Wow - haven't posted here in forever! Can't believe it's been 8 months. What a crazy spring it's been. Hope everyone is well.
Here is my entry into the Pixel Lab Jaguar material contest. I managed to squeeze this in between other jobs last March. Corona for Cinema.
I know it sounds lame, but the functionality of the S key for finding meshes in viewport or object manager is often overlooked and saves me so much time every hour of every day.
Have you tried checking the Normal direction? Select all the polygons while in Polygon mode and they should all be yellow. Any blue ones are reversed: right click on them and choose Reverse Normal or you can try Align Normals. Not sure if that's the problem, but that's the first thing I'd look at.
@Igor FYI: I'm not sure what changed, but as of today (Jan 19, 2023) I now have ads all over my screen on this site. Top bottom, left and right of my screen. I haven't changed anything and am still in good standing with my memberships.
Huh? See attached. I'm shooting particles down a spline via spline wrap. There is a tracer object on the emitter and then that all goes into a Sweep with an N side to draw the cables. In this example, I'm rotating and scaling the splines down to a twisty point. All good and working as expected.
Here's what I can't figure out: I want to randomize the scale of the Nside so I get slightly different sized cable diameters. Any ideas?
(PS - Don't have X particles - trying to keep this native).
Thanks Fritz! Yes, this happens with any vdb file and isn't specific to Pyro. I'll ask in the Corona forum and hope this isn't a limitation of the engine.
It's free 🙂 And I think it works better then the built in solution. Looks like he actually calls it Magic Solo. This might be personal preference, but I like it better since it is really simple - select your object/objects and hit the plug in. You get your objects and associated materials solo'd until you hit the button again. Simple.
Hi! I have a Pyro workflow question - maybe just VDBs in general. I've set up a sim - really simple smoke sliding down a ramp and into a "window" - just a simple test. I set up the sim and it looks good so I cache it. Then I turn off the Pyro elements in my scene and load in a Corona Volume Grid and load in the Cached VDB file:
Here's the question: The VDB bounding box gives me darkness/shadow/shading error where it overlaps the other geometry (see attached) - so how can I run the VDB sim through the geometry without getting this dark effect where it overlaps?