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    C4D R21
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    Windows 11
  • CPU
    Intel R CoreTM i9-9900KF CPU 3.60 GHZ

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  1. I have a character that Ive rigged and when I move the poles into position so that the legs bend correctly etc the mesh gets all twisted and messed up. This is my third attempt. I cant understand why it happens. can anyone please suggest something
  2. I have a rigged character which has been binded. How can I move one of the joints or delete one etc?
  3. I have attached a file. Its hair following a spline like a rope or a braid. How can I make it swing as if attached at the top? spline swing.c4d
  4. It's really not that difficult to understand. It's a helix shaped like a spring. It has spline dynamic tag and I want to attach to a sphere above with the constraint that so it swings. That's it. Pretty simple you'd think but like everything in c4d it just becomes a ridiculous time sucking frustrating exercise in futility which is like banging my head up a wall for days on end until I give up because I don't get anywhere. All I can say is I'm glad I stopped giving maxon money at R21. Ill upload a file later.
  5. Ok. How do I add a bitmap? I tried the layering another material but it changes the look of my original material so it doesn't work.
  6. Yes I have. I think you’re misunderstanding me. When I say unravel I mean the actual twine unravelling. Not the rope coil. My rope is made from hair object twisted around three splines. Imagine a short piece of rope attached and swinging .
  7. yes. Initialise state doesn’t attach the clothes to the character though. If you move it they stay there. You also can’t cloth belt them. Cloth belt seems to be more for flags or ropes , washing on a line etc. Might work for a cape. I discovered last night after hours of searching that using a surface object works except then the cloth dynamic no longer works and so the fabric doesn’t move. So this is not a good option either. I made the surface a child of the clothing then the character is the target. I haven’t started animating the character yet so pretty sure I’ll run into problems as soon as I do. Takes me so long to learn such basics. Been using C4D on and off for years now and still feel like a total noob.
  8. Been trying to figure out how to get the cloth belt to work with clothes that are dressomatic on my character? if I use dressomatic then cloth belt it to my character and animate the character the cloth goes haywire. Works fine without dressomatic. Cant find any specific info how to do this anywhere. The only way i seem to be able to move clothes that are dressomatic is if I baked them first.
  9. I have a helix with spline dynamics tag and its contrained to a null. I just want it to swing a bit but instead its unravelling. Is there a way to stop it stretching down and unravelling? I tried fiddling with the gravity parameter but doesnt make any difference.
  10. Thanks for this explanation but that doesnt quite do what I want. Ive already created a skin material with multiple shaders etc. I want to paint on that. If I go to colour and create texture I have to choose a a color and it puts that over the top of my already created texture which I dont want. If I choose transparent then the whole thing is transparent.
  11. I can't figure out how. Haven't been able to find any specific instructions or video anywhere
  12. Once I use the wizard the skin material gets changed to a default material. Not sure what procedural means? Its a skin material I made using various layer shaders, noise, gradients, bump etc. I can only seem to paint on background or new layers but I dont want the grey default as the background. So what I need to know is how to change the background layer to my own material? Thaks but I dont use external renderer.
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