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Everything posted by VECTOR


    Ellie 3.0

    Still playing with proportions but as she's a kid, I wanted her to have that big cheeked round faced look that they tend to have rather than the more narrow slender face an adult would have

    Ellie 3.0


    Ellie 3.0

    3rd incarnation of this character since i started 3d, it's been 5 years since my previous version so thought it would be fun to redo it from scratch at my current skill level. finally found a use for my female base mesh head too 😄 updates to come
  4. This is Brian, he is fat. He is known as 'Fat Brian' 🙂 he also carries a tiny umbrella
  5. Spent alot of time remodelling my old characters or improving them up to my current standards lately. Here's one I've been working on this morning. Fricking love cartoon animals, probably my favourite thing to model!
  6. Ha! Best put another disclaimer in the OP 😂
  7. One of the assets i made for An American Express AD
  8. The original Brain dead Banana. Takes more than a head shot to take this guy down
  9. Working on a couple of new projects right now, this being one. ALTHOUGH TECHNICALLY it's not "new" it's been sat on the shelf for a few years and it's about time i did something with it XD working on the hair right now as the entire body is already built, more to come 😄
  10. haha yea, i must of watched that minion film with my kids a million times
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