regarding the adobe sub: adobe creative suite updates were 1500€ for an update for the master collection. it's 600€ per year now for what was in in the master collection plus a gazillion apps i don't use, but could if i wanted to. i always have the most recent version, no compatibility issues with colleagues (especially after effects was always a pain in the butt). my numbers could be a little off, since it's been a while since i payed for an update for the master collection, but it's definitely cheaper now. in case of adobe, if you have been a master collection customer, the subscription model was fantastic. and the deal is really good. i use around 7 of their apps on an almost daily basis, for 50€ per month that's 7€ per app a month. you really can't beat that.
as for c4d personally it doesn't make that much of a difference to me. i use it every day, i make money by using it, costs now 50€ more per year and has the benefit of getting in between updates. IMO they should have made it a little cheaper though. would have toned down the outrage. i get that people are a little upset, but i still have hope that upgrade prices for perpetual will be fair, hasn't been announced yet.
and again, regarding the features: r21 affects my daily work way more than r20, and i'm not the only one. people were so happy about r20, and yet i haven't seen much people using fancy fields setups and crazy volume builder stuff. don't get me wrong, fields and volumes are awesome, but significant speed and workflow improvements are much more essential for the average 3D artist doing daily work.