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Everything posted by VECTOR

  1. yes yes but i'd like a manual button also in case of malfunction
  2. i'd like to put in a request for permanent kill mode, i see no reason to stun triangles, best to kill them right away
  3. Phew i nearly set my taser from stun..to KILL
  4. OMG DEFCON 1 triangle alert triangle alert, dispatching IQP traingle and ngon obliteration squad to sector 137.41.6789765544326
  5. Ok buckle up and follow closely Step 1 Press the cube button, like so Step 2 Rotate the cube to the optimal angle for maximum visual stimulation, 45 degrees, like so Step 3 Position yourself at the IQP recommended distance for optimal viewing and appreciation.
  6. no, no its my duty, give me a moment.
  7. i should mentioned it was an advanced tutorial, i'll prepare a comprehensive step by step guide
  8. I Feel you man, i don't really see the point of those daily renders, yea don't worry opinions are so subjective someone's idea of good can be someone else's just ok, btw we still need to do that collaboration project ;)
  9. yea man, especially when the work you do is mainly non pixar style cartoony, most people are only interested in that sort style or photo realism, it kinda sucks in many ways. unless it's that or hard surface mechs, guns etc
  10. Ha just keeping it simple, taking the artsy approach ;) na just having a laugh, interestingly enough i'm receiving more interest in this thread than my actually genuine projects
  11. thanks bro, i really pushed myself, all these years are finally paying off :D
  12. VECTOR


    i'm on R18 and wont be upgrading again till atleast R20, ive only this year gone from 16 to 18
  13. with my super fast next gen computer it's instant :D
  14. THANKS BRO, it's pretty complex but here it goes, what you have to do is go to the primitives menu, then, you have to click it, and a cube, you then have to position the cube in a way that is aesthetically pleasing, then you need to sit back and appreciate the cube, it's hard edges complement it's smooth surface so well after you need to light the cube with a strong back light on say 400 percent.
  15. Okay guys here's my latest project, i really tried to push my skills further on this one, and i think so far i've managed to achieve that, the Cube, so big, so bold, so....sexy. as always comments and critiques are welcome :D more updates to come
  16. VECTOR

    Fat Brian

    Hey man how's it going? yea it was quite a fun project, not sure if i'm 100 percent done with him yet, he may pop in again in the future :D As for C4D i'm self taught too, i've been using for a few years now, as you said above i was doing it before work, after work, evenings and weekends, i basically modeled as much as possible. Can't say i watched many tutorials, i watched one right at the start on the basics of the program but that's really about it, i was quite lucky to have a few good people from this community help steer the ship in the right direction, it wasn't until i started to delve into subdivision surface modelling , mainly concentrating on the character side of things that my skills really developed, once i grew an appreciation and understanding for the need for clean flowing quad based topology everything sort of just stated to make sense, fitting together like a puzzle almost. Anything Chris Schmidt is worth a watch, usually anything gsg is worth taking in, there's also a handy holes tutorial on here in the downloads section from the former owner 3Dkiwi, it's a little old now but the principles are the same, Also users @Cerbera and @everfresh are some of the most knowledgeable guys i ever met, with decades of experience between them, so it's worth following them, and any advice they give, as it's 100 percent sound, usually ;)
  17. VECTOR

    Fat Brian

    Thanks bro it was fun to work on. on yo the next one now :)
  18. renderd images look fine but not so much when it comes to the geometry and use of booles, as @Cerberawould say it's not proper modelling ;) it's also quite high poly, it's a fairly simple shape that would be far easier to model with low polys ;)
  19. VECTOR

    Fat Brian

    Here's the full uncropped version.
  20. Keep it up man, i'm self taught too, trust me paper work means nothing in the grand scheme of things, if you can model, you can model. i've spent so much time in front of the computer atleast 8 hours a day( after work staying up till 2- 3am) pretty much every day for 3 years that's like 8544 hours :P and that's nothing compared to the likes of cbr and everfresh who both have 10 years plus experience ;) , you will get there keep going :)
  21. my man good on you for delving into the wonderful world of organic character modelling :D pretty much mirror wat cbr is saying in regards to the edge flow and poles. hands can be tricky to get right but the more you do the better you will get. how long have you been modelling for ?
  22. VECTOR

    Fat Brian

    Haha yea that was actually the original plan to have him sat at his desk bored out of his mind in his little office cubicle behind his computer and have an image split up in to 8 boxes one for each hour oh his work day with him in various situations at his desk
  23. VECTOR

    Fat Brian

    so this will probably be the final, I may end up tweaking a couple of things , mainly because I don't know when to leave things alone :D any critiques or comments are welcome. make sure to view it full size (clicking 3 times) to catch a look at all the little details;) V
  24. Hey man there's alot of great modellers and freelancers on the cafe. I guess the answer to your first question would depend on wether you where looking for artists souley in the states or over seas as well. I can't see for example anyone from My neck of the woods (England) relocating but that may be a different case if it's only a matter of finding someone in another state as opposed to another country. As far as pay goes most will have a day/hourly rate, its then up to you how much you're willing to shell out. remote work might be a better option, but then again depending on where your artist lives will depend on wether that works for you or not. I've been doing some Amex work lately remotely for a guy in Australia so it's definitely possible :D
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