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  1. It is all in the title, why when I apply mograph on a jiggled animation it cancels the jiggle?
  2. If Jiggle doesn't work in that case, can we add dynamics or fake the jiggle?
  3. Thank you guys I will test your examples, I can't thank you enough. @happypolygon I am using R23 not R12... 😅
  4. Hello As the topic and the file suggests, I am trying to attach a sphere or any other object to a growing Stamen that uses simple sweep / bend and jiggle animation, couldn't make it. Tried baking to Alembic, Surface deformer, Clamp constraint or even mograph on an object, none has worked... Can anyone help please?? stem.c4d
  5. perfect will search for that Many thanks
  6. I know it is available for R20 but I don't have this version yet :(
  7. Hello Is it possible to make a live poly selection with a box, sphere. I want to use mograph to clone objects on a selection of polys that are dynamically changing without re-selecting every time Best
  8. Great, really thank you, so your correction deformer was done then you took it off? Any how it works great Many thanks
  9. Thanks buddy, but my issue was how to tell the scattered objects to stick to the different heights of the buildings after using Noise function in MoExtrude. Also I can't figure out how I can use polygon selections on Connect object but this is minimal for now
  10. Here is a simple scene I am trying to stick some random objects to each building, I used some null objects to prevent repeating this on every building Let me know if you have ideas small_city.c4d
  11. Hello What is the easiest syntax in Python to make the following : 1-from a A selection of splines or polygons - ---> make a A list 2-from a B selection of objects ----> make a B list 3-copy or instance a random object from B selection to stick it to the center of the object from A list I have a group of closed spline that forms a city scape and I want to extrude each spline randomly and attach an object from a B list to populate randomly the buildings I am trying the Mo Extrude approach to get different heights but I can't be able to attach other objects that stick to that surface in Mograph Best
  12. Thank you for the hint, it is a good solution for the random extrude, but what if I want to add several modelling operations randomly like adding help-pads on some buildings...etc. how do you see it from that point on Best
  13. Hello I have a task where I want to make some simple modelling operations / adding simple geometries upon a selection of polygons / splines. My starting point is a group of splines that form a city plan, I want to select every closed spline and extrude it randomly, make a simple boolean operation (or not) add some domes geo, vertical details....etc. on a random base. I am a bit familiar with Xpresso but I didn't encounter a previous case where I had to deal with a group of selection, I think maybe Python is more suitable. Do you have ideas to share about this topic, a starting script / tutorial will be very appreciated. Best
  14. It is well explained in the topic: How to set the sequence of images to start at a certain frame (not zero) in the time line? I have a BG object where I want to load a sequence but it always start at the beginning Any idea rather creating a blank sequence of pictures. Thanks
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