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Everything posted by bentraje

  1. @CApruzzese It took me a while to see this since our office does not allow streaming site. Good going. Also plan to make a short film character animation but it'll probably take for another 6 months since I'm still learning. Just wondering, how were you able to learn character animation?
  2. Really? Thanks for the heads up. I almost used it in my recent project. I was just so lazy to install the plug-in that I ended up doing manual tweaking.
  3. Thanks for sharing @Cerbera and thanks for the effort @turboniko! Appreciate it a lot!
  4. You're not too late. I bet you'd even finish your model way ahead of mine. Keep it up! (:
  5. "overal colour bears the most importance". Thanks for the heads up. I actually leave it as it is. I mean I don't put the image map to it. I only put the image map on the sub surface and scatter channels. "The diffuse colour stops light penetrating so yes it holds back the SSS effect which can be nice to give a bit of contrast back." Thanks for confirming that. "To note if your model is not real world scale, you should use the scale parameter," I think my model is in real world scale. I modeled it along side a full-sized body to keep my scale in check. Oh by the way, is there like a rough rule for skin shader's scatter radius? For instance, a 40cm wide head should have a 10% scatter radius (or 4cm).
  6. Yes, the it has the ability to use alpha. I'm not sure about the spray type nozzle though. I'll try it again next time I get the time and see how the alpha works. Basically, the "pores brush" is based on an alpha image.
  7. Also, is it safe to say that when you manually painted a skin map of your head, YOU DON'T NEED TO MIND THE COLOR OF THE OVERALL COLOR, SUBSURFACE COLOR AND SCATTER COLOR. What I meant is the manually painted map OVERRIDES all the existing color? Also, about hierarchy of the colors. Is it safe to say that the overall color has the ORIGINAL MANUALLY PAINTED MAP. The SUBSURFACE COLOR has the DARKER MANUALLY PAINTED MAP. The SCATTER COLOR is the REDER MANUALLY PAINTED MAP? About the diffuse color, it's only use is to cancel out the SSS right? I mean if you put it to 100% it's like there is no SSS in effect? P.S. This SSS Skin is really killing me. Hahahaha
  8. @Rectro Thanks for the reply. Still working out with the bumps for the skin. But generally how do you create the bumps (not the wrinkles but I guess the pores or something like that). I sculpted with the default pores brush from the content browser but it doesn't really look good or i'm using the brush wrong.
  9. @Rectro Hi Dan. Sorry to bother you again with this topic but I was doing skin tests and I noticed something is really off. Then it took me a while to figure it out that I don't have bump maps. My question is how do you create the bump maps for the skins? Is it procedural? If so, are there any preferred type of noise to be used? Thank you.
  10. ^Well yea but since HDRI is mostly used for lighting, I guess using it as a light reference, is not too misleading. Anyway, I stand corrected. Yes, it is the GI that takes time not the HDRI but then again most people use HDRI with GI :)
  11. @Nomis Can you elaborate what do you mean by "old way" and, presumably "new way" using HDRI? I'm not sure but is the sIBL just a fancy way of using HDRI where you can easily adjust the lighting? Needless to say, be it noted that out of all the lights, HDRI is the slooooooooooooooooooooowest to render. This is applicable whatever application you are using. Of course, the promise of HDRI is "realistic lighting".
  12. Nice tattered cloth. For the texture, are you using the built in cloth shader? Also, the uneven edges is made from alpha texture right?
  13. @Rectro Unfortunately, none. ): The next update will probably still next week. Been busy with work lately and the coming days. Also, I don't know if I can work this weekend because I might visit my mother for her birthday. Still, looking forward to what you come with guys! Your works actually keep me going :)
  14. Nice lighting. It creates this under lighting. Is that purely from the light saber or did you add additional light?
  15. I reckon that you are referring to Modo? May I ask what is your typically workflow in Modo? I thought, in general, C4D can do what Modo offers and vice versa.
  16. Cool. It is actually been awhile since I did head modelling from scratch. Do you always model figures like that? or just this time?
  17. Hi, This WIP is in participation of the Cartoon Character Modelling/Rendering Challenge #1 http://www.c4dcafe.com/ipb/forums/topic/95294-cartoon-character-modellingrendering-challenge-1/?page=2#comment-634560 My idea of the character is this cute little girl who got lost on an wild-animal infested island during a field trip. She is forced to commit practical survival skills until she gets rescued. It has been 8 days since she went missing. All the candies, biscuits and cookies are out of stock. Now, she must hunt for food. CC are always welcome. Let me know what you think! Truly appreciate it. UPDATE #1 (6 November 2016) Here is the thread about hair I was referring to http://www.c4dcafe.com/ipb/forums/topic/95102-solved-modelling-hair/See @Rectro's post. UPDATE #1 (14 November 2016)
  18. Good to know there are only minimal causalities. Hope to hear from Nigel soon for confirmation.
  19. @Robididan Looking good mate. BTW, How did you made the sparks?
  20. Me too! Looking forward to the WIP. Hopefully, I'll also be able to post my progress tomorrow to keep up with you guys.
  21. @Rectro Thanks! Just viewed the video. This should get me started. Just want to clarify. In addition to the spec being added to the blend material. I guess it is also workable if I add a bump. That is one blend material. Then FastSSS as base with the two materials (spec and displacement) as a coat? Or is this a bad workflow?
  22. @Rectro Thanks for video! I'll take a look at it when I get at home probably after 9 hours. Any kind of streaming is disallowed at my workplace.
  23. @Rectro I know this is too much to ask but is it possible to get a hold a copy of your C4D file with the skin shader? I'd like to peek and get to know how it is set up I just don't see a lot of Vray4C4D out there. I see some youtube videos but they are all french or something. I am not quite sure if all the materials should be in one advance material (that is in just a channel). or separate advance material, separate displacement material and separate SSS material.
  24. @mattbowden Hi Matt! Apart from bezo's suggestion which looks pretty cool, the Brograph (brograph.com) also made something similar. They talked about it in their podcast. I think one of the features is when the computer crashes/shut down, it sends a message to your phone. I think it is not publicly available so you'd probably have to email them.
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