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Everything posted by VECTOR

  1. Some progress on my latest character, not entirely sure on the direction of this yet, i feel like she needs a massive sword or something , maybe to slay the undead, updates to come XD
  2. Some of you from back in the day may remember i started making a version of this some years ago, and made a decent amount of progress. i've since lost those files on a hard drive somewhere , so decided to scratch that hard surface itch and remodel from scratch. spent some time today starting on the eye assembly, i've got some quite good reference but will as you can image have to use some creative licence and make up the stuff i can't see. updates to come .
  3. this i find highly disturbing lol, it is however childs play in comparison to the exported cad data i got from apple/beats XD
  4. so ran out of time for this, gave my self a budget, other wise i'd of never finished it XD would have liked to tweak the lighting some more but alas , here we are. will probably add a few more details before i print it. Over all it matches the creepy vibe i was going for
  5. They offer the same licence for Maya, just over 300 for the full package as long as you’re under the 100k threshold in earnings a year. It’s an incredibly good deal IMO, I have fairly good relations with Autodesk and they’ve been incredibly helpful with somethings I’ve been working on behind the scenes. However for anyone who makes money from C4D, the license pays for its self fairly easily, depending what your daily rates are, it equates to a few days worth of work. It’s a shame they don’t offer a more accessible way into C4D for Hobbyists, but clearly that’s not Maxons priority here, and whilst the amount of subscriptions sold goes up every year it’s not going to change.
  6. Nice little update, played around with some more proportions, added some bits of detail like creases to the clothes, player around with the face a little, starting to dial it in bandicam 2024-10-13 18-15-17-879.mp4
  7. For anyone whos not heard of meatcayon, he makes some disturbing yet highly entertaining 2d animations, one of my favourites is his Pinocchio short from a few years ago, on our Discord channel we're running a spooky October modelling challenge so i thought i'd do a 3d version for fun, i'll also be printing this for my desk 😄 here's the progress so far bandicam 2024-10-12 21-38-16-002.mp4
  8. Thanks John! made a nice change from the usual character stuff, don't tend to do much hardsurface stuff these days so it was quite refreshing 😄
  9. Heard about this Today, sad times for sure, it was only some months back that i did the cover + article for 3d world. sad to see it go, i wonder if the other magazines under the same umbrella will go also
  10. Thanks man! I’m waiting to here back in another project, if that’s a green light I’ll be excited to share it , because it’s awesome 😅
  11. Modelled and uv'd these buds and case some time ago for a beats advertisement, initially i was provided with exported CAD data which unfortunately served as little more than a guide when remodelling, due to being too dense and too poorly topologised, was a tricky one for sure, mainly due to how particular beats are with representation of their product, little room for error here, even down to bevel diameter. Over all happy with the results. all other aspects created by Steve Choo/my active driveway. Steve did an amazing job putting this together all props to him for the finished product. link to his page below. ( will update this with some wireframes when i get the chance ! ) V https://www.myactivedriveway.com/#/apple-beats/-solo-buds/ beats_solo_buds (1080p).mp4
  12. I’ve been using Maya indie for a while now, as well as C4D and honestly at just over 300 a year it’s extremely affordable, although modelling and character animation aren’t necessarily C4Ds target audience here, for the people like me that do use it for the majority of those purposes it’s certainly becoming less palatable as times goes on.
  13. VECTOR

    Furiosa W.I.P

    Appreciate the feedback mash, i actually intentionally wanted to move away from a realistic eye shape as i wanted it to be a bit more cartoonish, she also has a rather pronounced bone structure in some images so i really wanted to accentuate that here. So time for a little update, haven't touched this for a while and had a bit of time today so decided to make some more adjustments and do a very quick test paint to see how things were looking, included is the previous iteration
  14. From what I can see it’s half a sphere ? Need a better image to help further, but I can’t see that being an issue. Should still be able to fake it.
  15. Ha, yea ! will try to be a bit more active, not enough hours in the day atm
  16. Yea, i think you could just get away with a variation of the method above, doesn't appear to need much detail apart from the outline of the structure.
  17. i got a quick an easy approach for this, i'll do a rough example and write up brb EDIT - just noticed there appears to be another ring running horizontally ( i presume this is the view from underneath ) to add this you would just repeat the process already outlined below. Okay so here's a quick approach. Not sure on the particular shape of these, so i presume its something along the lines of this. 1) grab a standard sphere, give it 12 segments and make it editable, remove the top centre faces, and adjust the topology of the sphere at the bottom with something like the example below to avoid a nasty pole, shading errors etc 2) Next put the sphere under a subdivision object set to one and make it editable. Add an edge loop either side of the centre line on X/Z as shown below. 3) Select the opening edge, as well as your centre lines on the mesh and do an edge to spline command ( you may wish to subdivide it further for a smoother curve ) put this to one side we'll use it later. Go back to your mesh, with your centre loops selected and scale them as shown below. 4) final stage is to sweep our spline and place it inside our mesh under a subdivision object and adjust accordingly.
  18. Finishing this one off with a turntable or Two . on to the next one
  19. Absolutely ! I'm also chucking in this from the last time i modelled a rat, old members will remember this from back in the day. thought this was good back then XD
  20. Phew! so , went through quite a lot of iterations and modelling adjustments on this one, but we got there in the end. Did a couple different renders as i couldn't decide which i liked more 😄
  21. Yesterday i started modeling Remi from ratatouille , this is the current progress
  22. Damn. I really struggle to wrap my noggin around this. I’ve been dabbling with maya for some time, maya indie is literally just over 300 a year, it’s ridiculously cheap. I really love C4D but every year it gets harder to justify some of their choices.
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