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Everything posted by mlon

  1. Hi CG-fans! Nice of you to drop by and check out my little corner where I would like to present my handmade texture collections. https://mlon.gumroad.com/ No shameless self-promotion whatsoever here! 🙂 This started out as a free-time fun project where I made photos of my surroundings and created textures from them that I gave away reaaally long ago on Cg Channel and Lightwave forums. Then I thought of creating a few new packs because I like doing it and see if I can sell them to likeminded people who could use them in their projects. I am mostly focused on archviz and have worked on several tv-series, animations and movies. So, here I am selling you my stuff! 🙂 Each material has a C4D scene and rendered with Corona. This is my first Gumroad page and am not even sure it works. We'll see if I have set it up properly, haha! Anyway, if you have suggestions, problems or tips then don't hesitate and let me know. Oh and if you buy 2 packs you get the third for free. Just shoot me a mail with the ones you bought and I will send you the third one. Thanks! Cheers, mlon
  2. Mostly experimental electronic music. - Autechre _ Lorn - Squarepusher - Venetian Snares - Geskia - Synalegg Lots more like this.
  3. Cheers all for the info. One more question. What happens when i load a model with Redshift materials made in 2024 in C4D R23? Will it be all black? mlon
  4. Hehe, who doesn't love Adobe!? 🙂 MJV, thanks! Are the materials inside C4D unified for Redshift and Physical renderer? So no need for special Redshift materials and you can render the same object with Redshift and Physical renderer and therefore able to load that object into R23? mlon
  5. Hey and thanks for the answers! However JBATISTA, i am talking about R23 and not version 2023. R23 is several versions back. mlon
  6. Hey there, our studio is still on R23 and we are considering a few C4D 2024 licenses. How is the compatibility between those versions concerning model exchange? I would like to know if we can exchange models since Redshift is now the default renderer and has its own materials i reckon. Does a 2024 model load in R23, so we can modify it further there? Can we also load 2024 scenes in R23? Thanks! Cheers, mlon
  7. How do i get an extra Material Manager panel so i can organize and drag drop materials around? cheers, mlon
  8. Why change? You can have it as an option in the preferences. It would save millions of keystrokes for me.
  9. Please shake some chairs at Maxon and make this happen! My fingers and wrist would be thankfull.
  10. is there an undate on this somewhere? https://safina3d.blogspot.com/2012/04/zmanipulator-v10b.html#comment-form
  11. Hey there, is there a gizmo that has move, scale and rotate all in one? Saving hundreds of thousands keystrokes would be beneficial right?? Yeh i know, i have crazy ideas sometimes... 🙂 mlon
  12. yeh, Cineversity... who remembers that right? Those were the times.. 🙂 Maybe there's a script wizard that could whip something up? That would be really usefull. ** OK, i found it! 🙂 It's here.. https://github.com/aturtur/cinema4d-scripts called AR_ImportImageFolder.py but there are allot more goodies. This script loads all images from a folder and names the materials accordingly but does not insert images in existing materials. This however helps allot to get the materials done. cheers, mlon
  13. yeh, Cineversity... who remembers that right? Those were the times.. 🙂 Maybe there's a script wizard that could whip something up? That would be really usefull.
  14. This by the way is often an issue with imported models where there is no image linked (path) in the material.
  15. Hi there, i am trying to find a script i once had that loads textures into excisting materials based on name of the material and texture of the same name. Material > 'book01' loads book01.jpg into diffuse slot. Material > 'gray_wood' loads gray_wood.png into diffuse slot. So disregarding image type (jpg, png, etc) it loads the image into the material based on the name. All in one go, so when you have 10 materials it loads the correct images into the diffuse slots. Anyone know where to find this? cheers, mlon
  16. Maxtree 40% off. https://maxtree.org/ mlon
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