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Everything posted by bentraje

  1. No worries. It works as expected. Appreciate it 🙂
  2. Hi, Is there a point node equivalent in Thinking Particles? I tried using the PGetData but it doesn't have an index slot, where I can specify what specific particle I want to retrieve the position from. My use case is to constraint an object to a specific particle's position.
  3. @MighT Thanks for the illustration. It's more nuance than I expected but it works so there is that. Didn't know you can actually comment bellow nodes. That's actually nice instead of adding a separate "note" node/element.
  4. @MODODO How do I change it to like that? There were a lot of settings in the resource editor @_____@
  5. Have you tried enabling the Redshift top bar? In the top bar, you have the same commands.
  6. Hi, Is there an efficient way of showing promoted node parameters? Currently, it is a jumbled mess. In Houdini, promoted parameters are just shown with a long rectangle bar. Direct and easy to spot. Making for a clean network. I'm wondering if there is an equivalent in the scene/material nodes.
  7. Thanks for the response. I stand corrected. @MODODO@srek @HappyPolygon The Convert Asset to Group work as expected. I can see now the nodes that make up the brick wall operator. @MighT I see what you mean (re: like a Geometry Modifier Group with only one single Extrude node inside) My fault for not specifying. Specifically, what I wanted to be broken down is the "offset" and "offset variation". This is not specific to Extrude and can be used to other operation such as variation to Colors etc. Granted that it could probably be a noise field or a shading field (with noise texture). Still, it would be nice if we can see how it is done. ======= Will tag this thread as closed now.
  8. Unfortunately, there is no "inspect asset" in Brick Wall. Oh well.
  9. There are some interesting nodes that should be exposed. Like the brick wall operator/node? Shouldn't we see the breakdown/nodes of what went through this operator?
  10. Hi, Just saw some capsule demonstration and it seems like a practical way to use nodes. Not the "scene nodes" which seems to be a gimmick. Anyhow, my concern is the the sample capsule nodes are somewhat close sourced. For example, when I add an "Extrude" capsule. After double clicking, I expect a breakdown of how it was made in the node editor but I don't. As opposed to the Geometry Modifier Group, where it is an empty slate and you can check how it was made. What is this? What's the point of having example capsules?
  11. @Igor Thanks for the response. I got also a reply from Konstantin. It's a work around but it works. https://procegen.konstantinmagnus.de/height-field-erosion-on-meshes
  12. Hi, By default, heightfield erode node is only applicable on heighfield data. I'm wondering if its possible to use it on a regular polygon mesh?
  13. @srek Unfortunately, I'm still at R21 so I can't use capsules yet. That said I asked a friend to check it out. And it seems like that's thing I'm looking for. ========= Anyhow, found a solution with the help from slack. Basically, 1) Use a Shader Effector set to visibility 2) Use either Terrain Mask or C4D Fall Off Shader Works as expected 🙂
  14. Yea it would be nice if it was procedural but anyway I'll take what I can use. How do you do this "selections based on Normals"? I cant see an option here
  15. Hi, Is there a way I can create selection tags based on Normals? In houdini, it would be just @N.y > Threshold Value Slider. I was wondering if there is an equivalent one?
  16. Hi, When asset browser was introduced, it was insistent to use its own format unlike the old browser where you can access folders/directories. Is it change in R26 or is it still the same?
  17. Thanks all for the response. The file from @Chester Featherbottom works as expected. The opacity feature of 100%, 50% 25%. I have to say is a bit unintuitive but hey it works 🙂 I'll certainly make use of it in the future. Have a great day ahead!
  18. @HappyPolygon@Cerbera Thanks for the response but even with the multi shader, it uses just a single channel. I'm looking for an actual material.
  19. Hi, There is a similar thread previously but it assigns only solid colors. You can check it by opening the supplied in the thread and changing the materials color. Nothing will change. You have to change the solid color in the shader effector. I want to assign ACTUAL materials and not just solid controls to mograph object based on via selection. Is this possible?
  20. Got a response from odforce forum. Basically just use "straight_skeleton_2D" node. Works as expected! 🙂
  21. Not C4D. But if you have access to Houdini. You can probably calculate the vector of each point "pointing" to the next point. Then compare the vector of current point to the previous or next point through a threshold. So if its a straighline, they are most likely be pointing the same director and if its curve, they are not.
  22. Hi, Is this a way to get the center "outline" a font/text procedurally? See illustration below.
  23. Apologies for the late response. Tried these both and it works as expected A) Cloner (Cerbera's suggestion) B) Fracture and using Null (Bezo's suggestion). Can't verify Chester's method since I'm still in R21. Thanks for the responses!
  24. Hi, I have simple plain effector (scale) affecting a bunch of fracture objects. Currently, the fracture objects scale from the center. I want them to scale from the bottom, as if the bar graph is growing. Is there a way around this? custom_pivot_point.c4d
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