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Everything posted by VECTOR

  1. didn't like me3 as much, i dont think you can beat the first 2, for me the council had to die ;) looking good btw man :D iv'e got something in the works im gonna start this week, got 4 days off over easter :D

    Floating Barrels

    Trust me mate you could have qualifications coming out your proverbial backend, it really means nothing in the grand scheme of things. Unless your aiming at pixar, which usually recruit straight out of college/uni none of that paper work means anything. You can have degree upon degree with all the technical stuff to go with it, it still doesn't mean your any good. For example i have zero 3d related qualifications, did at school and have had different jobs all over the place in 2.5 years ive gone from nothing to doing 3d modelling jobs commercially my latest being for American express. Moral of the story dont be so worried about the paper work because people really dont care. If your work is good it speaks for its self. It may have taken @Cerbera. 7 years but I'll argue theres no better modeller edge flow or topology wise on this whole site

    Floating Barrels

    you're never going to be perfect at 3d, any aspect of it, infact i'll argue no one is ever perfect at anything, there is always someone better, and no matter how good that person is, they will always be limited to the fact you are always waiting for your skills to catch up to the ideas you have in your head, something that will never happen, rather than concentrating on being the best, because there will never be a "best" generally the more you put in the more you'll get out, but i really think that some things people are just born to do, and no matter how much time spent learning, or hours put in, sometimes you just either have it or you dont - example someone could be modelling in 3d for 10 years, doing all sorts of hard surface sexyness, but no matter how hard they try they just cant grasp organic/character modelling, then you could have someone who's modelled for half the time but be able to model anything.
  4. Yea the high poly model will be going forward in the project minus some of finer details like badges, some of the little rivets screws etc, the whole project (5 adverts) will be rendered out in S&T so theres only a few very specific items that will need to be uvd. I've been playing around with a few materials so I'll probably end up texturing it at some point just as a personal project.
  5. Aha man gotta try and get some time bro
  6. Aww thought you liked a challenge
  7. thanks man! er probably not for this one, as i'm pretty busy with the rest of the project, but i may come back to it later. just throwing some materials on it at the moment. couldn't resist.
  8. You're welcome to give it a go if you want:)
  9. Ah thank you, not the cleanest ive done but not too shabby Ah yea im not sure yet should be fun though
  10. I know i know i let myself and everyone else down :/ ah i took about 22 hours to build and maybe a couple more to add in the little details like the little rivet Things, logos on the mud flaps etc. For the tire i modelled the basic shape from a torus then did some inner extrudes on the outter rim parts of the tread then brought those out a little then did the same for the middle tread then selected the outer tread and rotated it, then selected all the extrudes on the other side and rotated them in the opposite direction and repeated that process for the middle, theres a few other was but seeing as i need it ti be quite a simple tread that method worked quite well :)
  11. thanks guys :D cheers bro, i just noticed a small triangle by the petrol cap cut out, upon closer inspection i found there was one on the opposite side too, two triangles! i of course nearly went into panic mode and remedied these immediately https://gyazo.com/c716459f20755f89fa7523df65b62999
  12. thanks bro, yea it does have one, but with the tire there, it blocks 3/4 of it so you can only just see the side of it, so i left it out, although i might add it in later :D
  13. Hey guys, working on a commercial project at the moment creating a variety of cool models and assets and thought i'd share a few shots of a vehicle i've been working on, i figure it's a generic model of an existing vehicle as opposed to the other stuff designed just for the project so i should be okay to share these, after delivery of the model i was free to add the extra bits of detailing that weren't needed for the project version. C&C are welcome :D click full size for 3k renders.
  14. still using 7 myself, never bought into the whole windows 8/10, 7 it stable as hell and everything just works, wont be upgrading anytime soon until im literally forced to!
  15. I think the reason some people have been rubbed up the wrong way, is you've just rocked up and created a thread basically slating the software and going on about how much maya and houdini are better packages etc.. It's like going on an autodesk exclusive forum and creating a thread about how rubbish and expensive maya is... Some people just don't want to hear it. We are aware of some of the short falls c4d has interms of some of its features compared to rival packages, we dont need to be constantly reminded of it...
  16. Hey man will get back to you asap about what we discussed only i've had a few things come up with the new baby and ive been up the hospital past few days.
  17. Maya might be the standard now, but i can see that changing in the future..maya is one of many tools in the pipeline.
  18. Thanks bro, ha don't worry, yep i sub d everything, organic or hard surface, can't be doing all that manual bevelling, a lot easier to change things on the fly too :D
  19. Modelled based on a british/european robin, who's beaks are black. American robins have yellow beaks aswell as black heads and slightly different body shape.
  20. hes definitely high on something :D legs on, pretty much done, may make a few more tweaks. feet are my favourite part of this! high res 4k shots ( click full size and zoom) overall build time from concept to now is about 24 hours split over 2 days. Turn table to come !
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