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Everything posted by jbatista

  1. Hey Joints are like any other object in the the 3d scene, you can transform it (position.scale,rotation)and you can delete it, move in hierarchy or duplicate it. However if your rigged character dependends on those joints, that might result in changes in your skin weights. moving those skinned joints will result in the character deformation as expected, and deleting those joints will cause you skin vertex weights to loose information. So, you can do all of what i mentioned above, but you have consequences for the rigged character. If you want to change your rig by joint repositioning i sugest to go to your skin weight tag: 1- put the weight to 0%, 2- reposition your joints 3 - and then set bind pose again. 4 - then put the weight back to 100% if you want to delete joints, just press delete, but that vertex weight data will be lost and you'll have to replace that joint.
  2. Hi Did you tried the track modifier tag? I think that might help since it can create a cache for animated objects or objects that are being driven. cheers
  3. Actually i find somehow this new system more benefic. I understand that in the old one, the symmetry actually changes the object topology wich is a problem in a more parametric way of work. If that object has somekind of pose morph target, in the old system, that would be a major issue, because it would change the object topology under the symmetry object. In your first picture the image stays original and the symmetry actually creates a new mesh. I think that is a good idea in order to preserve original topology. Another option is to activate scene symmetryze tool and work from there. Since it is a tool and not a generator, it will change the object topology as you prefer. i have here some examples that might help 1 - mirror or symmetry (option for modelling) 2 - activate scene symmetry 3 - scene symmetry options 4 - symmetryze and options (this one is probably the one you like more) 5 - symmetrize selection options 6 - symmetry generator tool cheers
  4. Hey There is a command in the symmetry tool called snap points to plane. you have to setup the tolerance first and then run the command since its not a active/disabled option. Snap Points to Plane This command makes modeling more convenient and helps you connect to a symmetry plane and more easily position close points (distance defined by tolerance) on the plane:
  5. I'm quite a crackshot finding bugs in c4d while working in projects. The least common ones are reported to maxon, via support ticket, along with some screenshots etc, and i always get feedback from maxon, but unfortunately this is the most common answer: Unfortunately, I don't have any helpful information for you at the moment. The problem seems to be identified, but unfortunately we can't fix it with a quick update, as several internal functions seem to be affected. Currently I cannot give you an extimated time frame for a fix. From all the bugs i reported i only saw one bug fixed, in the next upgrade patch. It was the alembic export popup window, that disapeared and then was restored. All the others are in a permanent "possible fix" status. I actually belive this is a good way to help improve the software. It's not beta testing but if everyone report most of the bugs it might help in further software patching and fixing. I've also created a list of errors, bugs and bad behaviors of c4d, and possible workarounds. I have that list shared in my studio so everyone can check for similar situations. If anyone wants i can share it here also. cheers
  6. Hi There are several possibilities to achieve that effect. I would use the IK spline with a bezier spline for that, since it will provide the same freedom of movement. Another way is to build your own setup using bones in a spline and nulls to control the spline points via xpresso. thats trickier technique but also with a lot of potencial. Check youtube or c4d's help to know more about ik splines or similar stuff.
  7. Hey Nowadays there is this optional software and hardware that works both with cams and suit/gear. might be interested. hope it helps https://www.rokoko.com/integrations/cinema-4d cheers
  8. I dont think it work like that. I really dont know much about python unlike xpresso. sometimes i use the script log to use some commands in very simple scripts. selecting a child object might be something diferent. perhaps asking someone from the scripting forum will welp. cheers
  9. Probably with xpresso and the python tag. but i dont know to reference the instance object.
  10. I have a sugestion You cannot change hierachy position via xpresso BUT u can use an instance object insetad of the original. Instances can change it's root object easily, animated or via xpresso. Since Instances are object placeholders you can load the target object and remove it. hope it helps cheers
  11. Althoug with some issues, i would add Motion System and C motion there are almost no tutorials for these two features. Motion system is super powerful if you need to go into mo cap animation and libraries, plus it can be combined with xpresso to create powerfull commands C motion is a tough one, but its greate to generate automatic animations it's funny to see some of these sugestions. I believe xpresso is not un apreciated or overlooked. It's just a bit difficult for starters but it's really powerfull unlike the limited driver tag ehehe. cheers
  12. jbatista

    UV Projector

    Awesome concepts and ideas. I'll give it a try Cheers
  13. Hey If you install the insydium bridge for c4d S26 you can still use those toools. Some are working better than others but overall it works. https://insydium.ltd/community/bridge/ unfortunatelly there is no R2023 version. i hope they still reçaease it someday. cheers
  14. In my opinion c4d lacks more powerfull animation and rigging tools, such as more flexible animation layers and more advanced skin algorithms like dual quartenion or something similar. xpresso is still very powerfull, however it misses some updates. I really prefer updates like these instead of ai. cheers
  15. Well, after a short analysis of the problem i found my files were already downloaded and available, so both licenses could actually open them (duh...). (i tohught the files were some kind of license-locked). The problem is that only maxon one can download those assets. That's a really crappy move Maxon...
  16. Hey I have both license types here in my company, and i realize that both licenses (standard and one) have acess to the tools he provides. I didnt get too deep in this matter but these tools seem to be node built in tools. The plugins, appear to be sold separetly and are not provided through the asset browser. Right now i dont see any differences between licenses , but perhaps i'm wrong.
  17. Hi If you want to use asset browser, mind these feew things. In the 2023 version there is an option inside the asset browser called watch folders that track the contents of a designated folder in your OS. That way you can have your folders in your OS and see its content via asset browser. cons: watch folders creates conflicts with character pose libraries. You can also import assets directly from your object manager to your asset browser database category. However this process creates an automatic file inside the database that you dont know where it is and therefore its not easy for you to change it. Last, you can drag directly files from your OS to the asset browser. It also creates internal files and you have to accept a file one by one wich takes time if there ary lots of files. There is not much danger to get things overwritten because you are creating duplicates inside a database of the asset browser. hope it helps Cheers
  18. Hi Just to say that i solved the problem. Apparently it was a faulty preference file. Reseting the preferences folder solved the issue. cheers
  19. Hi I'm having a really odd issue with 2023 (1.3) version. My pose library browser doesn't seem to work. It's a completly blank window with no commands to add or create a pose library. This is not a very common tool but does anyone already experienced this issue? Could also be a diferent way to setup the library? I noticed that from the S26 version, things changed a bit in asset browser workflow. I'm just wondering if this another bug or if its just an incorrect setup. cheers João Batista
  20. Yes. This happen since R21 if i recall. I always thought it was some MS Windows 10 issue, but recently i changed OS and the problem persists. While the processor load goes to zero, the ram amount is still in use. Its even worse when c4d is using a lot of ram, it takes a lot of time to gradually end task. There are some third party apps that manage the ram in windows more agressivly. Perhaps one of these systems can help with this issue.
  21. Maxon aknowledges the error and for now and it will try to solve it in future releases. "There's been a bug filed for the behavior you've described. I've aggregated all of your comments and information alongside the bug report to our Engineering team, who will continue to dig into the issue and prioritize it for a fix. Unfortunately, currently I cannot provide you an solution or a workaround to this issue."
  22. Esc key doesn't work, neither other key binding. Also checked preferences parameters and nothing. Its really odd. Perhaps its an issue from the 2023 1.3 version. I'll try to submit a ticket to maxon.
  23. I dont think so. i've checked everything and i cant find it. Even checked export preferences but nothing. really weird.
  24. Hey It's this pop up i'm talking about. I cant seet it in the 2023 version. The cancel button its very usefull and i cant seem to find it. (by the way, this print is from S26) cheers
  25. Hi I'm slowly trying the R2023 version but there is something bugging me. When I export an alembic , where is that pop window with time remaing progress bar, and the cancel button. I see the progress displayed in the bottom bar but the cancel button seems missing? Is there an alternative (shortcut, hiddien button, etc) to interrupt the export? (because sometimes there are abcs that take a lopt of time to export)... thx
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