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Everything posted by janheylen

  1. Yes, but without the second target I cant use both a minimum and a maximum value as far as I know. Or is this possible?
  2. I don't think it can be a priority issue. In my little example scene there are only two objects.
  3. When I use the constraint tag to limit the distance to another object with a min or max value it works well. (cube A in my example file) But when I use both a min and a max value there is a little bounce. For some reason the tag doesn't constrain the distance to the exact value. (cube B in my example file) Does anyone know why it behaves this way and how to solve it? min max constraint.c4d
  4. 'The Content Browser has been deprecated and removed. A new menu option in the Asset Browser allows users to choose a lib4d and convert to assets.' I don't like the way the new asset browser copies and renames all files so they can only be accessed within the C4D application. I think a lot of users use the legacy content browser as part of their workflow. Why remove the option? Not only does R25 add no new features but it actually removes functionality?
  5. A general purpose retopo algorithm might be still too hard. No doubt you are right that many companies working in 3D are trying to solve this. But an algorithm built specifically for Volume Meshes seems like a much smaller problem to solve. The topology that's generated by the Volume mesher is clean and uniform. The topology of a good quad model we would like as output can also be based on some general rules.
  6. The topology of C4D's Remesher is pretty bad. I can recommend Exoside's Quadmesher plugin. I use it mostly to remesh Volume and Boolean models and for this it gives pretty good results. I'm happy to have a good plugin that provides this functionality but I feel it's an essential feature that Maxon should provide. Sculpting, Volumes and Booleans are three artist friendly ways of generating models and they all need autoretopo to live up to their potential. Could an autoretopo algorithm for Volume meshes not be trained using machine learning? Start with a database of models with perfect quad topology. Remesh the models using the Volume Builder and Mesher. Train a neural network by using the remeshed models as input and comparing the output with the original models. Shouldn't this be possible?
  7. The basic functionality that C4D is missing is the ability to have part of a model symmetrical and a part not. For instance when making a head you could like to have the mouth asymmetrical while the rest stays symmetric. It's about workflow. Now we are in a situation where you can have a fully symmetrical model with the symmetry object. But once you make it editable to be able to make an asymmetrical change you loose the ability to still change the parts that you want to keep symmetrical. It's how symmetry works in the sculpting system. It's something you can turn on or off depending on your need. It shouldn't even require similar topology on both sides but make the symmetric changes based on the distance from the plane of symmetry. This is something that I'm sure many people would find very useful, which is why it's returning for over ten years now in these feature wish lists.
  8. A twitter user posted an amazing technique to smoothly join separate pieces of intersecting geometry. I understand he uses a Houdini Digital Asset (HDA) inside C4D to somehow blend the normals. Can anyone provide some more insight into this? I cannot find more information on it. https://twitter.com/yamadadaikida/status/1275055594043437056
  9. janheylen

    Machine Specs

    Apple has announced a new Mac Pro for 2019. This machine should finally turn around the neglect high end Mac users have suffered the last 8 years. If possible I would wait for this machine, but this can be another 12 months and this may not be possible for you. Right now the iMac pro is the best Apple has to offer for 3D.
  10. In Safari full screen also doesn't work but you can Zoom In. Not perfect but you can see the video a lot bigger. Resolution is ok, you can read the text in the interface.
  11. I am a freelance Illustrator working for schoolbooks and storybooks for children. I use C4D Studio since version 9 and have invested a lot of time and effort in the program. After all these years 3D is only a small fraction of my work. I still make most of my illustrations in Illustrator and photoshop. My clients are very pleased if i make illustrations in 3D but drawing them by hand is much faster. I struggle to make 3D work profitable. So if i look at new features in C4D i want tools that can improve the efficiency of my workflow. There are several long standing bottlenecks in the modeling and texturing workflow of C4D. They get repeated every year around this time but never get addressed. I am growing more and more impatient. My personal most wanted list: • global falloff system with visual feedback on the model This would make the deformers much more usable as modeling tools. And please add a Fit to Selection button to the deformers, similar to the Fit to Object button. The functionality is already there but it takes too much time to be usable. I want to use my time creating not positioning the deformer cage. These are the kind of tedious tasks that really should be automated as much as possible. Holger Biebrach showed with his excellent modeling bundle plug in what can be achieved with the current feature set and some python scripting if you focus on workflow. MAXON: hire this man. This is not about the underlying technology, no need for a new core for this, this is about UX, speed and efficiency. • UV unwrapping An essential part of any 3D workflow, we should not have to use another program for this. MAXON sells C4D as an all in one solution so they should deliver. I think the UV tools almost changed nothing for more than ten years. It's another area where you can do it with C4D but it takes too much time. • global symmetry • retopology tools, as automated as possible • realtime preview rendering in the viewport For me these would be true headline features, that would have a big positive impact in my 3D work. Anybody else who feels like this? Or do you see things differently?
  12. Holgar, Thanks for your modeling bundle! The Retopology workflow you made is really great. Slide mode, Snap to spline, One click symmetry and the ability to paste objects at the mouse position on an object are the another stand outs for me. All of this could be done before but the way you streamlined it into efficient tools is really impressive. Cinema is a very capable and stable piece of software but there should be a bigger focus on workflow. A lot of things takes just too much time. I just bought modo and while i don't know it enough to compare to cinema the workflow feels much better thought out. As for your request for missing features: A Fit to Selection command for deformers would greatly enhance the usability of deformers in modeling. It would function like the Fit to object command but instead Fit to the bounding Box of the current selection. Interactively changing the axis of the selection would also be needed. Is this something hard to implement?
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