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Everything posted by everfresh

  1. 1. When the monkey is opening its mouth, how come is opening so far without any anomalies? Did you use a deformer? no deformer. just points weighted to a jaw joint. https://gyazo.com/7a6236f2ceb1069e8e9b065de183b77c 2. I understand that the tongue "is a tracer made out of animated nulls to form a spline, then i just spline wrapped the tongue model onto the tracer". When it curls from man to monkey, how does it get the sort of liquid effect? is it using the Metaball. i t is again splines in a cloner spline wrapped onto the same spline as the tongue, just offset a little. because of the flat simple colour shading it just looks like it's one unified thing with the tongue, but it's not. just two separate things that look like one. 3. Also when the monkey changes to man, the tongue has something black on it. Is it still splines with tracer object and metaball? yes. 4. When the man is changing to monkey, how do the hands break up from the character and extend? Are you using a Boole? yes. 5. Also before the morph from man to monkey you have the hand moving around and some blue liquid particles. Are those particles or Cloner? those are particles, added in post. but you could do that also with particles in c4d, either native particle system or x-particles.
  2. i'm happy to answer all your questions, but i'm not comfortable sharing the complete project.. i hope you can understand.
  3. i think you're fooled by your eyes, i just animated the visibility off at some point, which makes it look that snappy ;) here's the file... simplerip.c4d
  4. the cloners are just scaled in one axis and moved away from the center, and at the same time the hull value of the metaball is animated to make everything thinner and then disappear as it gets stretched.
  5. which part is giving you trouble? doesn't the gif show precisely enough how it's done?
  6. looking good, but 40 min per frame for animation is insane.... i really admire your patience... i highly recommend to take a look at redshift or octane, you could cut those render times by a factor of 10 with a single 1080ti... and all that while using GI and probably even getting a better look....
  7. hmm.... i think the main thing people are struggling with is what needs to be active when you do things, what you can do when you're in uv-poly mode opposed to regular poly mode. but again, once you manage to wrap your head around it is pretty simple... btw, here's an example of a more complex hand that transitions into a low poly arm, so don't let the poly count needed for a hand dictate the density for the whole character. https://gyazo.com/a5f28822992f458926a56980e60e0981
  8. remember the squirrel i once did where you stated that this was probably the best fur you've ever seen in c4d? this was on super low poly geometry ;) so the look of the hair really doesn't have anything to do with poly count. also if you go all the way and unwrap him, you have much more control over the hair by makin separate maps for density, length, thickness and colour... don't be afraid of it, you can uv unwrap a character in c4d within a couple of minutes, the tools are not as bad as everyone says. ;)
  9. is the wire frame we are seeing within an sds object or is that the real poly count you're dealing with? you might want to look at his proportions again. especially the hip area looks a bit weird. if i'm not sure about the proportions of a character i tend to apply an ffd to it and play around with it until it looks right. also the eye sockets seem weird bulging out that much. and i think you should take the time to uv unwrap him and not be lazy and rely on polygon selections for the colouring. ;) last note: the white colouring down the legs is wrong, it should go from the cheeks and chin down the belly and to the underside of the tail, keep the legs all brown.
  10. can we see some wires? :P
  11. blender is really getting more and more impressive... UI also looks much cleaner now. all the eevee demos i've seen so far made my jaw drop.
  12. everfresh

    Demoreel 2018

    nice... the only critique i would have that it's really just showing all those mechanical setups (which are nice, don't get me wrong). so a very very specialized demo reel, which only fills a very specific niche. the question here would be what's your goal with that reel? land freelance jobs? get employed as a rigger? get employed as a generalist or mograph artist? or is it just for fun? if it's just for fun it's fine as it is, if you want to get jobs you should show more variety.
  13. aaahhh... i see... thanks for explaining it to older folks like me :D
  14. most credit has to go to vector, it was his idea that made this happen in the first place... we also were totally blown away by the outcome, we didn't really expect to be able to reach the goal. really great to know that people actually care and are willing to help. thanks to all who participated. so sorry for your loss, i hope this makes you a little bit happy, even in sad times likes this.
  15. i agree with igor, could use a little more drive. can't put my finger on it, but somehow that logo feels like it belongs on a red flag :D. btw, what is a star citizen organisation?
  16. thanks to all for the comments... @Freemorpheme i layered some animated noises (sema noise gives quite good underwater caustics behaviour) in a standard c4d shader, then i applied that to a plane and rendered out an image sequence of that. in redshift i created a spot light and loaded that image sequence into the spotlight, which acts then as a mask for the light.
  17. tbh, i think i'm too lazy for that, so much trouble to do the research and to fill out all the forms :D
  18. this was actually stock music, from audionetwork.com... they have a pretty good variety of high quality productions and a very fair pricing policy. it's my go-to place pretty much every time i need music for my projects. sometimes i produce stuff by myself though, and although i call a lot of professional musicians close friends, i never ask them to produce anything for me. i know them too well to know this would increase production times by a year or two :D
  19. thanks man... was a rather quick one... started workin on it the week before easter and worked on it in my spare time, fortunately i had more than usually of that this month... so all in all it took around 4 weeks, if i had worked on it let's say 8 hours a day 5 days a week it would have taken probably about 3 weeks, including rendering and comping... it looks like more than it is actually, sets are really simple and minimalistic, so are the characters, modelling and rigging didn't take too long.
  20. thanks for the kind words guys, much appreciated. :)
  21. just finished my latest short, rendered with redshift. i hope you'll enjoy :)
  22. this looks really sick. which renderer did you use?
  23. congrats! well deserved. i always thought that model was spot on!
  24. haha, thanks for the flowers, man :)
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