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Everything posted by robinnasif

  1. Hi, I am looking for this solution. How could I control a volume builder's cache layer button using a user data button. Thanks in advance.
  2. HI, i am stuck in this situation, need help. I don't know it is possible or not. How can i link this to buttons. I have created a user data button and i want to link it to a volume builder cache button. please help me. Thanks
  3. i am new in python and learning by myself. If you have any suggestion please help me out. Thanks
  4. Thanks a lot. i have already figure it out. import c4d from c4d import gui obj = op.GetObject() UD = obj.GetUserDataContainer() def main(): mode = 1 randomPoint = 2 Field = 3 for descId, container in UD: theID = descId[1].id if theID == randomPoint: if obj[c4d.ID_USERDATA, mode] == 0: container[c4d.DESC_HIDE] = False obj.SetUserDataContainer(descId, container) if obj[c4d.ID_USERDATA, mode] == 1: container[c4d.DESC_HIDE] = True obj.SetUserDataContainer(descId, container) if theID == Field: if obj[c4d.ID_USERDATA, mode] == 1: container[c4d.DESC_HIDE] = False obj.SetUserDataContainer(descId, container) if obj[c4d.ID_USERDATA, mode] == 0: container[c4d.DESC_HIDE] = True obj.SetUserDataContainer(descId, container)
  5. I have another question. how can i gray out or lock a user data field?
  6. Many many thanks for your support.
  7. Hi, Is it possible to link parameter of two objects using python? Same as like 'Set Driver', 'Set Driven' in XPresso. If it is possible please help me out. I don't know much about python. Thanks
  8. Version 1.0.0


    This Cinema 4D scene file is available under as “open source” concept. This is intended for educational use but really can be used for whatever you want. You don’t need to credit me for commercial or non-commercial use. This scene file is Cinema 4D R21 based fully rigged and editable project. Just download the scene file, open it and add your object as a child of the OrganicReveal null object. After adding as a child wait a moment to calculate. If nothing happens just change Point Count or Seed parameter to refresh. For change one material to another just copy vertex map from the VertxMap material’s alpha channel and paste to your material’s alpha channel.
  9. Version 1.0.0


    This Cinema 4D project file is available under as “open source” concept. This is intended for educational use but really can be used for whatever you want. You don’t need to credit me for commercial or non-commercial use. This project is Cinema 4D R21 based fully rigged and editable project. Just download the project file, open it and drag & drop your object in to the object field. Make sure your object axis is in the center of the object. For more download please visit https://themadmonkey.net/resources/
  10. Version 1.0.0


    This Cinema 4D project file is available under as “open source” concept. This is intended for educational use but really can be used for whatever you want. You don’t need to credit me for commercial or non-commercial use. This project is Cinema 4D R21 Physical Render based fully rigged and editable project. Just download add your object and render. For more download please visit https://themadmonkey.net/resources/
  11. Version 1.0.0


    Recently i have seen GSG+ Procedural Systems promo and it was amazing. I have find some interesting animation which i really want to create my self. I have no idea how they created it but i have find my won way to create this. So here it is. The way i created, i want to share with you. If you find it helpful please spread the knowledge. This Cinema 4D project file is available under as “open source” concept. This is intended for educational use but really can be used for whatever you want. You don’t need to credit me for commercial or non-commercial use. This project is Cinema 4D R21 Physical Render based fully editable project. Just download and render. For more download please visit https://themadmonkey.net/resources/
  12. Version 1.0.0


    This Cinema 4D project file is available under as “open source” concept. This is intended for educational use but really can be used for whatever you want. You don’t need to credit me for commercial or non-commercial use. This project is Cinema 4D R21 Physical Render based fully editable project. Just download and render. For more download please visit https://themadmonkey.net/resources/
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