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Everything posted by VECTOR

  1. Aha the cat.killed it for me
  2. I've got tones of unfinished characters and projects. My problem is I get bored easily and just end up starting something else
  3. Yea nice but not totally photo real and although the skin looks nice it's too glossy for my liking


    Holy sh*t the triangles. Where's my tri-blaster 5000
  5. Nice work Dave. I really don't think it matters that you didn't model it originally. It's no different to a texture artist texturing a model from another artist or a lighting artist lighting a scene. All that's Important is that you put a considerable amount of time and effort into and that you enjoyed doing it, it's also good to see you pushing your self keep it up:D


    yea nice stuff mate!
  7. thanks man yea key shot :)
  8. Re-render of my cafe challenge submission. click full size for the 3k ;)


    ah red shift ;) how is it man?
  10. the gardeners are on strike man, damn union. not a whisper of the super duper top secret high tech underground experimental bio weapon research and development complex
  11. Oh lordy, he didn't get the memo.
  12. Don't forget the zombies on the laws!
  13. haha, you can't really see here, but it does actually have bearings :D https://i.gyazo.com/62325351e864e5fbe5d23afd9f8fbb9b.png
  14. I feel like it could benefit from a handful of zombies sprawled all over it, with a priest equipped with a high powered rifle by the clock tower there, with a caption "keep off the lawns"
  15. looking good man, only thing i think is the grass looks a little to neat, even for a manor of this magnitude.:)
  16. yea man, keyshot. It's rapidly becoming my preferred render method, mainly for the ease of use, you can produce some decent looking renders with minimal effort and saves a bunch of time not having to mess around tweaking a load of individual settings. it's a little pricey but worth the investment, for me atleast. of course you still need a decent model to start with :)
  17. ha me too probably the the best bit! nice texturing on your project btw ;)
  18. version 2.0 :D having quite a lot of fun breaking away from my usual cartoon styling. (click full size for the 4k render ;) )
  19. VECTOR


    thanks Igor, not my usual style but having lots of fun :)
  20. VECTOR


    Few more keyshot tests.
  21. Ah man that sucks. Did you go through the verification process correctly? I'd be more than willing to get this sorted for you right away. I just need a few details for verification purposes, the long 16 digit number across the front of your credit/debit card the expiery date and the last 3 digits of your security number on the back of the card, As well as your mother's maiden name :)
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