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Everything posted by VECTOR

  1. AAAAAnd she has the cheek to give you the cold shoulder!
  2. Ha yes although i'm surprised your cat didn't suffer the same after your 3k loss
  3. Yep he clearly wasn't a fan at all ;) luckily i have the head still other wise i would have properly thrown my toys out the pram! i'm just waiting for the day he does it to me with a client job and corrupts the c4d file, then sits back with a big evil grin on his face watching while i try to explain to the client i don't have their super urgent, very expensive model they requested! lol
  4. The plan was to do some nice poly geometry hair, with plaits etc and i had got about halfway through making it when my son (20 months) decided to press the reset button on my pc, stupidly didn't save it the night before, just left the pc running, so looks like i'll have to start over from scratch :(
  5. Ah cheers mate, i really wana push this on, i'd love to get it disney quality :D
  6. Update time, head pretty much there, might tweak it a little more, hair next :D
  7. Aha if i could find a way to solve those i'd basically be a god :D
  8. haha the far left head made me laugh, yea there's no real way to avoid it, I'm just too much of a topology whore
  9. Yea they are, but they are temporary eyes ;) the final ones will just be a lower poly perfect sphere;) not too low though, i don't like to go much less than 20 segments, as the spheres start going egg shaped Cubes are the future
  10. aren't most of them monsters anyway ;)
  11. Not if your character is a floating cube ;)
  12. There's only 1 solution, make everything perfectly square :)
  13. hmmm i did have my blaster on kill, there must be a way to eliminate them ;)
  14. :D notice the tiny quad patch on the eye ;) bit annoying about those poles where the nose, eyes and mouth attach, but literally can't be avoided :( while keeping the loops around each part
  15. Hey guys, in the very early stages of designing/creating a new female character, i was planning on doing a monster, but i realised i didn't have enough good female characters so there we go, poly by poly sub d modelling, as usual trying to keep it clean and flowing with minimum geo :D
  16. VECTOR

    R2D2 in snow

    :P looking good though mate :D
  17. VECTOR

    R2D2 in snow

    ilike it but i feel those rocks should have some residual snow on at the least, they look a little too clean for me ;) maybe a little build up at the base of the rocks too
  18. what they should do is give you some sort of neurol headset, so you can control the tools through electrical impulses from your brain, so you can sculpt without doing anything at all apart from just sitting there and thinking about it :D
  19. Haha epic. nice little animation, nice breakdown too:D
  20. Everything sub d baby, hard surface/ organic, all of it, baby :D
  21. haha yea it's cool man, I ment nothing by it like that ,it's a good idea bro
  22. I've got a deviant art account but I'm not sure it's really worth it, it's such a massive community on there it's hard to get anything noticed, I've also got an Instagram account for 3D and it's not that bad
  23. I'm working on a kitbash kit/kits specifically for this plugin at the moment I'm hoping I'll be able to get a decent amount of bits done for the release
  24. Yea awesome idea @Igor what do you think.
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