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Everything posted by everfresh

  1. really nice look! watched it several times and like zeden i also asked myself if you couldn't have achieved the same look with some clever cel shader setups with the standard renderer and some filters in post... even without painting over it. but either way, looks great.
  2. this looks very useful. thanks!
  3. funny, silly looking character! looking forward to the animation.
  4. good to hear you get the attention you deserve for this masterpiece.
  5. thanks so much for this great place of information and entertainment, learning c4d would have been much harder without the cafe. i can understand your decision, and it sounds like the right thing to do for you. @ hsrdelic: thank you for the info, it's good to know people ARE listening at MAXON. i hope you don't get into any trouble by sharing those things about the next release. in fact they should thank you, i'm sure your post did calm a lot of people down a bit. i personally don't even need the information which exact feature will be in what release, i just need to know they're listening and working on known issues, so i don't have to make the half hour drive over to MAXON headquarters and yell at them
  6. finally! really amazing in every aspect! congratulations!!! it was even better than i expected, and i expected much ;)
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