DAMN thats a pretty crazy story, shows what can be achieved if you set your mind on it! i wouldn't mind doing some realistic stuff, id also like to start 3d printing my own toys/figures, as well as designing all the cover/box art for them, i come from a graphics design back ground so that would be pretty sweet. it seems like sculpting is the way to go these days, i think us character guys that sub d/ poly model all our stuff are a dying breed, i just really enjoy pushing cinema to the limits in terms of what can be modelled vs what most people would sculpt.
Im sort of at a cross roads as to which direction to go in, mostly just trying to get some decent pieces of work together on my website (http://www.va3d.co.uk) , to use as part of a portfolio, and generally just try and push things to the next level., regarding industry standards, ive licenced copy of maya 16 on my hard drive thanks to autodesks student program, and have opened it a few times and instantly cringed at the layout and menus, c4d is so cleanly laid out, its a pleasure to work with, il look those guys up, always appreciate great work :D
I realise that relatively speak im quite late to the game, at 28 i guess most people in the industry have 10 years on me, so ive a lot of work to do to catch up :D , luckily theres an array of great guys like your self on the cafe to provide guidence etc to us up and comers :P
main thing on the agenda now i think is to get a decent reel going, im pretty much on par with @Cerbera in regards to striving for the perfect all quad topology, so at least i'll have some nice wire frames to put in there :D hopefully by early next year i'll have enough material :D