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Everything posted by everfresh

  1. haha.. sorry, this information must have slipped when i was flying over your post. :D well, then i have nothing ;)
  2. love it. if you're looking for criticism the only thing i've got is towards the end there's two screens with just a still image (skull with snake for instance) where nothing's moving. gave me the impression you kinda rushed towards the end (i know how it is if you want something to be finished already)...
  3. it's alive! and you are, too ;) but where's the audio???
  4. looks really good, i like the overall mood a lot. one little detail that catched my eye though: when the paper boat spins it looked a little unnatural, mainly because the water ripples didn't change their behavior accordingly. also if there was some very slight banking and bobbing up and down of the boat might help.
  5. make a motorcycle dented into the bus chassis like the one with the sign and make the buses windows crashed in form of a human silhouette. maybe some blood spatters if they're up for it (highly doubt it, but worth giving it a shot).
  6. very well done! but as a german i have to say, whoever came up with the naming either didn't do his research very well or has a bold sense of humor. :D ...could as well be a porn title. the client didn't know? they know one can google a possible brand name, right? might work quite well in marketing though after all ;)
  7. great update with a lot of highly useful features! thanks.
  8. i'm also still on sierra with all of my machines. as long as it all runs smooth i do not intend to mess with it. and yeah, could be your graphics card is the culprit.
  9. i always tend to stay at least 1 year behind regarding osx updates... each year i hear those stories of this and that not working or not working properly anymore.
  10. this technique with the noise is also used for moving images in compositing. you face the same issues with banding and such if you export to mp4 with h264 compression. to the reason WHY that works: compression algorithms like jpg or h264 look at similar pixels within a certain radius and only store an average, not the information for each pixel anymore. furthermore they also take those blocks of a few pixels and compare them to the other blocks around it and if those are very similar they seem to not store their position within that cluster and seem to randomize them. you can actually see how compression works if you save out a jpg with pretty low quality settings. zoom in and observe. now if you add noise, the algorithm can't find that much similar pixels, resulting in smaller clusters and more precise output after compression. this also results in much bigger file sizes of course.
  11. you surely SOUNDED like you know better, and you were being arrogant. that's all i was pointing out. and i did not use any mean language. no need to take this any further.
  12. what a stupid, arrogant and utterly ignorant response to someone that suggests a plugin, which - btw - can do much more than the smooth weight tool. and what do you mean by "this idea with the xpresso is not taken"? do you honestly think you're the first one to discover that joint rotations can be driven by xpresso?
  13. how long did the render take at what resolution?
  14. i'll have to give this a spin once it comes out. i really hope it sucks, so i don't have to spend another 500$ on plugins ;) but i highly doubt that. giving fur an initial grow direction without having to groom anything is a feature c4d hair should also have, saves so much time. the c4d hair system is great, but precise control is hard to achieve and relies a lot on guessing and trial and error (which guide influences what strand of hair). also in the collision department there's a lot of room for improvement i think. my hardest task with c4d so far was to get the braided tail on my eva fresh character, for which i needed a plugin (spline guide) to make it happen. but then i had to give up on animating her because the hair just wouldn't stay where it belongs, the more frames went down the timeline, the more hair slipped out and the whole tail began to dissolve slowly. i wonder if there's solutions for something like that in ornatrix.
  15. i'm already rolling, although i might not be dead yet. on exhausting days like today i kinda feel like it though :D @Igor should be an easy fix, if you still have the vector file... if not just say it and i'll send it to you again. ;)
  16. that's actually great stuff! a little jitter is part of the hand drawn look, in fact i tend to add fake jitter to my 3D stuff to get a more hand drawn feel.
  17. yes, directly in after effects. i usually go for solids with masks. a lot of people use photoshop, especially if there's shading involved since it's a bit more convenient to draw in photoshop. but for simple shapes like i mostly use after effects is the more efficient choice i think. this video and breakdown might also be of interest for you:
  18. proxies are placeholders, like models that just roughly have the shape the final object should have. they are there to establish the motion and animate the camera in c4D and will be replaced in post with paint-overs. usually for this sort of animations my characters are 3D and most of the rest is 2D, here and there some 3D proxy elements as a guide to paint over to create those melting effects. and yes, you could also make those animations with shading, it just means (a lot) more work. i'm very much looking forward to r20 with fields and volumes at this point for this sort of stuff, since we will be able to do a lot more in this regard with those new tools.
  19. morphs like these are usually just mostly tricks to the eye... and if there is an actual morph going on a lot of times it's just animated frame by frame. i've done a couple of smooth transition morph animations with a mixture of 3D and 2D techniques. the way i go about it is to animate the elements or proxies of the elements in 3D and then refine those in after effects with frame by frame animation.
  20. everfresh

    Cartoon Avatar

    your sketch looks fine, the problem with your 3D version is that you're clinging on to too much detail that fights with the cartoony proportions. notice that in your sketch the whole body - from chest to feet - form a clean line, while your 3D model still has detailed and somewhat realistic muscle definition, defined hips and so on. i mean it's all about which style you wanna go for, maybe you just have something different in mind when you say cartoony than i do. but most people would characterize cartoony with much simpler and cleaner shapes.
  21. everfresh

    Cartoon Avatar

    not really that much difference and still a bit too realistic if you strive for cartoony... other than his head being bigger in relation nothing essential has changed. try really messing with the proportions, i'd suggest making the torso much longer and legs much shorter and thinner. also i'd make the arms thinner. btw, is that a self-portrait? if so, look at the mirror and try to find characteristics of your body that you could exaggerate.
  22. thanks... characters and cat tree and title are c4d, the rest is mostly frame by frame animation in after effects.
  23. cad importer might come in handy.
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