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  • DCC
    C4D R 26
  • Renderer
    Redshift 3.5.04
  • OS
    Windows 10
  • CPU
    AMD Threadripper 3960x
  • GPU
    RTX 3070

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  1. I had created this in R25 months ago so I was still using it but I went ahead and opened everything up in 2023 and it works great. Thank you so much!
  2. Thank you! But I tried the remesh actually before posting and I ended up with holes in the geometry. Even if I open your version, I get the holes. I'm on R25
  3. I am very perplexed here and it started with me thinking it was the material on the geometry but when I removed the material, it was still happening. Desktop.rar
  4. I'm guessing this should be a simple thing but I can't rotate my shader node to a vertical direction on my mountain. I tried a vector maker and some other things but I can't figure this out or why there isn't something obvious in the configurations to do this. What am I missing? https://www.dropbox.com/s/ssy3ybzsvvw7pvg/RotateShader.c4d?dl=0
  5. Pretty much exactly what I want to do, thank you! I set this up and with some tweaks, it's working well. I work in Redshift and I'm not sure about the materials you placed on the spheres and how you got that noise or the dust. Do you mind shedding some light on that? To be clear, I have the distortion ripple working but nothing else.
  6. I'm a long time AE user but can't conceptualize how this would be done in 2D, so that it looks like an actual 3D sphere travelling visually accurate through those 3D objects, like the shockwave from an explosion.
  7. Okay, this helps but is this possible using Redshift AOVs and puzzle mattes? It needs to look like a real 3D spherical wave like you would see after an explosion.
  8. I have a monarch butterfly that is transforming into a fantasy butterfly and I would like to create some kind of light shockwave exploding from the center. I would like it to be mostly transparent but be able to see as it move outwards across the wings and surrounding flowers in a visible way, using some kind of distortion ring on whatever objects it passes through. After the ring passes, everything would return to normal but I am not sure how to execute this. I have just started learning about fields but I don't know what effect to use for this or how I should set it up. Any help would be greatly appreciated!
  9. Thanks guys! We decided to go with a purely vector approach with Illustrator and After Effects. This is definitely useful information for me though, thank you so much. If I had this before we switched to vector, I think this totally would have worked.
  10. Thanks for that, and I agree but this is a specific part of the speaker that needs to move because it's a new technology that I can't explain due to an NDA. It's the outer rim that I need to extend very high, pulling the rim itself up and then back down to it's original upside down shape, while staying put on the very very outer edge the whole animation. I think it would use a soft body tag on that though. The cone would need to be pinned to the very bottom of the upside down U shape of the rim, while the outside edge would remain pinned to the speaker frame. Then the cone goes way up and takes that inner edge with it, about 2/3 of the way up to the apex of the upside down U. Then back down. And it only needs to happen once
  11. I'm guessing I need to use a cloth tag but how do I attach the edges of the cone to the frame and to the core of the speaker itself, and have the cone be able to move in a natural way?
  12. What is the technique in Redshift to get the alpha channel on a png, the way we used to do by adding an alpha channel in the old material editor of C4D?
  13. I partially stated it wrong. I need the file itself. Is this possible?
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