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Everything posted by VECTOR

  1. Alright, one more before i crack on with the inside, the fun part is definitely playing around with the renders, makes all that tedious panel modelling worth it :D
  2. Nice work Nerv showing us all up again;)
  3. Thanks for the feedback Dave :D funny you should mention Ansel as i've looked at alot of his models on artstation in the past, especially the star destroyers, the sheer scale and amount of detail that guys puts into those is just insane! i'm not sure i could muster that much patience to do anything on that scale, it's been a challenge keeping this going, im quite eager to start a new cartoon character instead :D but i must press on, hopefully the finished product will be something to contend with :D
  4. Thanks man, yea once i've modelled the interior, it i'll be textured and properly lit (not by me) with some nice close up shots of all the panels and little details you can't fully see from these angles, in the meantime i did a couple more, to get a better shot of the front and back.
  5. Put a good stint in over the last couple of evenings, most of the outer ship stuff is done, a few bits of detail still i wana add, but i'll come back to that at the end, next up is a detailed interior, did a few 3k test renders, and a nice close up of the rear panel details, view these full size for your viewing pleasure :D
  6. Update time - pretty much done with the inner wing details, 3k renders attached, click full size and click to zoom to see them full size
  7. looking better but I'm really not keen on the duvet, it just doesn't look right at the bottom, especially that bottom right corner i would work some nice creases Into it and work on the shaoe in general
  8. Yea me too! i was a bit hesitant about playing around with the design but it's been probably the most enjoyable part
  9. little bit of wing progress, and some close ups of the redesigned cannons
  10. :D im using a mixture of resources, one being another artist tie interceptor renders, his being as close to the movie version that i've seen and the other is an extremely bad low poly free model that i downloaded that's pretty much entirely different to the movie version and low in detail. but quite helpful for over all proportions. So using those as loose reference while redesigning some elements and completely changing others which has been the most challenging part, how do you change design elements of an already ultra cool looking ship, as for the finished model, @everfresh will be doing the texturing and a little turntable/animation, other than that i'm debating whether to release it as a free model or not. i'm doing this mostly evenings when the kids are in bed and the misses is watching her crappy soaps on the tv ;) funnily enough this is the first bit of recreational modelling i've done for about a month, i found myself getting addicted to gta 5 online again, after my last big commercial job, which i ended up doing all the modelling for i kinda felt burned out a bit so took a break. usually i'd avoid modelling this sort of thing like the plague, rather sticking to the cartoon style characters as i tend to get bored quite easily otherwise, and i find hard surface stuff quite boring in comparison but i was determined to put my patience to the test and try and finish this one, i've just started the wings and the sheer amount of detail and little bits and bobs on there is making me regret it already :D
  11. whats the render times on these?
  12. pretty much done with the body section now, although i might come back to it at the end to add some more detail, next up are the wings and arm struts rendered out some quick 3k images so you can get a close up of the details, click full size then click to zoom to see it full scale :D
  13. Electrical panel conduit thingy, no idea what i does but it had fun designing it :D
  14. Come to the darkside of the force ;) you know they have cooler stuff :D
  15. Ah yes Happy new year to everyone, Especially @Cerbera and @Rectro for all their knowledge, and cerbera for all his jedi problem solving skills :D
  16. Update : starting to design and add panels and details
  17. VECTOR

    Female Cyborg

    also i might add to be super picky, the very centre circle section, (first pic) i'd swap that up for a proper quad patch rather than that pole there :D
  18. Thanks for the feed back guys!, Bob i'm gonna give that a little watch now :D
  19. :D haha yea gotta love a bit of starwars! although the new stuff not so much
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