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Everything posted by Smicksus

  1. Hi peeps! I'm a student at HKU (University of arts Utrecht) located in the Netherlands. Me and two other classmates have been given a school assignment to interview a professional in our own field of interest. In my local area there no professionals I can interview and immediately thought of this awesome forum with awesome people. Are you a professional in the 3D modelling/ animation or design world and would you like to tell us something about your career, how you ended up in the work you're doing now etc (Freelance or Business) and you are willing to tell us about that via a video call interview via Skype. Then you are awesome :) We also will prepare some questions to ask you during the interview. Our assignment must be a visual production so we prefer to have permission to screen record the interview :) If you like this and you are willing to help us out, please send me a direct message or react to this topic. Thanks in advance!
  2. hey Cerbera, thanks for your feedback. I really appreciate it. The triangles are actually because I use Redshift. You can easily add a wire-frame material to the objects. and there is an option to hide invisible lines. Witch is on by default. (Forgot to turn it of) I will look to that bump map thanks, I agree that it could be a lot better. I think it's because I made the bump map myself with pictures I took from my fingers with charcoal on paper. Thanks again CBR.
  3. looks promesing! Tag me when the full movie is out :)
  4. Hey all! I am working on a 3D animated short in my spare time next to my study. It's called "Orrery" and it's about the beauty of our solar system. And how our little fragile planet fits between our neighbour planets. I'm wondering what you think of my wip. Any feedback is welcome! :) Also I want to point out you can visit my website and view the proces there. I'll upload images regulary there. So you can keep track of the proces and when it's going to be released. You can visit it here: https://www.bguchte.com/orerry
  5. Looks awesome! I'm curious for the result :) tag me when it's there
  6. Thanks! yes 2 weeks is pretty short but it was lots of fun. I hope next time for more time so that I can focus more on texturing, modelling and animating
  7. Hi peeps! For the last two weeks I have been working on this 3D animation I made in c4d and I thought to share it here. The animation is called Bakkie pleur which is a Dutch dialect word for a cup of coffee. This has been made for a school assignment in which we had to make a 3D animation in less than two weeks. Everything you see has been done in c4d except the grading and editing. Let me know what you think of it and I'm always happy to hear feedback :)
  8. @PrivatePolygon yes it's ridiculous how they can manage that. I have to learn more about RealFlow to simulate a shore but maybe I give it a try some day. @MJohnny I'm not familiar with Houdini but I will watch some video's of their simulation system thanks. @ABMotion Wow that's really cool! Thanks for the link. I should look up a bit more on Octane, but I just started with Redshift so I want to learn more about that first. I see you use Redshift as well do you think there is a way with Redshift?
  9. Hi guy's, I was watching the animated short Piper from Pixar the other day and I questioned myself how I should make a shoreline in Cinema 4D. I think it is pretty hard and I almost immediately think of Realflow, but that would be a hell of simulating. Does any of you have experience with creating a shoreline? I would love to hear what your workflow would be. Maybe I can learn a thing or two. Greatings If you haven't seen Piper:
  10. Awesome work! I realy love this. I lobe the detail in the wool vest he is wearing. How do you get the wool detail? Is it with hair?
  11. This is awesome! I waited for this viewport sinds Element 3D came out for After Effects
  12. Awesome! Looks very nice, Only do I miss the handle for the back door? (With the tire on it) Or does this car just doesn't have it? haha. Awesome job!
  13. Is the profit you make on the products you sell. Only for the time that your gold suport runs or for a lifetime? Because if you reduce the gold support to 6 months aren't you affraid that. When someone orders a gold support he "collected" all his sellable modles and uploads them on day one... Just a thought.. but isn't it an option to introduce a new "seller support badge". It stands alone from bronze, silver and gold and the price is more symbolic (like or $5 or $10) And it lasts a year. The low price because the cafe will then earn %90 of the sold obj, plugin etc.. and if the plugin doesn't sell that well nobody gets disappointed.. By this you get a more attractive system I think, people that are willing to sell here also increases the buyer value. And still quality stands over quantity. With a system that every sell able object has to be approved. It's just a thought and maybe I'm very wrong with this but it's just something I wanted to share greetings, Boy
  14. Looks awesome! I really love the third pic, when she looks angry It fits her appearance. The nose ring is pretty big in my opinion but it also has it's charms. I think you did a very nice job!
  15. You are using the DEMO version of Cinema 4D. The Demo doesn't support plugins
  16. I'm just done recording the tutorial. When I'm done with the edit where can I send it to?
  17. great! today or tomorrow I'll make a tutorial about softbody dynamics. I have being busy with this lately and I can do some more in depth material about this.
  18. I'm willing to do some tutorials as well if that's needed? I really love this community and am willing to give something back, in any way
  19. Awesome! I think it isn't that hard to maintain and make. Because it is a web based app. Yes I know. But I mean the navigation on the website itself. It's not bad but an app will be faster in navigation and stuff
  20. Hi, Lately I'm a lot on C4dcafé to check all of your amazing work and the helpfull and inspiring questions and answers. When I'm not behind my computer I'm traveling, most of the time. And when I travel I just go on my phone's web browser to go to c4dcafe. But that doesn't work as fast and handy as an app will do, I think. Are there more people who think it's a good idea to make an app for c4dcafé? I'm just wondering. And maybe more of you think this is a good Idea and it will start the ball roling :) Grts
  21. I like your work. Inspirational. The plants look a bit plasticy to me but that's the only feedback I can give you.
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