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Everything posted by Cybergooch

  1. So there are exporters to take C4D assets into Unity and UE5 game engines, I was wondering if you can go the other way around? There are quite a few models on the Unity and Unreal marketplaces and I'm assuming they could be exported through FBX and brought in to C4D. Just wondering if anybody knows of any importers.
  2. Using Redshift, I have a Color User Data set to Mograph Color to randomize the colors of these capsules in a white box. I then put the box with capsules in another cloner. Note the position of the colors are the same in each of the boxes. What do I do to randomize the placement of the colors in the different boxes?
  3. Hey thanks for this, it works great! Sharpears is correct with his comments, but the majority of my work when I need something like this is pretty clean geometric shapes that are planar and quads. This might not give desired reults in some cases, but will help a lot for architectural type work, etc.
  4. Thanks for the example. This is my first run-in with "capsules" so I have some catching up to do. I see how this would be useful, but it seems like it's primarily a step used to alter data rather than a selection mode. If I make this a child of an object, nothing seems to be actually selected in the scene, unless I'm doing something wrong.
  5. Thanks Srek, but I can't find this. Where is it located? Not sure what a capsule is.
  6. There used to be a plugin (a couple, actually) that let you select a polygon on a model, and then executing the plugin would select all the other faces that shared that normal direction. That plugin (a French one I believe, "Selection Suppletives" or something like that, doesn't seem to work in C4D 2023. Has this ability been built in yet, or is there another plugin or way to do this?
  7. So most of the time my Mograph usage is pretty basic...cloners, the occasional random effector, etc. I'd like to learn more about what's possible, and wondered if anyone could recommend any good tutorials. I am specifically wanting to learn about the best ways to distribute lots of small objects over the surface of another object, but then using either textures or vertex maps to control things like placement, scaling, of the objects, color variations, etc. Thanks!
  8. Although not *directly* related to C4D, Affinity is having a 30% off sale on their products. I started working with Affinity Photo instead of Photoshop a while back Affinity Sale
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