Is the profit you make on the products you sell. Only for the time that your gold suport runs or for a lifetime?
Because if you reduce the gold support to 6 months aren't you affraid that. When someone orders a gold support he "collected" all his sellable modles and uploads them on day one...
Just a thought.. but isn't it an option to introduce a new "seller support badge". It stands alone from bronze, silver and gold and the price is more symbolic (like or $5 or $10) And it lasts a year. The low price because the cafe will then earn %90 of the sold obj, plugin etc.. and if the plugin doesn't sell that well nobody gets disappointed..
By this you get a more attractive system I think, people that are willing to sell here also increases the buyer value. And still quality stands over quantity. With a system that every sell able object has to be approved.
It's just a thought and maybe I'm very wrong with this but it's just something I wanted to share