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Everything posted by bentraje

  1. So I guess they removed feature in R21 then add it back again in R25? @___________@ Oh wait. My bad. When I reread your statement again, "when set to spline". I rechecked on my end. There is actually a mode for Spline haha. So now it works as expected. Thanks!
  2. Hi, Is there a way to get the old mospline options? Use case is to use MoSpline to resample higher spline points to smaller spline points but still keeping the shape as shown here. See illustrations below:
  3. Probably one of the best concise critique I have ever read for C4D recent releases. The only categorically good thing that happened for C4D is Redshift. And thanks mainly to the Redshift developers. So I guess that doesn't count for C4D's achievement.
  4. After some shower thoughts, I found a way to solve it. It was simple that I feel stupid not going this route the first time around Instead of using 1 bend deformer. Just use two. Done deal. uber_bend.mp4
  5. Hi, I'm trying to make an uber controller for bend deformer. But I'm stuck mapping the Bend's Defomers 1) Strength and 2) Rotation to the controllers X and Z's axis. Please see reference below. Any pointes would be highly appreciated. uber_controller_bend_deformer.mp4 uber_controller_bend_deformer.c4d
  6. After watching several YT videos, I can conclude that there is no such thing. That said, you can still execute external python scripts in Houdini. You just need to import them. It's a bit cumbersome but it works. Check the Modules on Disk section on this page. https://www.sidefx.com/docs/houdini/hom/locations
  7. In C4D, there is a script manager where you can import a separate python file (.py) and execute it inside houdini. The great thing about it being separate is it can be reused and can easily be edited by a dedicated editor. Is there an equivalent for Houdini? Under the Windows Menu, it has 1) Python Shell 2) Python Source Editor 3) External Python Source Editor 4) Python Panel Editor Among these, the closest is #2 but the problem is I can't import a python file. I have to copy paste code rather than importing. Am I missing some Python feature?
  8. With the help of madebygeoff from odforce, I was able to come up with a working prototype. I know the problem is trivial but might come in handy in the future. Here is the working file: weight_based_on_attributes_group_v1.4.hipnc
  9. @Igor No worries. I'll ask around and get back to you if something comes up 🙂
  10. You mean the capture layer paint node? I do. But having a node (in this case the attribute wrangle if possible) that is only purpose to block weights puts me at ease. 🙂 Layer paint node is also not as intuitive as Maya or C4D's rigging workflow. Anyway, back to the question. Is there a way I can weight/skin attributes based on attributes/grouping for blocking?
  11. Hi, By default (at least most tutorials), they use a biharmonic capture node that is equivalent to a standard/automatic/initial skinning in C4D. It works. But my workflow is to block each joint influence 1 by 1 and not let an algorithm decide it for me. I was thinking of two step 1) Create attributes/groups for each section of joint influence 2) Use attribute wrangle for a simple if else logic. Step #1 is easy enough. Just use attribute wrangle or a group node. Step #2 is tricky. The main reason is its a bit hard to access the attributes. See attached file below: Is there a way around this?
  12. @Igor Thanks for the illustration works as expected! Also just discovered this while fiddling around, normally when you transform without the handles, you'd still be doing it inside the transform handle area. But if you press MMB (instead of LMB), you can transform even outside the transform handle area 🙂
  13. Just using the transform node 🙂 But there is no other options for it. I thought the settings is on the "tools" or "general settings" but I can't seem to find it.
  14. Hi, Is there a way I can Translate/Rotate/Scale without using the Transform Handles? In C4D, as long as you are in a specific tool, you can just drag every and it work. See here: In Houdini, I have to specifically select the transformation handles for it to work. See here: Is there a way around this as the C4D way is much more fluid? houdini_rotation_handle.mp4 c4d_rotation_handle.mp4
  15. RE: Having less support, forcing us to go into this endless cycle of subscriptions and updates, just to get everything working together as intented, getting mediocre improvements in between? You are definitely right about this. Dev don't want to improve on the existing software. Just release a new one. Which is good and bad thing. That's why Blender LTS is a big deal. Even if they keep releasing new versions, they will still fix bugs on LTS versions. RE: I have no idea how it is with Houdini and plugins for example. Same thing with C4D. But the big difference is the updates and bug fixes of Houdini is much more frequent. So its a moot point. Unlike in C4D, where you have to settle for the problem for months despite being in subscription.
  16. RE: But I am finding the stability of each C4D version becoming worse lately. I thought it was an open secret that the last "stable" C4D version is R21. Had a crashy experience with R22-R24 (not sure with R25) but R21 was stable through and through. I mean they are still workable. Not as crashy as Maya but the frequency of crash now just loses C4D's stability novelty among other software.
  17. Haha. I'm just not really big on updates. Actually I would have stayed before 18.5. It's only the kinefx that forced me to used 18.5 lol. Also, since I used Redshift, it's a bit finicky to switch version. Houdini version might be okay. But Redshift version might not. etc.
  18. @Igor Thanks for the illustration. I tried to reperform the steps but I still get the same result. I think it has something to do with my version as I am not the most up to date lol. Here is somewhat a similar problem in the QA section.
  19. Hi @Igor Just wondering if you know the answer to this one hehe 🙂
  20. @Igor Ah yea the instructions are decent. But my learning process is really just looking and reworking at the project files and then just check the videos if I missed something. Anyway, thanks for the confirmation. a
  21. Hi @Igor I decided to buy the Houdini rigging course you recommend some time ago. https://www.udemy.com/course/game-character-rigging-with-houdini/ Just wondering, does it have a final assets resource files (finished rig)? All I have is the initial assets resource files.
  22. @hvanderwegen @Igor Thanks for the response! I am currently using @Igor solution but with a modification. The grouping through the bounding box is susceptible to undesired grouping especially with complicated topology. So I was thinking of using grouping by borders. You can check the revised file here: group_by_border_cut.hiplc
  23. Hi, Is there a way I can wrapped a spline based on an objects surface? In C4D, I just use a knife tool and extract the edges to spline. But I was wondering if there is a parameteric way of doing this. See illustration of the problem here:
  24. Terribly sorry. Got busy on the past few weeks trying to catch up on backlogs. Only remembered this thread when I saw the new features in Houdini. Here is the spider model. It's just a small stylized object hehe. small_spider.fbx
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