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Everything posted by everfresh

  1. well the good (or bad, depending on how you see it) news here is you also couldn't use prorender (at least not seriously) if you had an up to date gpu :D but i feel you, i was planning on building a hackintosh with a bunch of 1080ti's in it, but i think i will have to delay that endeavour a little until the bitcoin bubble bursts. i don't think it will take that long anymore until people notice the train has left the station a long time ago and it costs them more money than they can make with it. it's a hype, and hypes usually have a rather short lifespan. on the other hand, if i'm wrong and it's not a hype and it's becoming a long term thing, gpu manufacturers will develop more cards perfectly suited for miners and gaming cards will become available again. and if that's also a wrong assumption and the demand of gamer cards stays that high, manufacturers will produce more and more of them, and they will also become available again to everyone at normal prices. it's just a matter of time until everything pans out again, the market just needs some time to adjust to new and unexpected situations.
  2. looking great. respect to animating them all individually! here's a thought on how it might work procedurally: -make sliders for the wasps wing movements, make sliders for the leg movements, pelvis movement and so on. -either put a couple of copies of those wasps in a cloner or clone them onto an x-particles system. (xp probably would give you more control and nicer movements over the swarm) -then drive those sliders with a couple of signal tags (GSG plugin) in different frequencies. you could also keyframe the values in those signal tags, to make the individual frequencies slow down and speed up. i don't know how good that would work, just a thought. in theory it sounds good though ;)
  3. good to see you're back on it. that sheep looks great!
  4. thanks guys... i agree there's still room for improvement, but i'll call it a day now. on to the next fun project, texturing vectors tie fighter
  5. gave the raspberry a little do-over. think it's much better now. my wife just came in and surprised me with a real version of it! tasted almost exactly like i imagined it, in fact a little bit better :D
  6. yeah i'm not totally happy with it, had it more glossy before, didn't look right either... maybe something in between. i might come back to it and try to get it more on spot. edit: maybe i should also f*** it up a little, some subtile damage would probably help.
  7. pricing sounds more than fair to me, considering what others charge for their libraries you could even go a little bit higher. but keeping it low will result in more sales, so it could be a good strategy. i usually rarely buy materials, and if so only when i actually need them, but for that price i'd definitely consider buying straight ahead.
  8. this is getting quite comprehensive. at what price are you going to sell the bundle?
  9. can you elaborate a little bit more? when do you get crashes? which renderer? does lite even have anything else than standard renderer? and btw, rendering out image sequences instead of movie formats is the common and right workflow, no professional renders out movie formats for final output.
  10. haha, you're right about that... in a couple of years people will laugh about 12tb.. but right now it's overkill. i do a lot of heavy lifting regarding file sizes, a lot of 3D, video, huge psd files and so on... and counting all my storage devices together i probably even have around 12 tb occupied... but that includes also files that are over 5-6 years old, which i will never ever need again and i'm perfectly fine storing them away on external devices. much cheaper ;)
  11. haha... priceless. :D but seriously, who on earth needs 12tb storage in total built into a computer???
  12. @Fastbee it's not the jiggle deformer that reacts to other objects, it's a collision deformer. the jiggle only modifies the result of the collision deformer. here's a file, hit the play button and move the cube around. but caution, playing around with those things is highly addictive. ;) freshbreast_D_0001.c4d
  13. the jiggle comes after the skin deformer, that's correct. but what's your character object doin in that hierarchy as a child of the main mesh? drag that out of there to the very top in your OM, everything should work then... if you're looking for a breast rig setup i may have something for you ;)
  14. i'm a happy pixelplow customer for about 1,5 years now, i render about 1-2 jobs a month there. pricing is insanely cheap if you bring a little bit of time. customer support is good, the render client software is easy to use and straight forward, wide range of plugins supported. when you up the power slider it gets much faster, but also more expensive. that slider can also be changed at any time, even while rendering. i usually leave it somewhere in the lowest quarter, and a few hours later i have all the frames back in my folder that would have taken days to render on my local machines, and all that for 10 bucks or so.
  15. happy new year everyone! i hope everyone stays healthy or gets healthy in the case of igor... personally i'm again aiming to get my work-life-balance in order for 2018, and as always i have no clue how to accomplish that. i've been working on the frequency of the use of the word "no" in the past years, somehow that word doesn't seem to mean anything though. #firstworldproblems
  16. 1.30 min :P ... i agree with everything you said, but there are cases where an extruded spline is way faster, no matter how skilled you are in poly modelling. of course i'm just arguing speed here, not beauty ;) btw, poly modelling something that takes most regular humanoids like myself at least 20 minutes, i'm in awe that you modelled it in 5 minutes o_O ... also it's not about being lazy, sometimes neither budget or deadline allow things to be properly modelled, so it's always good to have different tools in the pocket to skin the cat.
  17. i have to say i'm with king of snake on this one. all those star shapes and stuff would be most efficiently modelled by drawing out splines and extruding them, leaving the caps ngons. the model just gets unnecessarily heavy, slows down the viewport and slows down the rendering. i only see disadvantages here in cutting everything to quads, makes no sense at all. in cg the fastest way to get you there is always the right one, if it doesn't compromise the quality of the end result. and by end result i don't mean a wireframe render. if you wanna show off how good of a modeller you are that's another thing, but if you want to model it as quickly and efficient as possible and if you want to keep the poly count low then make those shapes ngons wherever you can.
  18. everfresh


    awesome. great ideas and nicely executed!
  19. looking great so far... any plans on what to do with it or is it just for the sake of modelling?
  20. a little animation and redshift rendering practice. skateboard model by vector.
  21. thanks guys :) @digitvisions there were 2 people doing the 3D animation, Michael Marczewski and Quentin Dubois, my part was just modelling and rigging the hero character.
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