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Everything posted by everfresh

  1. yeah his setups are getting crazier every time... that level of control is just insane.
  2. those are as always great! i hope to be able to find the time to explore at least some of them... i'm particularly interested in the dorito effect, since i was wondering for quite some time now how and if that's possible with c4d... but opening your file i don't fully understand what's going on, nor is the behaviour what i would expect it to be. i was hoping the joints would actually follow the deformation by the point morph, but it seems like the joints are just always at the state of 100% strength of the morph. their display generated by the fracture object follows it, but not the joints themselves. how would that help me now when i want to make a facial rig for instance, where i want the joints (actually the controllers) actually follow the surface deformed by a point morph? i've tried something with clamp constraints in the past, clamp a null with the controller parented to it to the surface, but i'm always having a hard time getting clamp controls in surface mode stable enough to be usable in a character rig.
  3. everfresh


    just finished this :) @Cerbera sorry for the caps in the topic title, but the title of the video just required it ;)
  4. @BLSmith glad you made it work for the most part :) for your problem with the smoke not going into the tube: make your spline mesher object editable, so you get a polygonal object. if you move the attractor then more towards the beginning of the exhaust tube you can see that it actually sucks the smoke in. maybe an attractor isn't that good of a choice for the task, because it attracts the smoke into a direction that's not where the opening is. either try animating the position of the attractor or maybe try using the spline you have built your exhaust from by utilising a follow spline modifier or a spline flow modifier. also to get any obstacles out of the way maybe just remove the collider that seals the opening completely for that action if you don't need to see the smoke wrapping itself around that. as for why your vdb data doesn't get exported with the cache i have no idea... i believe it gets exported, but maybe octane needs a certain naming convention? really just guessing, since i'm using redshift, and i have usually no problems getting the data into that.
  5. oh, yeah right... i once subscribed to that... makes sense. :D
  6. how about "comesherequiteoftener" or "haspostedabuncher"... ? jokes aside, why not keep it simple and call new members new member and regular vistors regular member? looking at kiwis title i have to say i'm a bit disappointed that i am not considered an honourable member tbh i think those titles shouldn't be taken so seriously, i couldn't be less offended if anyone here is called king of the jungle or whatever nor do i care about my own title. But maybe that's just me.... wait, what does "TDMSC" actually mean btw? Tremendously Dumb Moronic Shitbox Cleaner?
  7. everfresh


    yeah i read that article as well. i'm just having trouble to wrap my head around why apple would be so stupid to release a new mac pro solution this (or maybe next) year without any option for nvidia cards. they already publicly admitted that the last mac pro wasn't the greatest idea of all times and that they are listening to the wishes of the pro users now and are developing the new mac pro according to those. logically at the very least this CAN only mean options for external nvidia cards with native support without any terminal script hacks. they just have to know that they peeved of the last remaining fanboys if they don't deliver at least that option. OR they just know more than we do and every software based on cuda is already porting their sh** to metal. sounds very unrealistic, but who knows... :D
  8. everfresh


    and that's the huge difference... with a render engine like redshift you don't have to worry too much about render times, and if you should use GI or not... you just always use GI, since it basically comes for free. and flicker free ;) also you can use insane amounts of sub-poly displacement without the insane preparation and render times c4ds native material system has. for commercial work i also always render via online render farm, but it's just much cheaper if a frame renders in a couple of minutes opposed to a couple of hours. and you can still charge the client the same. basically all the bigger render farms support redshift by now, but be aware that this is not the case with octane, due to its licensing policy. regarding the best nvidia card for gpu rendering: i suppose it's the 2080 now, but a 1080ti will serve you well enough. regarding backups: i hope you do regular backups anyways ;) i know many people who ran the script to use their egpus, and i've never heard of any issues with it, so you're most likely going to be fine.
  9. everfresh


    with a mac it's a little bit more tricky. i know because i'm on a mac, too... to be able to use redshift or octane you would have to buy a thunderbolt e-gpu enclosure and a good nvidia card. then you will have to run a script once via terminal to make your mac recognize the external card. does only work up to high sierra, there's no nvidia drivers for mojave (yet). by far not an ideal solution, but still better than having to wait 14 hours for a render that you could have had in 5 minutes. if that sounds too complicated to you (it really isn't that complicated), i recommend to try corona, which is cpu only, but still very fast. not as fast as redshift or octane, but still like 5 to 10x faster than physical. also a bit more easy and intuitive to use than redshift for instance. then there's also cycles, which is gpu and cpu, and also vendor agnostic, so it also runs with amd cards. can't say anything how it performs on amd cards though since i never used it. but just download the demos for cycles and corona and compare which works better with your setup. btw, redshift, cycles and octane have purely node based materials, while corona has a layer system ( @EAlexander: corona does have an optional node editor as well now, doesn't it? )
  10. everfresh


    haha... amusing and at the same time very lovely answer... just to give you an idea: you could have rendered that image with redshift or octane for instance about 20x faster on a single nvidia gtx1080ti. that's no exaggeration, it's really that much faster. plus, you have an ipr where you can immediately see any changes you make to materials or camera position or lighting and so on... which means not only rendering is 10 to 50x faster (depends on the specifics of your project), the look dev process speeds up by roughly the same... so any time and money you invest, you'll get back after the first couple of projects. i really couldn't imagine a life without redshift anymore, it's just so much more fun to see changes immediately, also it saves a lot of money in rendering. edit: that image would have probably rendered in around 4 to 5 minutes in redshift. you also would have gotten nicer looking sss and it renders c4d hair natively.
  11. everfresh


    what's holding you back jumping on the gpu render engine wagon?
  12. everfresh


    yes, very nice work.... which renderer are you using? 14h sounds like physical....
  13. for the more streaky and clumpy look you should bring in a xpconstraint dynamics object and enable "connect within distance". play with the connection distance and break values until you get the desired result. for them to get stuck to the inside of the tube you should up the friction values, for both the particles and the collider. a gravity modifier should take care of the sinking. if you want to art direct the particles to sink more in certain areas you can bring in more gravity or even wind modifiers with a fall-off. if you want them to slowly dissolve after they stuck you'd have to define an action, which puts the particles into another group on collision with the tube. you can then address that group to fade them out. about the explosion: to keep it in a confined space just make a cylinder as xplosia collider object and it should work. also you can add a disc (or define your piston as collider directly, although i always prefer to have different invisible objects as colliders to be able to cheat a little if needed) to give you the pumping effect. i'm not really an expert in XP, but that's how i would approach it. edit: groups are really powerful in XP, so make use of them. you can make different particle groups right from the start to make certain particles behave differently.
  14. i get stuff like this for years now. paypal spam even like once a month. what's sorta new is mails from people claiming they filmed you watching porn through your webcam and threatening you to make it public if you don't pay amount xy in bitcoin to code blabla. to me that's among the lowest a person can sink. in the US telephone tech support scams seem to be very common, where they claim to be from microsoft or whatever company to help you with your computer problems. luckily we don't have that here (yet). there's several youtube channels of people trolling scammers on the phone, some of them are quite funny. this guy here for instance mostly imitates an old lady with a voice changer, keeps those guys on the phone for several hours and then confronts them with what they are doing. their reactions are priceless :D https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCm22FAXZMw1BaWeFszZxUKw
  15. leaves me also a bit puzzled. from a financial aspect i welcome that move as a creative cloud subscriber. curious what the effect on development will be. not seen much innovation in adobe apps over the last couple of years.
  16. since she has the ability to look incredibly beautiful and also surprisingly ugly in some movies (at least for her standards) you should make two versions and make a gif where you blend between the 2 versions :D
  17. good to see you back :) you do realise you're responsible now for me probably watching this film soon. that's time i'll never get back. :D would have wished for a more in depth look at the actual rig though, but i guess riggers were not the target audience for this clip.
  18. oh, yeah, i thought you were going flat style again... that's something entirely different then... and much more tricky ;) yes, you can just move the knee controller to shift proportions between thighs and calf. and thanks for mentioning the 1000th post, i really wouldn't have noticed :D
  19. to change a rigged characters limbs length just rig it with the advanced biped rig from the character object menu and enable stretch and also squash to make limbs shorter if you need to. if you need a bit more flexibility you can also download my rig preset, it allows you to also scale most parts freely, chest, head, hands and feet, which isn't possible with the advanced biped (at least not without a couple of modifications that require deeper rigging knowledge). my rig particularly developed for cartoony behaviour. just download the rig preset and put it in your c4d library in a folder named characters, then it will appear in the character objects dropdown after restart. regarding the morph i'd just try to get the form of model A as close as possible to model B, animate the visibilities and simply draw the few missing frames to complete the morph in after effects. that's how i usually handle those things.
  20. everfresh


    that topology almost makes me want to rig it ;)
  21. sounds like you are aiming rather for a generalist position or even possibly going freelance? only you can tell if there's an area in 3D you wanna focus on, if you have no idea then that's probably your heart telling you it wants to go generalist... or make up artist, or zoo keeper ;) while watching tutorials is good and essential it's not enough to memorize all the stuff. solving problems on your own is a much more effective way to learn. set yourself small goals, little fun projects you can complete within a week or two. doesn't matter if you have no idea how to do it, figuring it out is the fun part anyways. once you completed it, take a deep breath and move on to the next. prepare for not doing much else the next couple of years, and don't forget to always tip your pizza delivery guy. as for your question about client work: it would be utterly boring if i always knew exactly how to do every task involved in a project. unfortunately this situation happens more often the better you get. so enjoy your lack of knowledge while you can and dive into it. btw, there's nothing "fake" about it, in CG even the people at big studios solve problems while working at a project. no one knows exactly how to solve any task thrown at him right away. and of course, a demo reel can get you jobs. as long as it's good it's actually the very best way to get you jobs. i hope that helps.
  22. not really... working on something else animation wise at the moment... but here's a quick render of a camera move... i had that deer in a previous short film project which i abandoned... maybe i'll pick it up again and redo the shaders...
  23. finally got some time off work... so i spent the day in front of the computer doing toon shading :D i need to see a doctor.
  24. that was really fun to watch. especially enjoyed the camera work!
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