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jbatista last won the day on August 6 2024

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HW | SW Information

  • DCC
    Cinema 4D R26 / 2023
  • Texturing
  • Renderer
    Redshift / standard
  • OS
    WIN 11
  • CPU
    AMD Ryzen 3950X
  • GPU
    Nvidia 3070RTX

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Community Answers

  1. That is not entirely accurate. 3ds max is the worst example you can bring for the 3d app table to discuss, and i know that for a fact, since i used to work with it and my company still uses it to render unfortunatelly. In short, 3ds max is one of the most overpriced apps in the world for studios (big or small) that cannot use indie licenses such as mine. its around 2.5 k almost per year and that is only the software. Then you must start filling it with other plugins to make it usefull, starting with its most popular renderer vray or corona wich is paid separately. Almost no one uses arnold in 3ds max wich is the actuall inbuilt renderer (although its a good one). But it doesnt end here. In studios like mine we also pay for Forest tools (plugin), Tyflow (plugin) and a bunch of other plugins to solve basic stuff like take system and such. In the end the money you spend in 3ds max is a small fortune and c4d is still better for charater animation, motion, and a lot of other stuff. I believe 3ds max is still popular because of its legacy, a large user base and the connection with the arch viz business. But i agree with you when it comes to Maxon policies of making us pay for stuff we dont use. I really dont need nothing else but the c4d app. Heck, i eaven dont need RS altought i like to use it. So the best they can do is to give users the power of choice. In studios like mine c4d is used to as part of a pipeline along with houdini and 3ds max. I dont need an extremely expensive software with things i'll never use. cheers
  2. Hi I think it might not be possible to stack time tags. However, its possible to bake the smooth effect into the objects and then appy the posterisation tag. You might need to duplicate the objects to create a backup.
  3. Hi there That's an unusual problem but here are some sugestions: 1- check the c4d versions on c4ds (host and clients) if it is the same. 2- re-check all render parameters like frame range , frame rate etc 3- check some options in the xref. You can change the x-ref from relative path to absolute path. Usually its relative but i sugest you to disable it and put in on absolute. 4- in the same x-ref options box check some parameters such as animation and parameters. in the end if everything fail, you can always create an alembic file from your character animation, transfer the materials, and put it t render. it usually works well, unless you have some kind of changing topology and then you might end without motionblur in your render. cheers
  4. Hi I found a port of instance man that runs on 2024 release. Now its paid but since this is a great plugin/tool i still recomend to everyone that uses instances in their work flow. https://plugins4d.com/Product/InstanceMan cheers
  5. Sure. This bug is around for 3 or 4 previous releases and basicly when we are using fields, and for example we select a spline object as field, and if we use one of the curve/spline editors in a separate window, it show as blank. I'm putting some screenshots here to illustrate this issue. This issue however happens only with certain objects. perhaps that's why is hard to spot. Anyway it has already been reported.
  6. Hi Since the release of R2024 i've already placed at least 7 bug requests/reports. After the 1.0 version 3 were fixed and 4 are still to be fixed. I agree that due to the complexity of software upgrade, things will take some time to fix, even if some bugs such as solo layer that are a real pain... These remaining 4 errors bugs (probably way more) are not what really bothers me. What really bothers me are bugs with years, that persists from various releases and dont get fixed. Thigs like the spline editor separate window when you are working with fields, the edge slide tool when while doing pose morphs, the viewport crashes, things like that. Those bugs are becoming permanent and i feel that more are in the way to get permanent too, even with constant reports. Still, i've been using R2024 for my work and find it better and faster so i really hope next upgrade will get these bugs fixed soon. cheers
  7. oh sry. my mistake. but, some of that intel still valid. cheers
  8. Going from r2023 to R2024 will work fine in most cases. However here are some situations that might cause diferences: There was some changes in the sdk that result in some plugins ceasing to work. Some tools like mirror selection, polygon mirror etc, exist but are considered legacy so they are slowly being romeved from their menus. Task manager changed a bit (logo missing) there are also a few bugs that are anoying but i think it will be fixed soon: solo layer is messed up and doesnt hide fields or nulls the input values in effectors change some animations if you put values like -1 instead of -0.999 carefull with xrefs or other kind referenced stuff. might cause bugs. besides these i'm working fine with both. cheers
  9. I think its an annoying bug reggarding c4d. in the mospline, if the offset is set to 99.999 that problem disapears. such problem i think its related to c4d system itself. This however generates a small gap that i believe it can be solved with a optimize node as deformer. cheers
  10. Hey! Another possibility is using a mospline loading the circle (or another shape). Then in the mospline effector pool load a plain to control the thickness of the circles. then use fields. With this system you only need one setup. mograph_thickness_with_mospline.c4d
  11. hey something like this? since the integer input fields has a limit , i set it up to 999.999.999 cheers counter.c4d
  12. Hi There's a new patch release. version 0.1 is out. https://support.maxon.net/hc/en-us/articles/8658038724124-Cinema-4D-2024-0-1-September-20-2023 Some fixes are very welcome. Let's keep them comming. Thanks cheers
  13. Amazing initiative. It's really a great help in order to master scene nodes. Thank you cheers
  14. HI Are you planning developing a version of instanceman for the 2024 release, or even making it commercial? This is a great plugin and i was wondering if there was going to be upgraded. Thanks cheers
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