https://www.cineversity.com/vidplaylist/hands_on_with_maxon_-_intro_to_rigging_in_c4d?utm_source=maxonc4d&utm_medium=quickstart&utm_campaign=cvscroll Also these: https://www.maxon.net/en/article/play-ball?utm_source=maxonc4d&utm_medium=quickstart&utm_campaign=qsnews
  2. you could start by moving your C4D preferences folder completely out of your profile and have S26 rebuild them when it launches. Edit | Preferences: At the bottom click on the Preferences Folder. Move the whole Maxon Cinema 4D R26 folder to your desktop. Then try to launch S26 again. Sometimes things in your profile get corrupt. Or, in some cases, old plugins will not work in newer versions and can actually freeze or crash C4D. If it works with a fresh profile, you can then drag your plugins folder in and see if it loads. Next the library, and so on. Eventually you may be able to track down the culprit. I had to do that with the plugins folder. I found a couple plugins which weren't compatible anymore with the newer version. It was time consuming but I tracked it down.
  3. may be useful to do comparisons between C4D and Houdini, for C4D users (if that's your target audience). Shelf tools are great for what they are but if you don't know how to import geo, how to manipulate it, store data and so on, the shelf tools are shit. Most newbies automatically jump to shelf tools and want to create waterfalls, explosions or cloth tearing without understanding Houdini itself. It's best to know *why* Houdini is and *what* it is. Houdini.School had a pretty good Intro to Houdini for C4D Users I checked out months ago. Here were some of the topics covered: Week 1: Introduction to Houdini Refresher on Houdini UI and Navigation Organize the Interface Go over the ‘Language of Houdini’ Houdini’s Contexts Replicate the steps of building a simple animated scene in C4D using Houdini Week 2: Introduction to Houdini Pt. 2 Go over how to read, create, and manipulate attributes that are stored on our geometry Take a look at what VEX and VOPs are How we can use them to make modifications to our geometry Go over how we can randomize attributes in various ways how to use those for procedural animation Week 3: Introduction to Houdini Pt. 3 Review our understanding of attributes so far Recreate C4D’s cloner Use attributes to replicate its effects Transfer attributes between geometry and clones create a procedural motion graphics animation https://learn.houdini.school/courses
  4. I've done the same technique for the beginnings of wrapping exterior components with mylar on satellite models. the components had collider tags. I would have to tweak the subdiv for the wrap, then sculpt the rest on a copy. I also used the Smoothing deformer technique Merk first talked about and also Digital Meat describes in this video:
  5. "no dedicated nodes for particle simulation yet." <- so there is hope!! 🙂
  6. johanal

    Nodes Comparison

    obligatory flower tutorial in Bifrost:
  7. great.. so this is building on your github you started? awesome!
  8. johanal

    Important Notice

    I appreciate the extended Maxon family here who are trying to pump out really great solutions... HRVOJE, Cerbera, SREK, Fritz, Igor and more. The brainiacs behind the scenes. I have to say I agree. There are some talented C4D minds here and often it gets obscured by some with self-absorbed opinions unrelated to the USE OF C4D. I could see why Dave doesn't show up, when it's been made clear by some regulars on here that he is just an Adobe shill.. maxon sucks.. subs are ass.. C4D is useless blah blah blah *diarrhea of the mouth* It's really not worth his time. I mean I'm all for free speech but when it negative, doesn't promote the topic of the site's intentions, and just comes off whiny, then what's the point? At the rate it's going.... it'll turn into C4DCafe. While I hate slacks, discords and ADHD sites like that, Thanulee has a point. GSG, Rocket Lasso and a few others are where people are migrating to because of the interaction. Also, more importantly... because people are striving towards the same goal on those sites... producing kick ass works of art. They're not trying to whip out their members to show everyone their "Property of Blender" tattoos... Thanks Thanulee ( motionpunk \m/ ) for reminding me of those servers. I need to start getting more involved with those again.
  9. johanal

    Nodes Comparison

    This one is showing how to pipe USD assets through Bifrost. Having been in the beta, I know Autodesk is really interested in fleshing out the USD pipeline in Maya.
  10. johanal

    Nodes Comparison

    Some Maya Bifrost love. NOTE: One really nice node I wish was available in general inside of C4D is frustum culling. I know we can cheat and use fields but it's laggy and not really optimal.
  11. great script. I use it often. I have it hotkey'd to SHIFT-D to mimic my set up when I was using Blender. Glad to see it's still working in S26
  12. johanal

    Important Notice

    *I'd* pay for Dave's membership if it meant you quit whining about Maxon. Having Maxon support this site won't work from a corporate perspective. This would mean they would need to spend resources to engage more often here, both as admins/mods and of course as members. I don't think Maxon wants to take on an "unofficial" support site, especially with things like Cineversity going down the drain over the past few years.
  13. johanal

    Nodes Comparison

    Oldie but goodie...
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