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Everything posted by catnap

  1. Screen Recording 2024-06-08 at 11.27.58 AM.mov
  2. If I may ask another question, Is it possible to have a polygon selection tag (a selection of a object) follow another object? It has to be right? in the screen recording below the two halves of a candy bar, how would I make the selected polygons move with right side of the bar? I want to join the left and right sides to make it look like candy caramel is bending from the both sides when the two halves animate apart from one another. Is there a better way to do this? maybe the pos morph tag? Thank you! Candy bar Break_15.c4d
  3. @Hrvoje This is Exactly what I was looking for Glue with falloff! Thank you Thank you!!
  4. @Hrvoje I appreciate you taking the time and sharing the file!!, yes this does work, although the the cracked topology around the edge is now gone. I was hoping to save the cracked edges made by the Voroni fracture and still be able to do what your .C4D file can do. I guess I could "current state to object" for the two sides and them animate those separately, but it's som much cleaner and easer to do it with "plain" effectors. Any Ideas if this is at all possible?
  5. I'm trying to have both sides turn on their "Y" axis to reveal the inside. Is this possible with the current set up I have? Any suggestions would be appreciated! Thank you!
  6. Rotate halves of sections on the "Y" axis while using Plain effector and Voronoi fracture? How would I do this? Screen Recording 2024-06-01 at 6.45.25 PM.mov Candy bar Break_13.c4d
  7. Is it possible to delete polygons from a alembic animation? For example, I'm trying to remove some whiskers from a large cat alembic animation, but when I select and delete the geo the whole animation gets deleted as well....
  8. @deck!!!!! inheritance effector did the trick! I never would have thought to use this effector, MANY THANK YOU'S to you!! Best catnap
  9. @Cerbera Good suggestion! That does stop the six separate polygon objects from exploding, but it makes the clones move erratically. I have tried every dropdown in the "shape dropdown" within the Collision section (Automictic. Box, Ellipsoid...) I also tried all three Instance Modes on the Cloner, Instance, Render Instance and Multi Instance, but it did not stop the erratic movements of the cloned cassettes...
  10. 👋 This post originated in another thread but the challenge/problem has changed. I asked this question on the ciniversery forum, The moderator had some great suggestions and shared his set up. He made a material in C4D nodes, I made a Redshift material in the shader graph based on his node structure. The current set up is using User data on six separate polygon objects. Then their inside of a null then that is in a Cloner. His set up had no dynamics, Mine does.... the cloner object breaks apart, which I don't want. I want to keep the cloner with the user data and the dynamics. I thought a connect object would work, but it does not. My original problem was that I couldn't figure out how to camera project over multiple materials. This seems to be fixed, but now I can’t seem to figure out how to keep the parts of the cassette stay together. Is there a way to keep the separate sections of the cassette tape (in the cloner) together and not break apart? Scene file link below: https://www.dropbox.com/t/TaHwP7Wz9GwQJJ7c Thanks in advance! Catnap
  11. I asked this same question on the Cineversity, Forum. The moderator had some great suggestions and shared his setup, He made a material in C4D nodes, I made a Redshift material in the shader graph based on his node structure. The current set up is using User data on six separate polygon objects. Then their inside of a null then that is in a Cloner. His set up had no dynamics, Mine does.... the cloner object breaks apart, which I don't want. I want to keep the cloner with the user data and the dynamics. I thought a connect object would work, but it does not. My original problem was that I couldn't figure out how to camera project over multiple materials. Is there a way to keep the separate sections of the cassette tape (in the cloner) together and not break apart? Scene file link below: https://www.dropbox.com/t/TaHwP7Wz9GwQJJ7c Thanks in advance! Catnap
  12. Hello, so I tried adding another material into the Material blender, but still having difficulty with the logo projecting onto all the material on the tape cassette. Does the white material need the same camera map node as well (I tried that, didn't work) or is there another combo of nodes to achieve this? Any advice would be greatly appreciated! Thank you!
  13. @kweso I'll give it a go! Thank you!
  14. Hi, I'm trying to have a logo projected onto some cloned objects that have different materials that have been assigned with selection tags. Is this the correct way to do this? (see the attached screen shot) Was hoping to have a solid color logo project over the cassettes and still keep the white label section and the keep the color user data intact... reason be is I wanted to bake out the texture(logo) to the clones and have them fall into place to have the logo line up on all the objects. I can get the camera map to work, but it doses not cover all the parts of the clones. It does not show up on the label section on the cassette tape. Thank you in advance!!
  15. Hello, Has anyone had difficulty when apply clones to a surface that has a Redshift displacement on it? Trying to have the these cloned sugar cubes stick to the surface of the dounut, but they float just on-top of it... I'm unable to bake out the displacement to a mesh, and current state does not work. Any idea's? I shared a link to the project file via dropbox below. https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fo/927003mhoiewyi3pkg7at/h?dl=0&rlkey=d1pfst0r7s7tcu1hvdtws02i6 Thank you!!
  16. @Cerbera thank you for your reply. I asked on the Redshift forum as well and received this reply, "Nope, sorry. This is not possible right now"... Bummer.
  17. Hello, this must be possible, but I'm having a difficult time figuring this one out. Is it possible to bake a Redshift displacement into a mesh? Thus deleting the redshift object tag and having the displacement within the mesh. Any ideas?
  18. Wow! @bezo @jed @HappyPolygon @hyde @MJV @Igor THANK you!! So many great solutions! Really appreciate you all sharing your experience and suggestions!
  19. @hyyde Cool! yeah this works! Tubes around tube loop ()_1.mp4
  20. @hyde Appreciate you taking the time to post your suggestion. I did notice when the spline is closed it shoots abruptly to the side. I'm trying to have the 4 cloned tubes animate (If looking down on the torus clockwise around the torus) and loop. Thanks again! @HappyPolygon any suggestions? Thanks in advance!
  21. Trying to achieve a a looping animation. I have a helix with a bend deformer. Untimely trying to have the clones visible on both sides of the torus as it animates/offsets. Is it possible to have a close spline? Usually there is a blue and white start and end... Any other suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks in advance! Tubes around tube loop.c4d
  22. Hey Jed, This is very cool! Memory and Matrix! Thanks again for sharing this! really appreciate it!
  23. Hello, Working on R23 Two questions. 1- Trying to have a sphere rotate along/follow a spline. When I check Tangential the sphere goes crazy! Any ideas why this is happening? 2- How would I have more than one sphere roll along the spline? A cloner? Thanks in advance! R23 Ball roatating Curve spline.c4d
  24. Hi C4D Cafe.✋ Happy Holidays! I'm on R23.110 I want the capsule (that is in a Boole) to move underneath the sphere as the sphere rolls along the surface. I'm trying to have a capsule's height property follow the percentage of a Align to spline tag. Is this the correct method to do so? I tried connecting the Align to spline node to a range mapper (set from percent to user defined) then attach that to the capsule's height property, but that did not work. I have attached my c4d file and a screen shot. Any advice or ideas would be greatly appreciated!! Sphere with boole rotate along spline.c4d
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