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Everything posted by bentraje

  1. Sure sure. Here you go. time_effector_offset_RND.c4d
  2. Hi @HappyPolygon Thanks for the response. Let me just clarify your answer as a baseline. No Shift/Offset Animation Tag. ===== RE: animated objects on a hierarchy. Unfortunately, no not what I am after. I just want to offset as mentioned in the initial post. RE: Shift Priority Unfortunately, no. I also address this in my initial post as an example but its not what I am after. RE: Delay/Time Effector The delay effector doesn't have a time offset so I guess its the time effector. Added in on the same hierarchy with the time offset to 200F. But the animation still starts at 0. Am I missing something? 😞
  3. Hi, There is a shift priority tag where it shifts the priority of an object and all its children rather than doing it manually. I'm just wondering if there is a shift/offset animation tag equivalent? Where if the the parent and children starts at 5-10. I just want to shift by 2 frames so through a tag so the resulting range would be 7-12.
  4. Hi, Is it possibel to add expression on the parameter? For example I want to rotate the Y axis based on the time or frame number? Is there a way to put $F or $T or equivalent? I can do it through python tag or xpresso tag. But just wondering if its possible to do it directly in the parameter box.
  5. Hi, Just wondering if the new particles are compatible with nodes? The demos I keep seeing is still the object manager based. Regards, Ben
  6. Hi, Not the answer you are looking for but why are you still interested in R21 and above perpetual license? When there is already a better version. I understand that its subscription but I guess it kinda offset out considering they already have a FX on it. The particles (where it will most likely deprecate xparticles). The pyro (where it will most likely deprecate TFD). I just want to know where you are coming from. P.S. I do own an R21 and the reason I'm not upgrading or going to subscription C4D because the new features are irrelevant to me since I'm now into Houdini. I use R21 just to block out some concepts and because I already written several python scripts/plugins for my workflow.
  7. james from (https://www.chroma.london) referred at using the front and rear blur. it works expected.
  8. Yes I can do that but intend to do it in one renderer, in this case Standard Render. Is it available?
  9. Hi, Just wondering if Cryptomatte is available on Standard Renderer. I can't see it on the Multipass dropdown. All the YT are using third party renderers. Is it available? P.S. I have Redshift. I can render it but I need it in Standard Renderer since I'm using the Sketch and Toon and would be nice to just render it in Standard Renderer.
  10. Hi, Currently, the depth map range is mapped as the one closer to camera as 1 and the infinity is zero. I would like to map it based on a custom distance. Is this possible?
  11. You are right. It does work on Cloner. But it does not seem to work on matrix or fracture object. I can't also rule it as a bug since its the same behavior as on the previous versions 😞
  12. Hi, Is there a way to enable world space on effectors? I already tried fiddling with the Transform Mode and Transform Space. But it does not work as expected. See illustration file and video of the problem below: world_position_effectors.mp4 world_position_effectors.c4d
  13. I guess. On the top of my head, the steps could be 1) get the bbox 2) get the largest length dimension of the three (Depth, Width ,Height) by subtracting the biggest, and smallest value. The largest will determine the direction 4) after you get the the largest dimension, get its biggest and smallest value (already available in #2). Use that as you actual direction values. That said can only be sustainable if your obejcts are predictable. For example if the object is rotated by 60% and its baked on the mesh, then the DWH will be skewed. Need to normalized it and that's the probably the most tricky one.
  14. @Cerbera Yea but axis mode/coordinate manager requires manual input. Fine if its only file. I have to deal with several. I am after the -100% setting where it sets the pivot point in the lowest point of the model automatically.
  15. Hi, Usually if you execute the axis center command, all the axis gets reevaluated. I only want the Y axis to be changed. And X and Z to be left with their original positions. Is that possible?
  16. Gotcha. Thanks. It works as expected 🙂
  17. RE: would you need to change type? So I can use a lesser amount of points and it will still look smoother.
  18. Hi, Just wondering if MoSpline can be changed from the Linear Type to B-Spline or Cubic ? Somehow it's fixed at Linear Type.
  19. Yes. There is. But it's not that updated. https://github.com/gr4ph0s/c4d_redshift_light_lister The creator was hired by Maxon/Redshift but there's not progress in actually integrating it inside C4D.
  20. You almost always need to recreate rigging connections. In terms of the negative morph. I'm not entirely sure if that indeed is a morph or a slider that controls morph. Standard morphs is always 0 to 1. If there is a -1 in the slider, it's just an intermediary. Something like. 0 to 1. is for morphTongueUp. And -1 to 0 is for morphToungeDown. Two morphs merge into one. But inherently, two morphs working in the background.
  21. @Cerbera Gotcha. Thanks for the response. Unfortunately, VAMP is a hit and miss for me. Previously and even now. Anyway, will just use Houdini for this one.
  22. Hi, I could be wrong but it seems like zremesher does not respect the existing UV. Can someone confirm? I understand this is the behavior in Zbrush but I was hoping it was improved when implemented in Cinema4D. Regards, Ben
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