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Everything posted by EAlexander

  1. EAlexander


    Amazing as always. Nice drool dynamics! I can't believe how clean your topography is - so efficient - very inspiring. e.
  2. Yes! My prediction was spot on ;)
  3. Hi, It feels as if it is too contrasted between dry and wet. I think even the "dry" areas would have some reflection and be slightly damp and there is probably a less crisp edge between the two. Keep going!
  4. @VECTOR This thing is sweet - thank you! A great thing to study as I embark on learning how to properly SubD model. Tossed together a quick shot for testing. Thanks!
  5. If you're interested to hear me blab and blab on about my work (of course, you are!!) - I just collaborated with the Render Legion guys (maker of Corona) on a blog post about 3D in the Design Process for Live Concerts and Television Events. It's my favorite engine and they have been so great about letting us use it commercially for free while in development - I know I sound like a salesman, I'm not - just an enthusiastic user. The article is Cinema4d friendly as well! https://corona-renderer.com/blog/evan-alexander-3d-in-the-design-process-for-live-concerts-and-television-events/ e.
  6. I'm guessing with that much VRAM, this card is gear towards heavy calculations and sciency stuff, but who knows what they are thinking :)
  7. EAlexander


    I think you have a good start here. I might look at some rim light coming from the rear left to define the sculpted edge of your profile more. Contrast under the chin might be too much - makes the head float a bit too much. And finally - the glossiness seems even all over the skin - so maybe break that up with some noise or a specular map. e.
  8. Nerds! (beautiful model tho...)
  9. Did you make the label textures e. g. Harvest them from photos? Layout in AI? Buy them? Looks great.
  10. EAlexander

    Demoreel 2018

    Great work! Love the mechanical stuff. Nice to see a wider use of Corona.
  11. Cool project! What stands out to me is that the whole thing looks composited together and there is a uniformity of tone and lighting that it's lacking. I didn't think about it in the stills, but seeing the animation makes me wonder where and what that smoke is coming from... Hope that helps, Keep going! e.
  12. Every few days I come back and watch this again.
  13. Great work here - well done! Rather then just looking at tutorials (nothing against tutorials, I watch them all the time), but I would look at real world examples and also study traditional art and photography principles - composition, color theory, studio lighting. Really the best thing to do is practice and create a volume of work. Cars are very hard to light - have you looked at any reference materials? Find 5 car ads that you like and try to reproduce them - download a few free cars from Turbosquid and light and photograph them. Sometimes it's easier if it isn't your model since we tend to get emotionally attached to the things we create - it's hard to be "objective" when making camera and lighting choices. Also - the physical renderer in Cinema is very good and capable, but it is lacking in real time feedback. This is where something like Octane or Redshft can really come into play - being able to light and build shaders in real time will help you get to better results faster. It also opens you up to experimentation where happy accidents can sometimes make the best images. One needn't spend a ton of money on 3rd party renderers or souped up multi GPU rigs. Corona is my preferred renderer which is actually CPU based, but offers a real time IPR for instant feedback. While it is in beta, it is currently free - so check it out. Keep working at your 3D practice, but also look to other sources for education and inspiration. e.
  14. I expect that some people will be thrilled and talk about how MAXON is the greatest company on the planet. I expect that some people will be disappointed and talk about how MAXON is the worst company on the planet.
  15. Is this going to be the original or the Vitaly remake?
  16. EAlexander

    Unreal Engine

    Fantastic! Looks great. The new Whitney is nice, but I miss that building. Nice work.
  17. If you want to play with some Photogrammetry files - take a look at Sketchfab. There are a lot of meshes there for download that you can play with (non commercially). I've mixed photo scanned models with traditional modeled elements to get some cool stuff e.g. old buildings and insects).
  18. Looking very nice. I think the carpet in the second shot is too smooth and perfect. Some more bump on that would help move the light a bit differently. Keep going - practice, practice, practice!
  19. Take a look through: https://secure.axyz-design.com/metropoly-3d-people https://renderpeople.com/ https://humanalloy.com/ Don't know specifically about Footballers, but take a look. e.
  20. Can you not see the artist work on this site? Am I daft or do I need to register?
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