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Everything posted by VECTOR

  1. personally i dont mind the wire frames, some people like to see the topology
  2. I know what you mean pal. I would love to specialise in 3d, character work especially and one day work towards becoming a senior character artist or something like that. But knowing how hard it is to get into a postion like that, becoming a generalist makes more sense, being able to do a bit of everything but not concentrating on any given area. Even then cg is such a crowded field, even getting a job as a generalist is difficult, how do you stand out in a field so cramed with talent? When big companies usual hire right out of uni/college. What hope do us self taught guys have? I fell in love with 3d as soon as i started, and ofcourse theres times when you need a break, some times i do no modelling or 3d at all for a few weeks, then ill just pick up again where i left off. Some times it is difficult to keep that motivation and drive, and its that age old struggle of waiting for your skill level to catch up to the ideas in your head, something i think will probably never happen. As you say there is always things to learn, and new ways to do things, id like to improve with hair, as well as be able to rigg and uv, just so that i can have a bit more freedom when it comes to posing my characters etc. Manually posing them with out a rig is a massive pain! I dont know if its a natural talent or just persiverance, but i seem to be improving model to model so only time will tell i guess, you never no, one day i might be working for ilm or pixar XD
  3. keep up the good work @SIgor
  4. Thanks for the kind words Dave. I had a quick browse at those videos, looks like interesting stuff :D. As far as modelling goes, ive only been doing 3d for 2 years now. i think like most people i just jumped straight in at the deep end, trying to model weapons, robots ect, and of course i failed terribly. it wasn't until i decided to concetrate my efforts on a certain area, which happened to be character/organic modelling that things really started to kick off. theres been plenty of long days, before work, after work, all day weekends, living like a hermit for days on end when i happend to have some time off. Iv'e had a lot of guidence along the way, from the likes of @everfresh and @Cerbera who've helped me out alot over my short time in 3d. for some reason beyond my understanding, topology/edge flow just make sense, like i have a rough idea of how im going to map it all out before iv'e even started. Usually i dont even plan out how im going to model, other than gathering some refrence material i usually just jump straight into it. Iv'e been doing a little hard surface stuff latley as i tend to neglect that area quite alot due to mainly doing character work, and strangley enough they really do seem to go hand in hand, to the point i now feel quite confident that i could model most objects fairly easily. My problem being that, having spent so much time on the modelling side of things, ive neglected the whole lighting/ texturing/ rigging side of things, which has kind of left me at an odds, with @everfresh constantly on my back to learn rigging and uv mapping, of which my usual responce is, yea yea on the next one haha. I guess its like most things, if theres a will theres a way :DD
  5. oh er i think my inbox may be full hold on, it didnt take too long really was quite fun :D
  6. Thank you :D nope no sculpting, everything was poly modelled, so i just created the creases manually by making a few knife cuts, and bringing some of those points outwards. As for the dress as a whole, i created the entire body first, then made a copy of the mesh and deleted the parts i didnt need leaving only the chest and thigh areas, from that i just modelled the rest of the dress manually, again for the creases on the lower part of the dress i modelled those by hand, without any tags or dynamics, just basic modelling techniques :D
  7. im making room in my inquisitor cabinet right now !
  8. :O i think theres a certain cube, from a certain badge that could be used to create said statuette :D
  9. Oh good, does that mean that during my next performance evaluation, il recieve a pay rise?
  10. haha dont think those features are big enough now to think of it ;) all glorious quads!!
  11. Some of you may remember this old model from some time ago, thought id give it a bit more love and re model some parts, along with adjusting the topology and creating new materials and lighting :D
  12. Igor, trialed that a few months back, im not sure why they never kept it. personally i think its a good addition, most sites like cg society, 3d total, art station etc have this, and personally i like it.
  13. VECTOR


    Nice work mate :D
  14. VECTOR

    Interior WIP

    That ones looking much better ! , id play with that physical sky a little more, maybe get some sun in the back drop, give it a bit more of a mood lighting, maybe early morning/ early evening ect, wood still looking a little low res to me, also maybe add a little depth of field? make the table the focus point, and blur the surrounding areas a little? just a few suggestions bro, keep up the good work !
  15. VECTOR

    2016 Showreel

    Some nice work there pal
  16. it would, weekly mini challenges would be pretty cool
  17. Just wondering if there any challenges coming up soon? as there doesn't seem to be much regularity at the moment.
  18. my man killing it as usual, so much sexyness in one thread!
  19. added a little dirt/wear in post, think that ill do for the time being :P
  20. Adding it to the list bro! :D
  21. Me too man, motor bike could be awesome, think of the render possibilities :D, i mean i still need to do a few things to the bike, like welds ect, but i just wanted to get it done, so ill probably come back to it after a while and add those little touches, maybe some stickers too, although really i wanted the bike to have a very minimal design/look. once ive added those little touches, ill upload it here for anyone who's interested :D Give it a go man, i think every one is a little caustious about tackiling something outside of their normal expertise, but ive for sure learnt quite a bit along the way , especially about lighting, materials and displacements, and the importance of good post work.
  22. thanks man, i might do a couple more renders :D makes a change to work on something different, out of my comfort zone for a change :D
  23. Right calling this done. may do some re-renders with different angles, but for now im calling this one done :D
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