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Everything posted by VECTOR

  1. Calling this one done :D Click view full size to see the full 3k render
  2. updated render with some post colour correction and hand painting
  3. spent a bit of time making some accessories, pouches for the belt, made a new buckle. i think the new one is cooler, jazzed up the base, also did a vertex map for the face/head for areas around the eyes, nose, mouth and cheeks as well as finishing posing the face.
  4. well your making nice progress, with 2 weeks still to go :)
  5. sounds like you're enjoying this experience, i must admit its quite refreshing to have something to work on other than personal projects. yea still toying around with him, i was thinking of doing an enviroment, and i may still later on, but i think that may take the focus away from the character, so i think i'll just work on jazzing up the base a little more. :D
  6. never really used imgur, i use gyazo, for quick screen grabs, it opens a webpage with the image once you've taken it. might give imgur a go, how you coming along with your character ?
  7. thanks dan, image compression on heres does you no favours, looks even cleaner full screen in photoshop
  8. haha cheers man, still considering some other options, pretty happy with this lighting though, the 3k render really shows it off much better http://vector3d.deviantart.com/art/Test-9-No-Filter-Final-646736149?ga_submit_new=10%3A1479592591 (click to zoom)
  9. cape on, posed a few more elements and did a little test render
  10. definetly, for me once the head is out of the way, i can relax a little, always the trickiest part i find :P
  11. yea im thinking to have it flapping in the wind or something behind him, but it may get in the way of seeing the saber so i might have to play with it a little
  12. been refining the lighting tonight, aswell as posing the face a little, also been trying to decide wether to do a cloak or not, i decided in favour of one, which i'll start tomorrow :D
  13. bit of an update to the lighting, also the materials
  14. thanks bro, thats nothing compared to what it looks like now ;) update soon
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