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Everything posted by jessestormer

  1. Hey Kalugin -- you made this 'select similar geometry' script that had 'replace with render instance' as an option, first off -- I love it, and thank you SO much for creating this! It is really great for consolidating & simplifying scenes converted from other 3D engines, and stock models of rooms and architectural environments. (hundred of identical chairs, tables, lamps etc all scattered across a space) 

    The 'replace with instance' feature seems to no longer work with R20, would you be willing to update it for R20?

  2. I'm trying to come up with a much faster solution to the atom array, using spline/hair. I would like to be able to use ALL edges as splines -- interactively. I hope to be able to continue to animate using polygons/mesh, but -- at the top of my stack, convert all edges to spline. This of course works for a static object -- using the function 'edges to spline' but, it doesn't allow me to maintain interactivity/edit-ability and animation. Once I have that spline, I'll just be rendering it as an outline. Using the dirt shader would be GREAT but it doesn't seem to want to respond to non-connected edges. (my object is under a polyfx modifier, each polygon is entirely independent and broken apart. ) Currently I'm using the cloner on edges hack -- cloning a single polygon (long and thin) onto each edge. Works fine, but it's rather slow. Render time shot up like crazy. This spline solution SEEMS like it should be much faster. I feel like if someone made a plugin that's like the advanced atom array -- but converts everything underneath to a spline... they'd make a killing. thanks in advance for any assistance!
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