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  1. I’m trying to figure out whether the node system can be used in conjunction with other C4D feature such as Hair, Cloth, Fields, Vertex Maps, Selection tags, etc. For example, creating a procedural skirt on a rigged character. I would start with a loop selection around the hip, import the character in a Object Group Node and extrude it along the selection and add some smoothing to the extrusion. Theoretically, I would like to control the amount of extrusion by a field or vertex map in order to extrude the back part of the skirt longer than the front. In the object manager, I would add a Cloth and Belt Tag to the Object Group. Then I would belt the Object Group to the original Rig, which would require to select all points of the object group. It would also require a vertex map that uses the original object as field to control the “influence” of the Belt in the Belt Tag. So the influence would be 100% on the character area and gradually decreases along the extrusion (skirt). This would result the cloth skirt bending down. I also would like to add hair to the head and create Vertex Maps that can be used in Materials (no RS). However, I can’t figure out how to use the necessary Selection Tags, Vertex Maps, Fields, across the Node and Object Manager. The example described above is rather illustrative. But as it normally would require certain baking steps, I am wondering if it can be achieved procedurally by using the new Node System. The tutorials I found so far don’t really show how it is used in combination with other program functions. So it would be great to learn more. Thanks for any hint!
  2. Was trying to lock the centre of mass to a Fix Connector. It somehow works but unfortunately the centre of mass rotation axis flips every few seconds around 90 degree. So the whole character flips and as I couldn’t find a way to get the exact coordinate of the centre axis, I cant correct it. Tried it manually but it’s always a bit offset. Any ideas? I actually wanted to use this to let an animated character floating in zero gravity based on its movements. So when the arms, legs or torso is bending, the centre of mass moves and rotates (and reverse it). It actually looks quite convincing when it is fixed to the connector. But the abrupt rotation flipping spoils the whole thing...
  3. Thank you for the prompt help! I've cached the simulation, but don't know how to "get the bounding box". There is a Bounding Box node in xpresso, but it seems to define the total size of the object. I was also thinking to get the coordinates somehow through a connector, but still trying...
  4. When adding a Dynamics Tag to a moving and deforming mesh, the Centre of Gravity is constantly changing according to the mesh shape deformation. The center axis can be seen by enabling Dynamics Visualisation. Is there a way to get this center coordinates and pin another object to it?
  5. Is something like this still possible without the hair constraint tag?
  6. Thanks for your suggestions. Is there a way to use fields in a shader? When putting the splines into a field, the field should provide some vector into of the spline. I just need to get it into a shader for the spline/hair. I'm trying to achieve a look similar to visualizations of magnetic fields.
  7. Hi, is there a shader which reads the amount of curvature/bending of a spline and translate it into a gradient? So that straight parts of a spline appear brighter and as tighter the curves become as darker the spline segments appear. Many thanks for any hint!
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