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Everything posted by VECTOR

  1. Yo guy wats up a bit of hard surface practice this time, the Tie Interceptor from Star Wars, i'll be doing my own version so it won't be 100 percent accurate to the movie version but should be pretty fun here's a little progress so far.
  2. it's not sub d thats making the mesh like that it's the topology and the way you constructed it making it bad, see cerberas example, it subdivides perfectly, also my man everfresh's spline version for how it should be done properly using that method
  3. i reckon i could do it in 3 ;)
  4. Not disagreeing with you're points either, as they are valid in a sense that caping a cylinder with an n-gon isn't going to break anything, just that i wouldn't do it ;) , just looking back at some of my older work, i thought that was good at the time, i bow my head in shame at the state of it, in comparison to what im able to do now, i think we can agree that the best way to approach a model, is one in which will be the easiest for you to work with, and get completed with the least amount of hiccups along the way, i remember being dubious of sud b modelling to begin with now it's the only way i model :D
  5. Well i think it demonstrates more a lack of knowledge/technique/skill, this is clearly shown by the way he's constructed the model in the first place and by principle i mean by way of doing it properly, as everfresh pointed out fastest way is better, as long as it doesn't compromise quality, and if this was a commercial piece and under deadlines then fair enough, make it with drawn splines and extrudes, as it would be faster, if it's seen from a distance, yea even better i wouldn't even bother bevelling the edges, you could make an argument for that in a commercial environment, or it was a quick concept model to realise an idea have ngons and triangles all day long, as that is not the final model, and a fully quad based higher poly model will be created later on based on the original concept. But when you're trying to make a profit from a model, that's in competition from other models that are either equal or of better quality, which he specifically stated as wanting the model to attain a level of detail surpassing the other models on the website then you're not gonna have the flexibility to achieve that with just extruded splines, i agree trying to make it quads afterwards is not the way to go, if that's the aim do that from the beginning, but using boole's the results are inconsistent and create equally horrendous topology. As cerbera pointed out many websites ngons are a strict no, as in they will not accept the model if it contains them, triangles not so much. really it all comes to down to personal preference, i've seen litterature sold and bought and distributed in the thousands by places like cgsociety that contain absolutely horrendous examples of topology, modelling and just over all laziness that would make Cerbera wet his big girl knickers! and that is from some renowned industry artists and these are being sold for like 60 -170 dollars and are currently sold out images below are from these books http://www.ballisticpublishing.com/books/dartiste/character_modeling/ http://www.ballisticpublishing.com/books/essence/face/ https://gyazo.com/7b5b8ff8c311e0333a7488f49159e250 https://gyazo.com/d5e74c449eef1422fbb28e614edfa60e Now although I've been assured theres is good content in these book's (i don't own them personally) the fact they contain stuff like that is unforgivable imo. So it would seem a lot of people would agree with you that 100 percent quads are not necessary, nor is getting rid off all the ngons or triangles, but personally to me and Cerbera atleast, just because you don't need to do something to get the job done, doesn't necessarily mean you shouldn't and personally i'd rather be called out for being a quad Wh0re and overly obsessive with meshes, than put my name to anything resembling the examples i posted here.
  6. Out of curiosity is there a reason why you feel like you need to keep it productural ? also being honest the topology is getting pretty bad here, it's all well and good to have no n gons or triangles but not if this mesh is the result, not to be discouraging but i feel this maybe a little out of your modelling range skill wise, atleast for the moment, of course this is only my opinion.
  7. Yea that's totally fine, and a good way to approach the model, but more geometry or dense corners like that doesn't necessarily translate to better detail, also you have to keep in mind that when you upload your model to turbo squid etc, people are going to be comparing your model to others, and the first thing i do if i ever go on a site like that is look at the wireframes, not saying this has to be 100 percent perfectly equally spaced out and sided 4 sided polygons, i'm just pointing out that if you want it to sell, it's a good idea to keep it clean and neat as possible.
  8. I appreciate what you're trying to do here, and i'm interested to see how it turns out, but personally, i think you're wasting a lot of time approaching this the wrong way, and then trying to clean up afterwards, for something that's not going to be seen close up,you don't need half the the geometry you have there especially, for the arched/corner sections
  9. Modelling principle for one, second, he mentioned about possibly selling it in the future, so if he wants any hope of any one buying it, it's best not to spend a bunch of time making a model riddled with triangles and ngons, and intersecting geometry like this https://gyazo.com/7f67c4c6c525785d4eb4d71326298598
  10. hmmm Id rather they just added a loop selection option to the existing ffd deformer , to make it easier to select points
  11. Yep looking pretty sweet
  12. looking good so far, id say he could do with a little more depth in the upper body so from the side it has a bit more of a taper down to the legs / feet, the collar on the sweater could be smaller / thinner so the majority of it sits under the shirt collar. also make the shoulder slightly wider and the sweater arm holes at a bit more of an angle as the arms have a bit of a werid curvature going on from the tip of the shoulder down to the elbow at the moment but that's just my opinion. the topology looks pretty clean although it's a little too high poly wise in some places for my liking that it doesn't necessarily need to be with the amount of detail present like the head, arms and legs but over all it's pretty good :)
  13. sounds about right I remember that was the least enjoyable part for me . i would def add tire detailing as it just gives it that little bit extra, I even went as far as to add those little hair like bits that come off of the tire tread :D
  14. ;D ah yes the fun to be had! looking good though ! how long did it take you ?
  15. i did mine manually as i had holes for the spokes to go into to line up as well, and if you look at the actual spoke pattern they have quite specific positions spokes inside and outside of the hub on both sides and they all have to line up from both sides in the centre of the wheel :D https://gyazo.com/97b650288501562c8054a223422230da
  16. its coming along. i see you're leaving the wheel spokes till last? i remember these being a pain in the ass when i did my bmx
  17. :D yea i gave him purposely larger feet for that reason :D i imagine making them a little tighter would give more room to play with ( you could subtly file down the area to fit) also to compensate for any shrinkage for the parts printed seperate) i've got a christmas themed horror toy in mind, although it's gonna be a lot of work, so i'm not sure whether to undertake it or not :D
  18. Ah, he has, thank you very much DV i'm not animator though :(
  19. oh and the tail feathers are separate too forgot about those but shouldn't be too difficult to modify those so they slot in at the back some how only thing I'm thinking is would the legs be strong enough to support his weight
  20. that's rather ironic don't you think
  21. i actually think he would print quite easily, apart from the eyes, legs and collar it's all 1 continuous mesh
  22. :) starting to get the hang of this modelling lark!
  23. From time to time i'll go back to an older project or character to improve it some, or just to develop it a little further, Steven was a character i came up with when i first started 3d so he's been through a few different incarnations this one being the latest, C&C welcome.
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