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Everything posted by bentraje

  1. Close C4D. Delete preference folder. Open C4D. This will recreate the preference folder. And you can manually add the some old contents to the new preference folder.
  2. Get a GPU that has 12GB or 16GB. That 8GB will easily cap you at GPU rendering.
  3. Your best bet is on plugincafe.com. But still managed your expectation. C++ is only a handful in C4D community.
  4. Ah yep. @bezowas right. I totally misunderstood your question @scifidesigner my bad.
  5. You can't. Not available in C4D. The closest is what you are already doing by hitting Q. (i.e.currently use the subdivision modifier and toggle it on and off as a workaround)
  6. @BlastercastG Reset the points before you used it with the cloner.
  7. In the weight manager, Just lock all other joints except the joints you are working with. Then hit apply all to the selected joint (i.e. joint C) you want to merge. This will effectively transfer all other unlocked joints (Joint A and Joint B) to Joint C.
  8. RE: copy/transfer skin weights from multiple joints to one? Not quite sure what you mean. By anychance, do you have jointA and Joint B weight be merge to Joint C weights? Effectively having joint A and Joint B zero weights?
  9. Gotcha. The caveat is that I can't save the R21 light scheme and save it on other C4D. I mean there is no option to save those default white color palletes.
  10. Hi, In my trusty R21, I can set my scheme from dark to light. I can't seem to find the same settings in 2023. Is this still possible?I don't like light scheme too in general. But I'm on travel with seldom access to wall charger. I need to conserve battery. Hence, I need to use light scheme and have my screen just dim down. Is this possible in the latest C4D?
  11. It's this one https://www.nvidia.com/download/driverResults.aspx/184717/en-us/ You can still use it with 40+ cards but AFAIK you can't use the denoiser. With 30+ cards it works as expected. I can confirm because I'm at 3070. Also assuming you own Redshift GPU and not just CPU and assuming you don't use Hybrid Rendering.
  12. "Any idea why? It should be faster." Not really. There are features not optimized for RTX like the light exclude/include features. Anyway, I'm guessing you are using the new driver? You should try the old driver. But then again it is not compatible with the 4080s. only with the 30s Soooo. You are at an impasse and just disable RTX. Why use the old driver? I'm too tired to explain it. It's been an issue for roughly 2 years now. Just check the Redshift forum.
  13. How did you determined the usage? Because chances are you might be looking at the GPU memory usage and not at the GPU processing usage.
  14. @ryanjbrant Just checked it. Works as expected (i.e. it gives me relative path on embedded texture). Tried it also exporting it manually. The only culprit I can think on your end is that the files are not initially relative path when you are exporting the FBX. They should already be under the tex folder otherwise it won't work. You can check the Project Asset Inspector and see what files are with absolute paths. You need to convert them into relative paths first.
  15. by same topology, i'm guessing they have the same point order and point count? if so, you can just copy paste the weight tag from one object to another.
  16. yep that's not what I'm after. I'm dragging the materials within the material manager so I don't have to select the material tags.
  17. Correct me if I'm wrong but you already selected on 3 material tags so it will change them in one go. The problem is I can't easily select those material tags since they are scattered. Hence, the alt dragging in material manager.
  18. This only replaces one object. If you have 20 of those, you have to do it 20 times instead of just once.
  19. Scene is just a bit complex. Materials with 400+ count. Scrolling endlessly is such a pain. Helps a lot of assign materials with each material material being filtered to a specific layer. Some I need to merge and so I have to drag a material all the way to another material just to be able to merge them (Alt+Click). Or I guess this feature is probably more complicated than the dynamics set-up that it gets side track. P.S. I already raised this material management in support years ago. And all I get is "We don't need that", along with the search function filter for material manager. The C4D Support (when you email them) is really off. I am under the impression that they are not "practioneers". The answers are too textbook. Dr. Sassi (the cineversity admin) has more inputs than all of them combined when I was still contacting support. Anyway, sorry for the unsolicited rant.
  20. Hi, You can open multiple viewport view or object manager. Is it possible to open multiple material managers? P.S. Material Managers and not Material Editor.
  21. RE: however, after exporting the .fbx, some animations break What specific take/animation are you referring to? Because there are several of them in your file so I can try and export them on my end and see if it breaks.
  22. @Richard Robertsyep same as I experience in that thread. that's you can bump the thread to give more priority *wink *wink 🙂
  23. @Hrvoje @Richard Roberts Wasn't there a full introduction of scene nodes available in the forum for the registered users? It's this one. Maybe bump the thread so it gets more attention?
  24. I would just use `op.GetRad()`. Be it noted that if you want to get the whole size you need to multiply it to 2 since it is only getting the "radius".
  25. RE: Maxon needs to open an official and easily accessible forum They have the cineversity forum. It has been existing since time immemorial. But it's not really community driven. More like a support. Actually better than support. I only have bad experience emailing support when I need help technically.
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